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Hi Guys"Pal Bhar Rasta Te Karne Ma" is a urdu novel written by Farhat Ishtiaq. This novel named as "Pal Bhar Rasta Te Karne Ma" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As...
Hi Guys"Woh yaqin ka ek naya safar" is a urdu novel written by Farhat Ishtiaq. This novel named as "Woh yaqin ka ek naya safar" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As...
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Hi Guys"Had" is a urdu novel written by Nimra Ahmed. It includes following features :- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks- Enable / Disable Night...
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Al-Qur'an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah (QTT) An NabawiPenerjemah: Al Ustadz Muhammad Thalib -hafidzahullah-Al Qur'an Tarjamah Tafsiriyah merupakan aplikasi Al Qur'an disertai Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, aplikasi baru tersedia untuk Android.Penerjemahannya menggunakan metode terjemahan tafsiriyah, agar pembaca memahami makna ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an melalui terjemahan...
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