Top 32 Food & Drink Apps Like ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List - Best Alternatives

ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List alternatives for Android? We have listed 32 Food & Drink that are similar to ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List. Pick one from this list to be your new ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List on your Android devices.

Top 32 Apps Like ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 32 similar apps like ChefTap: Recipe Clipper, Planner and Grocery List 2025.

সুস্বাদু ফাস্টফুড রেসিপি | Fast Food Recipe

সুস্বাদু ফাস্টফুড রেসিপি | Fast Food Recipe

ফাস্টফুড খেতে ভালোবাসেন অনেকেই। ঝামেলা কম বলে নাস্তায় কিংবা টিফিনে ফাস্টফুডেরই চাহিদা থাকে বেশি। তাই রেস্টুরেন্টে গিয়ে কিংবা ফাস্টফুডের দোকান থেকে ফাস্টফুডের নানা রকমের খাবার খেয়ে থাকি নিশ্চয়ই। কিন্তু বাইরে তৈরি ফাস্টফুড ততটা স্বাস্থ্যকর নয়। ফাস্টফুডের আইটেমগুলো বেশি স্বাস্থ্যকর...

Price: Free Developer: Ditu Recipe
পানীয় রেসিপি | Drink Recipe

পানীয় রেসিপি | Drink Recipe

গরমকালের একটা বড় সমস্যা ডিহাইড্রেশন। শরীরে জলের পরিমাণ কমে আসে, ফলে শরীর শুষ্ক হয়ে পড়ে। কাজেই, পর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণে জল ও জল জাতীয় পানীয় খাওয়া জরুরি। তবে রাস্তার পাশে খোলা পানীয় থেকে দূরে থাকাই উত্তম। গরমে প্রাণ জুড়াতে ঘরেই তৈরি...

Price: Free Developer: Ditu Recipe
Recipe Calendar - Meal Planner

Recipe Calendar - Meal Planner

This meal planner saves your time cooking! It's easy to use: choose a meal plan, go shopping with a grocery list, and cook your meals using step-by-step directions. You'll like our foods! Want something special for dinner? Find a...

Price: Free Developer: Harmonic Soft
বাংলা রেসিপি সব কিছু-bangla recipe all in one

বাংলা রেসিপি সব কিছু-bangla recipe all in one

বাংলাদেশ সহ সকল মুসলিমদের খাবারের রেসিপি হয়ে থাকে এক রকম , আর অপর দিকে হিন্দু বা অন্যান্য ধর্মাবলম্বী দের রান্না রেসিপি হয় আরেক রকম। সকল ধর্মেই কিছু ধর্মীয় আনুষ্ঠানিকতা রয়েছে। মুসলিমরা তাদের দুই ঈদ সহ অন্যান্য অনুষ্ঠানে বিভিন্ন রকমের...

Price: Free Developer: All Bangla App 71
ঘরেই বানান বিকালের নাস্তা- Bikaler Nasta Recipe

ঘরেই বানান বিকালের নাস্তা- Bikaler Nasta Recipe

In the app,we try to guide,how you can make your afternoon snacks or bikaler nasta. We all know that outside food is not hygienic.That's why we make ithow you made home made or home made food. This bikaler nasta...

Price: Free Developer: All Bangla App 71
551+ Papad Recipe in Hindi

551+ Papad Recipe in Hindi

Price: Free Developer: recipeworld
600+ Breakfast Recipe in Hindi

600+ Breakfast Recipe in Hindi

- This app gives you each Recipes in Hindi only. It is a very useful App for cooking lovers as well as new cooking Learner also.This app will use in your kitchen at any time.- Hindi Recipes App have...

Price: Free Developer: recipeworld
দই রেসিপি | Doi Recipe

দই রেসিপি | Doi Recipe

উৎসব বা অনুষ্ঠান হোক,বাঙালি বাড়িতে মিষ্টি দই এক অপরিহার্য অঙ্গ। ঘন দুধের সাথে চিনি গলিয়ে সেটাকে এমনি দই-র মত গেঁজিয়ে বা বসিয়ে তৈরি করা হয় মিষ্টি দই। এই মিষ্টি দেওয়া দইটি বানানো খুবই সোজা। কিন্তু দইটা বসতে সময় লেগে...

Price: Free Developer: Ditu Recipe
সুস্বাদু সালাদ রেসিপি | Salad Recipe

সুস্বাদু সালাদ রেসিপি | Salad Recipe

সালাদ জিনিষটি সবাই খুব পছন্দ করে থাকেন। ভাতের সাথে বা পোলাও সাথে কিংবা কোনো ভাজা পোরার সাথে সালাদের কোন জুড়ি নেই। তবে যারা ডায়েট করতে চান তারা এক বাটি এই সালাদ খেয়ে নিলেই আর কিছু লাগবে না। সালাদ বিভিন্ন...

Price: Free Developer: Ditu Recipe
URate Merchant

URate Merchant

Price: Free Developer: Hykaia
Cooking Planner

Cooking Planner

Simple cooking planner app for your family.With cooking planner you can add and store your recipes. On the plan tab you can plan meals which will add all ingredients automatically of the recipe to your grocery list.

Price: Free Developer: Christian Pauly
Table Planner | Restaurant Seating Reservations DD

Table Planner | Restaurant Seating Reservations DD

DreamDiner Table Planner is a collaboration tool that organizes and optimizes your restaurant table reservations.Developed by Restaurateurs – for Restaurateurs!The Table Planner is a cross-platform multi-device system running in the cloud that will robust your restaurant reservations control.With a...

Price: Free Developer:
Forks Plant-Based Meal Planner

Forks Plant-Based Meal Planner

Get healthy and delicious plant-based and vegan meals planned for every day of the week with the Forks Meal Planner app that's FREE to download now! With the Forks Meal Planner, you'll receive whole-food, plant-based and vegan-friendly recipes that...

Price: Free Developer: Forks Over Knives
My Meal Planner

My Meal Planner

Actually, I developed this app as per my wife's request. 😊 She wanted a simple app that will help her with meal planning and as well as monitor what we have been eating.Happy Planning!Notes:- Preview images were created using...

Price: Free Developer: Wilfred S. Cruz
Meal planner - healthy food, diets for weight loss

Meal planner - healthy food, diets for weight loss

Meet your personal guide to proper nutrition, weight loss without diets, and breakdowns!! We will tell and teach you how to eat properly during daily fitness training. Experience real results by following our nutritional program. Discover a food diary...

Price: Free Developer: Fashion and Moda
Cheap Food App: Low Budget Meal Planner & Grocery

Cheap Food App: Low Budget Meal Planner & Grocery

Are you looking for a low budget food app for cheap meal recipes? Your search for healthy meal planning ends today. Get personalized cheap meal ideas, budget-friendly recipes and much more. Are you a college student or looking for...

Price: Free Developer: Riafy Technologies
Food Planner

Food Planner

Keep an integrated meal plan, grocery list, inventory and recipe collection that can sync to the cloud across multiple platforms! Available for iOS, Android, Amazon and Online!Food Planner allows you to quickly plan your daily meals using a selection...

Price: Free Developer: MiniMobile
Feed An Army Food Planner

Feed An Army Food Planner

Party Food Planning for large groups can be a challenge to estimate - until now. JustReThink's Feed An Army APP will quickly and easily allow you to select serving-sized based food for each person. Mix and match...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: JUSTreTHINK, LLC
Meal Planner for Weight Loss & Healthy Recipes

Meal Planner for Weight Loss & Healthy Recipes

Our Awesome Healthy Recipes, Meal Plan & Intermittent Fasting Tracker App gives you 3 delicious Healthy Recipes every day that you can cook in less than 30 minutes.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ More than 10.000 happy users⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meal Planner with Healthy Recipes⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️...

Price: Free Developer: Nutritastic - Fitness, Training & Ernährung
Prepear - Meal Planner, Grocery List, & Recipes

Prepear - Meal Planner, Grocery List, & Recipes

SAVE AND ORGANIZE RECIPESCollect your favorite recipes from anywhere, and sort them into Cookbooks for super simple meal planning. Share with friends and build Cookbooks together. Never lose another recipe.MEAL PLANNINGOrganize your entire meal process with our intuitive Meal...

Price: Free Developer: Prepear
কোন ফল কেন খাবেন-fruits benefit and vitamins

কোন ফল কেন খাবেন-fruits benefit and vitamins

ফলের উপকারিতা বা ফলের পুষ্টিগুন বলে শেষ করা যাবে না। ভিন্ন ভিন্ন ফলের মধ্যে রয়েছে বিভিন্ন রোগের প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা। এটা একটা ভাল সংবাদ যে আমাদের দেশে যে সকল ফলের চায হয় সেসব ফলে বা ফলের জুসে রয়েছে নানাবিধ পুষ্টিগুন।...

Price: Free Developer: All Bangla App 71
Ocean Fish And Grill

Ocean Fish And Grill

With Ocean Fish And Grill app, ordering your favorite food to-go has never been easier. Simply open the app, browse the menu, select your items, and voila! Special features include: restaurant info, full menu access, order ahead, special instructions...

Price: Free Developer: OnlineBite Ltd
Where and What To Eat? - Budget Food Finder

Where and What To Eat? - Budget Food Finder

This app is here to help you to manage what food or menu to eat based on your budget.How to use:• Add your menu to the list• Use the search menu to find menu based on your budget• Use...

Price: Free Developer: Akeno
Black and Mobile

Black and Mobile

Black and Mo­bile is the country’s first Black-Owned Food de­liv­ery ser­vice that exclusively partners with Black-Owned Restaurants so they can increase their customer base and get more exposure.How it Works:1. Down­load our app 'Black and Mo­bile'2. Browse through a...

Price: Free Developer: Black and Mobile
Black and Mobile Restaurant

Black and Mobile Restaurant

Welcome to the all new BAM Restaurant app. As as BAM partner, you have been given access to use our mobile platform to handle your orders as conveniently as possible. We are working to build out this application to...

Price: Free Developer: Black and Mobile
Mixel – Cocktail Recipes and Bartender App

Mixel – Cocktail Recipes and Bartender App

🎉 Start with 80 free cocktail recipes (IBA). Want to see what you can make with the ingredients you already own? International Bartenders Association (IBA) official cocktails are included free. Includes classics like the Martini, Margarita, Old Fashioned, and...

Price: Free Developer: Cool Font – Cocktail Recipes and VR
Shake and Strain Cocktail Recipes

Shake and Strain Cocktail Recipes

Shake and Strain Cocktails brings you a curation of cocktails from YouTuber, Steve the Bartender. Steve shares his wealth of bartending knowledge through simple and easy to follow videos. These videos are a key feature of the Shake and...

Price: Free Developer: Shake and Strain Cocktail Recipes
Sushi and roll recipes

Sushi and roll recipes

Cook with love!In this application, you will have:- 15 tasty recipes with photosContents:* Main dishes( 3 )* Appetizers( 12 )* Unsweet baking( 1 )* Children is menu( 2 )We are ready to listen to your ideas and suggestions for...

Price: Free Developer: Nazarco
Habba Eatery and Juicery

Habba Eatery and Juicery

Habba Eatery and Juicery has healthy eating options for breakfast, lunch and snack time.You can order for delivery and take-away, and you will also be notified with an SMS for the waiting time of your order.Fresh food prepared daily...

Price: Free Developer:
Dough and pizza recipes

Dough and pizza recipes

Pizza recipes are one of the most delicious meal for all of us, it was originally created in Italy, but nowadays it could be find almost everywhere. It is one of the most famous meal of the Italian cuisine....

Price: Free Developer: Share and Enjoy

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