Top 49 Books & Reference Apps Like व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi - Best Alternatives

व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi alternatives for Android? We have listed 49 Books & Reference that are similar to व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi. Pick one from this list to be your new व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi on your Android devices.

Top 49 Apps Like व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like व्रत कथा - Marathi Vrat Katha Sangrah Puja Vidhi 2025.

Gujarati Books

Gujarati Books

Price: Free Developer: Vishal Production


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Price: Free Developer: 博客來數位科技
МТС Библиотека — читать и слушать книги онлайн

МТС Библиотека — читать и слушать книги онлайн

МТС Библиотека – приложение, предназначенное для того, чтобы читать книги, слушать аудиокниги и хранить архивные и новые номера журналов и газет. Теперь с функцией читалки форматов ePub и PDF!Целая библиотека по цене одной книги всегда с вами:Читайте удобно: ...

Price: Free Developer: MTS PJSC
Goodbook - Read & Listen to Book Summaries

Goodbook - Read & Listen to Book Summaries

Enjoy easy to read and listen-to summaries from the world's best non-fiction.Get key insights from bestsellers on business, leadership, motivation, psychology, lifestyle, and more.Have you ever felt you have so many books on your bookshelf, but don't have enough...

Price: Free Developer: Books, Inc
Lost Books of the Bible w Forgotten Books of Eden

Lost Books of the Bible w Forgotten Books of Eden

Lost Books of the BibleThis is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but which were later excluded from the canonical Bible. It includes accounts of the young...

Price: Free Developer: Daily Bible Apps
Islamic Books Collection & Online Books To Read

Islamic Books Collection & Online Books To Read

Download Islamic book online and read Islamic book offline. A collection of Islamic Books in different languages on the topics of Quran and Hadith with Tafseer with History of Islam. Free Islamic ebook and Read text book offline.It also...

bd law books of bangladesh আইন বই বাংলাদেশ

bd law books of bangladesh আইন বই বাংলাদেশ

আইন সবার জন্যই সমান। যেখানে মানুষ সুশৃঙ্খল ভাবে বসবাস করতে চায় সেখানেই প্রয়োজন পড়ে কিছু নিয়ম বা নীতিমালার। এই নিয়মনীতিকেই আইন বা ল বলা হয়ে থাকে। আমাদের দেশে বিভিন্ন আইন বই পাওয়া যায় , যেখানে বিভিন্ন আইনের সূচি আকারে...

Price: Free Developer: Marvelous Lab
Free Books & Audiobooks

Free Books & Audiobooks

Listen & read free books. This free app contain thousands of free books and audiobooks. Browse the most popular free books, search and find a book you love. Download free books to read offline. Free booksYou can download free...

Price: Free Developer: Free Books Studio
BOOKS HUB : Download Books for Free

BOOKS HUB : Download Books for Free

In this Books Hub App get the collection of All Books, Summaries, Notes, Stories and Novels of all time. You can directly download these Books and Novels and read offline at your own time.We have selected best books in...

Price: Free Developer: Books App Studio
भाषा संचालनालय

भाषा संचालनालय

राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे शासनाचे धोरण राबवण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र शासनाने, शासन निर्णय सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९बी, दिनांक ६ जुलै, १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना केली. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना या धोरणामध्ये पुढील बाबींचा समावेश होतो :-१....

Price: Free Developer: मराठी भाषा विभाग
मराठी टोमणे - Marathi Tomane

मराठी टोमणे - Marathi Tomane

Read more than 1300 of the most funny Marathi Tomane (मराठी टोमणे) in single app.मराठी टोमणे, खुप जणांना टोमणे मारण्याची सवय असते, आता खास तुमचासाठी खुपसारा हास्यकल्लोळ आणि टोमन्यांचा खजिना घेऊन आला आहे मराठी टोमणे अप्प…• More than 1300...

Price: Free Developer: Banaka
Bhagavadgita Marathi

Bhagavadgita Marathi

खास आपल्या मराठी बांधवांसाठी आम्ही बनिविले आहे हा श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता अनुप्रयोग जो आपण आपल्या अँड्रॉइड भ्रमणध्वनी वर वाचू शकता, कधीही व कोठेही.या अनुप्रयोगामध्ये आपल्याला श्रीमद्भगवद्गीतेचे मूळ श्लोक व त्या श्लोकाचे मराठीत भाषांतर सहज व सोप्या भाषेत दिले आहे.भगवद्‌गीता हा...

Price: Free Developer: DRS Apps
Marathi Talking Dictionary

Marathi Talking Dictionary

English<>Marathi Bilingual Talking Dictionary : Translate any English word to Marathi & Marathi to English by KHANDBAHALE.COMDownload world's most popular English<>Marathi Bilingual Talking Dictionary for your android based Phone/Tablet...It's Free! © KHANDBAHALE.COM | खांडबहाले.कॉम ... a free multilingual dictionary...

Price: Free Developer: KHANDBAHALE.COM
Marathi to English Dictionary

Marathi to English Dictionary

Marathi to English Dictionary : Translate any Marathi word to English by KHANDBAHALE.COMDownload world's most popular Marathi to English Dictionary for your android based Phone/Tablet...It's Free! © KHANDBAHALE.COM | खांडबहाले.कॉम ... a free multilingual dictionary !

Price: Free Developer: KHANDBAHALE.COM
Marathi Ukhane - मराठी उखाणे आठवण अतूट क्षणाची. ?

Marathi Ukhane - मराठी उखाणे आठवण अतूट क्षणाची. ?

Marathi Ukhane(मराठी उखाणे) - नवरी आणि नवऱ्यासाठी लग्नतील उखाणे .नवरीसाठी उखाणेनवऱ्यासाठी उखाणेसणवार उखाणेघास भरवणे उखाणेगमतीदार उखाणेसप्तपदी उखाणेगृहप्रवेश उखाणेऋतुवार उखाणेThis app contains some special and beautiful Marathi Ukhane. Ukhane is a Maharashtrian custom where the wife takes the husband's name...

Price: Free Developer:
शब्दकोश (Shabdakosh)

शब्दकोश (Shabdakosh)

१ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा...

Price: Free Developer: मराठी भाषा विभाग
Marathi Books and Novels मराठी पुस्तके

Marathi Books and Novels मराठी पुस्तके

We are pleased to bring you finest collection of books, novels, stories and kadambari in Marathi. You can bookmark them for easy reading, share them with friends and family. The books are stored offline so you don't need internet...

Price: Free Developer: Sahitya Adhyay
Marathi Books Collection

Marathi Books Collection

We have consistently delivered high quality content apps in marathi. After our superhit Pustakalya app we bring to you the next installation in Marathi Books Collection.This app has some amazing marathi books around mythology, science, fiction and fantasy.This app...

Price: Free Developer: Amy81
English To Marathi Translator - Marathi Dictionary

English To Marathi Translator - Marathi Dictionary

🔥 #1 English to Marathi Translator App & Marathi to English Translator AppTranslate English text to Marathi using our free English to Marathi Translator App. You can also use the app for Marathi to English Voice Translator.People ❤️...

Price: Free Developer: Translate-App
Vrat Katha - Kevda trij - Dashama - Ekadashi vrat

Vrat Katha - Kevda trij - Dashama - Ekadashi vrat

Vrat Katha is a collection of Vrat Katha in the Gujarati Language. Here you can find a large collection of Vrat Katha (fast stories) like – Somvar Vrat Katha, Shivratri Vrat Katha , Gauri puja, Kevda trij Vrat Katha...

Price: Free Developer: Mobillee Apps
Shree Vrat Katha

Shree Vrat Katha

Shree Vrat Katha book was written by Aksharvasi Purani Swami Keshavprasad DasjiFeatures- Offline reading, allowing it to work without an internet connection.- Change Text Colour to suit environment and preference- Change Font Size for ease of reading- Auto scroll...

Price: Free Developer: Shree Swaminarayan Temple Bhuj
Vrat Katha in Hindi

Vrat Katha in Hindi

Hinduism is often described as a religion of fasts, feasts and festivals. Fasting is a Hindu tradition to please God, by controlling and curbing one's desires. Fasts, most commonly known as Upvaas or Vrat are the days when devotees...

Price: Free Developer: Indic Apps
Vaibhav Laxmi Vrat in Hindi

Vaibhav Laxmi Vrat in Hindi

Fasting is a Hindu tradition to please God, by controlling and curbing one's desires. Fasts, most commonly known as Upvaas or Vrat are the days when devotees refrain themselves from food or water. Fast of Goddess Laxmi is observed...

Price: Free Developer: Indic Apps
Dev Uthani Ekadasi Vrat Katha--Gyaras

Dev Uthani Ekadasi Vrat Katha--Gyaras

This app contains Dev Uthani Ekadasi Vrat Katha and Audio (देवउठनी एकादशी व्रत कथा पढ़ें और सुने)Dev Uthani Ekadasi Vrat Katha (देवउठनी एकादशी व्रत कथा )app contains1. Dev Uthani Ekadasi Vrat Katha Text(देवउठनी एकादशी व्रत कथा पढ़ें)2. Dev Uthani...

Price: Free Developer: AppsbyBhumika
Santoshi Mata Vrat, Matra, Chalisa, Arati in Hindi

Santoshi Mata Vrat, Matra, Chalisa, Arati in Hindi

Santoshi Mata (संतोषी माता) or Santoshi Maa (संतोषी माँ) is a goddess in the Hindu religion. She is venerated as "the Mother of Happiness", the meaning of her name. Santoshi Mata is particularly worshipped by women of India and...

Price: Free Developer: Sahitya Adhyay
Satya Narayan Vrat Katha Hindi

Satya Narayan Vrat Katha Hindi

Sathyanarayana Pooja is the best way to seek blessings of Lord Vishnu.It is performed before and/or after the fulfillment of one's desires.It is also performed every year, to maintain the general happiness, prosperity and well being of the family.Satya...

Price: Free Developer: Sahitya Chintan
Navratri Vrat Katha Punjabi

Navratri Vrat Katha Punjabi

Navaratri also spelled Navratri or Navarathri, is a nine nights (and ten days) Hindu festival, celebrated in the autumn every year. The festival is celebrated in the bright half of the Hindu calendar month Ashvin, which typically falls in...

Price: Free Developer: Hariti
Vrat Katha & Puja Vidhi

Vrat Katha & Puja Vidhi

Marathi Vrat Katha | Vrat Katha In Marathi | Puja Vidhi In MarathiMarathi Vrat Katha and Puja Vidhi is a complete collection of all fast (vrat) stories (katha) and Puja Vidhi of hinduism in marathi.Hindu is the religion of...

Price: Free Developer: Tiger Queen Apps
Katha Gonuwa Sinhala Nawakatha / Adara Keti Katha

Katha Gonuwa Sinhala Nawakatha / Adara Keti Katha

සිංහල නවකතා කෙටිකථා කියවන පාඨක ඔබ සදහාම ලස්සන ආදර කතා | නව කතා | කෙටි කතා | අබිරහස් ඇතුළු කතා රැසක් ඇතුළත් වේ. තවද මෙහි විශේෂත්වය නම් ඔබට කිසිදු මාසික ගාස්තුවක් හෝ subscribe කිරීමක් නොකොට සියලුම කතා නොමිලේ...

Price: Free Developer: Sinhala Apps - Lyrics Chords Mems Stiker Post
पौराणिक कथा | Pauranik Katha

पौराणिक कथा | Pauranik Katha

Pauranik Stories includes top Marathi Devotional Stories with Moral for all to learn and enjoy in Marathi for free.Get all kind of amazing Marathi Pauranik Stories | पौराणिक कथा, गोष्टी in Marathi language.This app provides you largest collection of...

Price: Free Developer: Hira Studio
Marathi Pauranik Katha Sangrah

Marathi Pauranik Katha Sangrah

Marathi Pauranik Katha Sangrah (मराठी पौराणिक कथा संग्रह) android app includes large collection of mythological stories in Marathi Language.Here we bring to you a collection of popular mythological stories that will take you to times of yore when gods...

Price: Free Developer: DRS Apps
Panchatantra Katha Sangrah (Marathi)

Panchatantra Katha Sangrah (Marathi)

Panchatantra Katha Sangrah (पंचतंत्र कथा संग्रह) android app includes large collection of stories from the famous Panchatantra Stories in Marathi Language.Panchatantra which literally means "Five Lessons of Wisdom" is a collection of fascinating stories narrated by Vishnu Sharma. Here...

Price: Free Developer: DRS Apps
सत्यनारायण पूजा व कथा | Satyanarayan Katha Marathi

सत्यनारायण पूजा व कथा | Satyanarayan Katha Marathi

🔯 सत्यनारायण पूजा व कथा | Satyanarayan Katha in MarathiThe Satyanarayan Puja is a religious worship of the Hindu god Vishnu. Satya means “truth” and narayana means, “The highest being” so Satyanarayan means “The highest being who is...

Price: Free Developer: CSS Style Kit
Dharmik katha-hindi

Dharmik katha-hindi

Dharmik Katha Hindi Kahaniya is the app for Hindi, Dharmik and Pauranik Story / Kahani Lovers .We have picked thousands of really known and famous hindi, dharmik and pauranik stories / kahani in our app. It contains wonderful stories...

Price: Free Developer: kaushik vegad
Vaibhav laxmi vrat katha

Vaibhav laxmi vrat katha

शुक्रवार को लक्ष्मी देवी का व्रत रखा जाता है। इसे वैभवलक्ष्मी व्रत भी कहा जाता है। इस दिन स्त्री-पुरुष देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा-अर्चना करते हुए श्वेत पुष्प, श्वेत चंदन से पूजा कर तथा चावल और खीर से भगवान को...

Price: Free Developer: DhadbadatiApps
Nepali Katha (नेपाली कथा)

Nepali Katha (नेपाली कथा)

Nepali Katha is story collection app for readers. It gives you to read story from Nepal and Nepalese. If you want to post your story in the app, you can. It is no any cost for you. We want...

Price: Free Developer: innovative app maker
Marathi Bodh Katha बोध कथा

Marathi Bodh Katha बोध कथा

Marathi Bodh Katha बोध कथाThis app contains Marathi short stories with moral for everyone. These inspirational stories have been selected carefully which impart wisdom, knowledge along the with moral.App contents the following :-- Marathi top Stories.- Marathi katha.-...

Price: Free Developer: Mahadev Bhel
Chalisa Sangrah in Hindi

Chalisa Sangrah in Hindi

Chalisa is a devotional song based on Lord as the model devotee. You Can get total 15 Chalisa in this book. Chalisa included in this book are as follows -01. Shree Hanuman Chalisa02. Shree Shani Chalisa03. Shree Shiv Chalisa04....

Price: Free Developer: Sahitya Chintan
Chalisa Sangrah

Chalisa Sangrah

Chalisa means "forty verse" prayers . Verses that praise and plead with devotion. They are recited over and over again or chanted by groups. The acts and deeds od deities are recalled in these verses to aid the...

Price: Free Developer: Free Info Hunt
Aaarti Sangrah

Aaarti Sangrah

All God and Godess Aarties, Stotram., Mantras, Chalisa and Saptah aarties in single application with very cool and nice looking UI.👉FOLLOWING GOD'S AARTIES ARE ADDED:• Ganesh• Hanuman• Shree Krishna• Shree Ram• Shiv• Shree Jagdish• Shree Satyanarayan• Suryadev• Shree Khatu...

Price: Free Developer: Tejaswini Kote
मराठी आरती संग्रह Sampoorna Aarti Sangrah Marathi

मराठी आरती संग्रह Sampoorna Aarti Sangrah Marathi

Aartis are the verses or sonnets (poetic or lyrical), in the introductory or in the form of praise of a God. Here we have provided you with aartis (devotional songs) of various Indian gods and goddesses in the Marathi...

Price: Free Developer: CSS Style Kit
Chalisa sangrah-Hindi

Chalisa sangrah-Hindi

Free application Collection of popular Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Chalisa is a spiritual form of prayer in Hinduism, in which there are forty verses in praise of the Great GOD. Chalisa of different deities are very popular among devotees...

Price: Free Developer: TransalationApps
Ashtakam sangrah

Ashtakam sangrah

Asthakam is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Astak', meaning "Eight". In the context of poetic compositions. 'Astakam' refers to a particular form of poetry. It is a form of Archana worship usually offered to the deity with a recital...

Price: Free Developer: DhadbadatiApps
Aarti sangrah hindi

Aarti sangrah hindi

Some of the popular forms of prayers are mantras, shlokas, aartis, chalisas, bhajans, and chanting of god names. The main motive of Prayer or worship for the Hindu worshipper is making a spiritual connection with the divine; expressing one's...

Price: Free Developer: DhadbadatiApps
Aarti Sangrah

Aarti Sangrah

We have brought a collection of Aartis in hindi with lyrics and large collection.Contains the following Aaritis.★ Ganesh ji ki Aarti (Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Deva )★ Lakshmi Mata Ki Aarti (Om Jai Lakshmi Mata)★ Hanumanji Ki Aarti (Arati...

Price: Free Developer: Only Android Devs
Aarti Sangrah

Aarti Sangrah

Price: Free Developer: webtapps
Chalisa Sangrah

Chalisa Sangrah

This app allow the people to read All Gods, Goddesses and Sants Chalisa on electronic gadgets like phones and tablets.--CONTENT----GODS CHALISA--Shri Hanuman ChalisaShri Bajrang BaanShri Ganesh ChalisaShri Shiv ChalisaShri Shani ChalisaShri Krishna ChalisaShri Rama ChalisaShri Surya Deva Chalisa--GODDESSES CHALISA--Durga...

Price: Free Developer: webtapps

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