Top 38 Medical Apps Like Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts - Best Alternatives

Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts alternatives for Android? We have listed 38 Medical that are similar to Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts. Pick one from this list to be your new Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts on your Android devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Medical Reminder–Pill Alarm and Appointment Alerts 2025.

Medical Terminology Dictionary:Search&Vocabulary

Medical Terminology Dictionary:Search&Vocabulary

Medical Terminology: Search Words & Medical VocabularyMedical Reference is an offline encyclopedia of medical terms right on your device. More than 40 thousand of thematic articles: definition medical terms, phrases, abbreviations, deciphered in English.This application allows you to...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Group Soft
Medical terms (OFFLINE)

Medical terms (OFFLINE)

A quick Medical Terminology Reference app for all.Medical Terms and Dictionary with common and uncommon words, terms and phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs, NPs, medical students, nursing students and more.With this simple, powerfull and free app you can...

Price: USD 1.49 Developer: Medical Group Soft
Virtual Medical Care

Virtual Medical Care

Virtual Medical Care provides you and your family with on demand access to a team of qualified doctors. You will receive rapid, direct access to a doctor who is well-versed in primary care. The doctor will help you to...

Price: Free Developer: Advance Medical Android
HAMILTON-C6 ventilator and patient simulation

HAMILTON-C6 ventilator and patient simulation

Simulated HAMILTON-C6 critical care ventilator from Hamilton Medical and physiological patient model featuring:• Fully simulated ventilator graphical user interface including all control and alarm settings and most ventilation modes • Real-time monitoring values, curves, and visualization for all relevant parameters –...

Price: Free Developer: Hamilton Medical
E Numbers halal & haram (Free)

E Numbers halal & haram (Free)

Among health fanatics, E numbers have gained a reputation for being worse than Frankenstein’s monster. Critics claim they trigger everything from hyperactivity and mood disorders to life-threatening diseases. Main Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Group Soft
Медицинские термины

Медицинские термины

Справочник медицинских терминов от А до Я. Удобный формат, не нужен интернет, моментальный поиск. Словарь содержит определения к более чем 10 000 медицинским терминам. Справочник медицинских терминов будет полезен как студентам медицинских вузов так и всем интересующимся медициной. ...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Medical Group Soft
E Numbers Halal and Haram

E Numbers Halal and Haram

Among health fanatics, E numbers have gained a reputation for being worse than Frankenstein’s monster. Critics claim they trigger everything from hyperactivity and mood disorders to life-threatening diseases. Main Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Medical Group Soft
Full Code - Emergency Medicine Simulation

Full Code - Emergency Medicine Simulation

Full Code challenges you to take on complex clinical cases in a realistic 3D emergency room. Whether you are a medical student, resident, paramedic, nurse, PA or experienced physician you will enjoy the challenge of solving Full Code...

Price: Free Developer: Minerva Medical Simulation, Inc.
Medical Dictionary Free & Offline - Diseases

Medical Dictionary Free & Offline - Diseases

A free medical dictionary offline app on medical diseases & disorders with detailed definitions, signs & symptoms, diagnosis, causes, prognosis, prevention and treatment.With detailed information on 1000s of diseases and probable prescription drug info, this app is a free...

Price: Free Developer: Van Solutions
Medical Terminology Quiz

Medical Terminology Quiz

One of the best ways to learn is to try to apply your knowledge. This never ending medical terminology quiz app works offline so you can try question after question about the Prefixes, Roots and Suffixes of medical words...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John McGrath
BIG Alarm

BIG Alarm

Simple alarm clock from the authors of award winning BIG Launcher interface.✓ Easy to read - large font and high contrast color scheme✓ Easy to control - large buttons for changing the alarm✓ One time alarm, or recurring every...

Price: Free Developer: BIG Launcher
Alarm Obat - Pengingat Minum Obat

Alarm Obat - Pengingat Minum Obat

Aplikasi Alarm Obat adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhana untuk pengingat waktu minum obat baik untuk pribadi atau orang lain.Aplikasi ini sangat cocok digunakan oleh dokter atau perawat yang harus terus memberikan obat untuk pasien pada interval waktu tertentu.Fitur dalam Aplikasi...

Price: Free Developer: Syaban
Pill Reminder - Pill Tracker & Medicine Alarm

Pill Reminder - Pill Tracker & Medicine Alarm

Pill Reminder - Pill Tracker & Medicine Alarm is an easy-to-use and reliable app that helps you remember to take medications at the right time. It is very simple to set up and use. Pill reminder is the perfect...

Price: Free Developer: Coloring Games and Coloring Book for Adults
Alarm Memo Clock

Alarm Memo Clock

Alarm Memo Clock is good task reminder for the following group of people:1. Those who hard to get up in the morning -The clock will not turn off until you answering mathematical exerciseby difficulty level you set (easy...

Price: Free Developer: Androcalc
Easy Pill Reminder with Alarm - Dr. Elephant

Easy Pill Reminder with Alarm - Dr. Elephant

💊 Our pill reminder is suitable for long term users who take their medication every day. It is much easier to setup than other solutions. However, it is not suitable for occasional pill users who need to set...

Price: Free Developer: Dr Elephant
My Account Manager

My Account Manager

Manage your Bay Alarm Medical account details and update your billing information.

Price: Free Developer: Bay Alarm Medical, LLC
Pill Reminder - Medication Tracker with Alarm

Pill Reminder - Medication Tracker with Alarm

Pill Reminder - With this app you won't forget to take your medications at the right time. It's easy to use and reliable. It allows you to create any type of recurring reminders (every X hours, specific times, daily,...

Price: Free Developer: Sergio Licea
Medicine Alarm App

Medicine Alarm App

Our reminder app for medicaments will always remind you when you have to take your medicaments. If you need to control your medication or if you need to take important medicine at a specific time, then our new medicine...

Price: Free Developer: Marco Meyer
Pill Reminder : Medicine Tracker

Pill Reminder : Medicine Tracker

Price: Free Developer: Miled Apps Studio
Panic Diary: A anxiety tracker app

Panic Diary: A anxiety tracker app

The panic diary offers you a quick and uncomplicated option to track, sort and take a look back at your anxiety & panic attacks. It is a anxiety tracker, a mood tracker. The method of documentation is based on...

Price: Free Developer: Body & Mind Meditation
Panik Tagebuch: Angsttagebuch bei Panikattacken

Panik Tagebuch: Angsttagebuch bei Panikattacken

Das Paniktagebuch bietet Ihnen eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Möglichkeit, Ihre Angst-und/oder Panikattacken aufzuzeichnen, einzuordnen und rückblickend auszuwerten. Die Aufzeichnungsart basiert auf ärztlichen und psychotherapeutischen Aufzeichnungsempfehlungen. Lernen Sie sich und Ihren Körper besser zu verstehen und Situationen und Gegebenheiten, die...

Price: Free Developer: Body & Mind Meditation
Keine Panik: Hilfe bei Panikattacken

Keine Panik: Hilfe bei Panikattacken

Die Keine Panik App bietet Ihnen u.a. eine schnelle und unkomplizierte Akuthilfe während einer Angstattacke oder Panikattacke, in Form von eigens entwickelten und gesprochenen Audio- und Textdateien.Folgen Sie verschiedenen Hilfestellungen und lernen Sie mit Ihrer Angst und Panik umzugehen....

Price: Free Developer: Body & Mind Meditation
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment

60th anniversary edition of the most popular, relied-upon guide to internal medicine. Single source reference that has authoritative, evidence-based coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders including concise, yet thorough synopsis of diagnosis and treatment. Written by clinicians...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Medical Mnemonics and Facts

Medical Mnemonics and Facts

Quick facts and mnemonic in general medicines. Very helpful in clinical practice and exam. It covers general medicines and all other sub-specialties.function:----------live search bar, allow user to filter topic and content with keyword and fast-categorized content-zoomable and scalable contents

Price: Free Developer: Big Dipper
Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Notes of human anatomy & physiology with graphical representation to learn easy for for medical,para medical & medicine students professional.It all most cover all important sections unit wise which are given below :UNIT 1: THE BODY AS A WHOLE Organization...

Price: Free Developer: Light of Learning
Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology

Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology

Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology (JCAD) is a peer-reviewed publication that has already become an important addition to the field of dermatology. Under the expert editorial leadership of James Del Rosso, DO, and Philip Werschler, MD, JCAD provides...

Price: Free Developer: Matrix Medical Communication
ECG Notes : Interpretation and Management Guide

ECG Notes : Interpretation and Management Guide

ECG Notes: Interpretation and Management Guide. Indispensable pocket guide presents the basics ACLS and CPR algorithms, emergency medications, and comprehensive information on monitoring leads and interpretation of over 100 ECG strips, including 12-lead and pacemaker rhythms. Download the FREE...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Safe Pregnancy & Birth

Safe Pregnancy & Birth

This newly updated version of Hesperian Health Guides’ award-winning app provides accurate, up-to-date information for health educators and expectant mothers in low-resource settings. Developed by the publishers of Where There Is No Doctor, it provides life-saving information in clear,...

Price: Free Developer: Hesperian Health Guides
CareRyte - Book Doctor Appointment, Order Medicine

CareRyte - Book Doctor Appointment, Order Medicine

CareRyte is one of the best online healthcare platform in India offering services like online doctor appointment booking, ordering medicines etc. along with a number of other upcoming services.We help you find doctors nearby you for your health problems,...

Price: Free Developer: CareRyte - Find Doctors, Clinics, Book Appointment
Curofy - Medical Cases, Chat, Appointment

Curofy - Medical Cases, Chat, Appointment

A new, improved RoundGlass Curofy – coming soon.Curofy - India's Largest Community of Doctors.Your Single app to manage Patient Appointments, Clinic and Community of Doctors.Curofy now not only connects you to the community but also helps you manage your...

Price: Free Developer: Curofy
Credihealth: Doctor Appointment,Medical Assistance

Credihealth: Doctor Appointment,Medical Assistance

Credihealth app brings an entire spectrum of healthcare services at your fingertips and ensures that you and your loved ones are taken care of at the time of medical need.With Credihealth you can:- Book appointments at the best hospitals and consult the best doctors at...

Price: Free Developer: Credihealth
UniDoc - Doctor Appointment

UniDoc - Doctor Appointment

UniDoc - Doctor Appointment will help the user to book an appointment with enlisted doctors in UAE through the App. Without making a call to the clinics or hospitals you will be able to see the available slots for...

Price: Free Developer: Universal Medical
Dentist - Dental clinic appointment manager

Dentist - Dental clinic appointment manager

Dentist application is designed for dentists to use daily in their professional activities. Dental ofiice appointment manager will help you to keep information on patient visit : root canal treatment, teeth whitening, braces, tmj, tooth extraction. Dental chart and...

Price: Free Developer: AvvaStyle
Doctor Appointment Reminder

Doctor Appointment Reminder

Forgetting is a common complaint/factor that everyone shares. “Doctor’s Appointment Reminder” application helps you to remember your important meeting dates with Doctor or to visit hospital. Following are the features of Doctor’s appointment reminder application• Reminds your...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: TTB Global
Doctor Appointment Lite

Doctor Appointment Lite

Get our new "Medicine reminder application" : is a common complaint/factor that everyone shares. “Doctor’s Appointment Reminder” application helps you to remember your important meeting dates with Doctor or to visit hospital. Following are the features of...

Price: Free Developer: TTB Global
KhojoDoctor - Find Best Doctors | Book Appointment

KhojoDoctor - Find Best Doctors | Book Appointment

As the name shows Khojo Doctor is basically an app for finding doctors, making a selection of best doctor available depending various specialisations (like Pedodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral Diagnosis and Radiology, Oral Pathology, Public Health...

Price: Free Developer: Khojolocal Pvt. Ltd.
Appointment Manager: Doctors

Appointment Manager: Doctors

This app makes it easier for doctors to manage all of their patient appointments easily and efficiently. The “Appointment Manger for Doctors” is designed exclusively for doctors who take advantage of Medindia’s Online Appointment application– a free benefit available...

Price: Free Developer: Medindia

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