Top 27 Education Apps Like Bodhi Pooja Offline - Best Alternatives

Bodhi Pooja Offline Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Bodhi Pooja Offline alternatives for Android? We have listed 27 Education that are similar to Bodhi Pooja Offline. Pick one from this list to be your new Bodhi Pooja Offline app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bodhi Pooja Offline on your Android devices.

Top 27 Apps Like Bodhi Pooja Offline - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Bodhi Pooja Offline alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Bodhi Pooja Offline 2025.



The best credible source of online medical, dental and nursing education. Highly engaging and interactive online courses taught by experts. Enroll today, if you are a student or a working professional to advance your career, to stay up to...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
Bodhi Nursing Scholars

Bodhi Nursing Scholars

Bodhi Health Education is in pursuit of quality education and wishes to identify and reward the best pool of talent in the country. We have launched the Nursing Scholarship program which is the first of it's kind student engagement...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
Bodhi Indonesia

Bodhi Indonesia

The best credible source of online medical, dental and nursing education. Highly engaging and interactive online courses taught by experts. Enroll today, if you are a student or a working professional to advance your career, to stay up to...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
Bodhi Dental Scholars

Bodhi Dental Scholars

Bodhi Dental Education is in pursuit of quality education and wishes to recognise and reward the best pool of talent in the country. We have launched the Dental Scholarship program which is the first of it's kind student engagement...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
Bodhi-Siloam E-learning

Bodhi-Siloam E-learning

Siloam Hospitals group is Indonesia’s most progressive and innovative healthcare provider that has set the benchmark for high quality healthcare services in Indonesia. Siloam’s medical team of more than 500 general practitioners, 2,200 specialist doctors, and 9,000 nurses, allied...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
Bodhi School Trivandrum

Bodhi School Trivandrum

SmartSchool is India's best, most secured, quick & user-friendly way to pay & collect all kinds of education fee for your school , college, university in a secure and convenient manner through various payment modes like net banking of...

Price: Free Developer: Akira Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd


SMARTHIRE is an online screening platform for the hiring of nurses. It has a large pool of job-role specific question banks and provides real time reports on candidates performance.

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
Public Health

Public Health

Mother and child health has always been an area of concern requiring that the caregivers be well versed in the care of mother and baby. Bodhi Health Education understanding this need has developed modules in Hindi and Bothi language...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
siNERSI Mobile

siNERSI Mobile

siNERSI Mobile offers a new experience to nurses preparing for the National Licensure Exam in Indonesia. The platform has detailed theory and practice tests for all the 9 sections of the exam namely Nursing Management, Medical Surgical Nursing, Community...

Price: Free Developer: Bodhi Health Education
History Of India(Hindi)

History Of India(Hindi)

Features:1.प्राचिन भारत का इतिहास2.मध्यकालीन भारत का इतिहास3.आधूनीक भारत का इतिहास के महापुरुष के इतिहास का कालक्रम (Timeline)in all content are included...............

Price: Free Developer: POOJA GADANI
Ipc In Hindi

Ipc In Hindi

This application is developed with aim of spreading awareness for peoples who live in India by providing information about Indian penal code.This application is developed for people who have android device with Hindi support. Although this application is developed...

Price: Free Developer: KPV TECH
Maths Formulas

Maths Formulas

ALL Maths Formulas covers each and every math formulas like Algebra formulas,Geometry formulas, Analytical Geometry formulas, Derivation formulas, Integration formulas, Trigonometry formulas, Laplace transform formulas, Probability formulas, that will help all students & specially those who are preparing for...

Price: Free Developer: KPV TECH
Times Tables : Learn Tables, Squares & Cubes

Times Tables : Learn Tables, Squares & Cubes

This app allows you to learn and practice multiplication tables, squares, cubes and fractions from 1 to 50. This app provides you with a special feature to customize the choice of tables. So, now you can learn and practice...

Price: Free Developer: SnowBall
नेपाली पूजा विधि Nepali Puja Bidhi-Pooja Vidhi

नेपाली पूजा विधि Nepali Puja Bidhi-Pooja Vidhi

नेपाली पूजा विधि Nepali Puja Bidhi-Pooja Vidhi app is the collection of Nepali Puja Mantras all words. Now enjoy Pooja Vidhi in your android phone or in your tablet.नेपाली पूजा विधिहरू :- घटस्थापना पूजा विधि : Ghatasthapana Pooja Bidhi-...

Price: Free Developer: Nepali Apps Ghar
Chhath Pooja, Aarti, Vrat Vidhi, & Songs in Hindi

Chhath Pooja, Aarti, Vrat Vidhi, & Songs in Hindi

Chhath Pooja is a collection of Songs.Chhath Pooja contains mp3(Audio) so you can listen as well as read the untold story of Chhath. You can also enjoy real-time animation(Bell move, Flower Animation and other). Chhath Pooja is in...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Apps World97
Pooja International School

Pooja International School

Pooja International School app is secure and easy to use communication platform that empowers teachers, students and parents to communicate effectively for student success.For Parents:Stay connected and informed about your kids school activities using your mobile device.Get your child’s...

Price: Free Developer: ClassMobi Inc.
Offline Dictionary

Offline Dictionary

Offline Dictionary translates English words to German, Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. This app works without Internet connection and don't need any permission on the device.

Price: Free Developer: Memo-Book
Nussa & Rara | MP3 Offline, Wallpaper, Do'a

Nussa & Rara | MP3 Offline, Wallpaper, Do'a

Assalmaualaikum Teman teman fans nussa dan rara....Aplikasi ini kami persembahkan untuk para adik-adik dan orang tua penggemar serial film Nussa dan Rara.Tidak diragukan lagi semua konten didalam film nussa dan rara semuanya adalah mendidik maka dari itu kami persembahkan...

Price: Free Developer: Ikhsan Cipta Aplikasi
Offline Railway SSC UPSC Hindi GK

Offline Railway SSC UPSC Hindi GK

Offline GK Study Books available in this app. Get objective and subjective study material in Hindi. Indian History, Polity constitution computer chemistry physics all exams help you to crack big exams ...

Price: Free Developer: Offline Study APPS
KUHP Offline

KUHP Offline

Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) dengan tampilan sederhana, mudah dan tidak membutuhkan jaringan internet. KUHP offline juga dilengkapi dengan kolom pencarian, yang berguna untuk mencari pasal-pasal berdasarkan kata kunci. inilah salah satu kelebihan aplikasi KUHP offline dibandingkan dengan buku...

Price: Free Developer: WestJava Media
Dzikir Pagi dan Petang Offline

Dzikir Pagi dan Petang Offline

Aplikasi Dzikir Pagi dan Petang secara offline sesuai sunnah Nabi Shalallahu a'laihi wassalam. Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda untuk membaca dan menghafal dzikir pagi petang, aplikasi ini menyediakan latin, artian, faedah dari dzikir dan juga ada tombol perhitungan untuk mempermudah...

Price: Free Developer: Kode Anbia
9000+ One Liner GK In Hindi Offline

9000+ One Liner GK In Hindi Offline

9000+ One Liner GK In Hindi Offlineनमस्कार दोस्तों, आज हम आपको सामान्य ज्ञान के 9000+ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर बताने जा रहे हैंजो प्रत्येक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा में पुन: हो रहे हैं!इसलिए, आपको उन्हें अच्छी तरह से पढ़ना चाहिए और...

Price: Free Developer: The Education Cafe
Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia.Description,Photo,Offline

Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia.Description,Photo,Offline

Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia. Description, Photo, OfflineFrom slow, plant-eating giants to fierce scavengers and hunters, dinosaurs once dominated the land. Search in our app Dinosaurs: Encyclopedia, or explore dinosaurs by when and where they lived or what type they are.Uncover...

Price: Free Developer: 24Hours
English Offline Audio Topics

English Offline Audio Topics

Learning by Listening!Easy to use. Offline, ingenious list of expressions with possibility to hear pronunciation via text-to-speech engine.English Offline Audio Topics include the most useful common phrases in English that are sorted in interesting topics for different life situations....

Price: Free Developer: App Offline
Monajat er dua bangla offline audio app

Monajat er dua bangla offline audio app

মোনাজাতের দোয়া সমূহ থেকে নির্বাচিত মুনাজাত গুলো বাছাই করে তৈরি করা হয়েছে এই Monajat app. এই অ্যাপটিতে মোনাজাত করার দোয়া গুলোর অফলাইন অডিও যোগ করা হয়েছে, যা এই অ্যাপটির বিশেষ আকর্ষণ।অ্যাপটির বিশেষত্বঃনির্বাচিত মুনাজাতমোনাজাতের দোয়া অডিও / Monajat er dua...

Price: Free Developer: Apps House production
LSM Webcast Offline Player

LSM Webcast Offline Player

Use this app to download and play any video from the LSM Webcast Subscription Service. Simply login to with the Chrome or Edge browser, navigate to a video, and press the download button. This app will open automatically...

Price: Free Developer: Living Stream Ministry

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