Top 36 Books & Reference Apps Like Calibre Companion Demo Version - Best Alternatives

Calibre Companion Demo Version Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Calibre Companion Demo Version alternatives for Android? We have listed 36 Books & Reference that are similar to Calibre Companion Demo Version. Pick one from this list to be your new Calibre Companion Demo Version app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Calibre Companion Demo Version on your Android devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Calibre Companion Demo Version - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Calibre Companion Demo Version alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Calibre Companion Demo Version 2025.

Calibre Sync

Calibre Sync

Lifetime support, no extra charge, no subscription fee.Calibre Sync help you access full Calibre libraries on the most popular personal cloud services, including Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Box, pCloud, WebDav, Nextcloud and OwnCloud - simply the most supported for cloud...

Price: USD 3.49 Developer: BIL Studio
Calibre Documents Provider

Calibre Documents Provider

The Calibre Documents Provider application extends the Android platform to allow access to eBooks through your calibre Content Server. Using the standard Android Files application, you can browse and access remote books files just like you access files that...

Price: USD 1.49 Developer: Karl Weckworth
Calibre Library

Calibre Library

Connect wirelessly to your Calibre e-book library or other Stanza source. Browse and download your e-books on the go.**NOTE: As of newer versions of Android OS, applications can no longer write outside their normal directory space. Calibre...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Maro
FBReader: Calibre connection

FBReader: Calibre connection

A plugin for FBReader. If this plugin is installed FBReader can scan local network for OPDS catalogs (e.g., provided by Calibre book server).Requires WiFi permissions.

Price: Free Developer: FBReader.ORG Limited
Calibre Companion

Calibre Companion

"100 Best Android Apps of 2019" - PCMag( Companion (CC), recommended by calibre developers, is three applications in one:- a superb device-based calibre library organizer- a high-performance WiFi-based calibre device emulator- a calibre content server and cloud provider (Dropbox,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Samuel Cohen
BookFusion  eBook Reader & eBook Manager + Calibre

BookFusion eBook Reader & eBook Manager + Calibre

BookFusion is the best cross platform eBook reader and manager with cloud sync that allows you to easily read, organize and manage all your personal eBooks across all your devices.** Supports over 10 different eBook formats** Integrated customizable eBook...

Price: Free Developer: BookFusion
ICR Companion

ICR Companion

The official companion app for IC Realtime. Here you will find access to our Help Desk, where you can find our How-To article archive and FAQs as well as submit support requests. Inside you will also find our product...

Price: Free Developer: ICRealtime
PI: Board Game - Companion App

PI: Board Game - Companion App

This is a free companion app for Plague Inc: The Board Game (a physical tabletop game). This app is not a game - only get it if you already have the Board Game!This app is designed to help people...

Price: Free Developer: Ndemic Creations
Companion For Fortnite

Companion For Fortnite

Price: Free Developer: TusharRaj
Guide for Fire Emblem Fates

Guide for Fire Emblem Fates

Use Guide for Fire Emblem Fates to have a quick access to numerous information about characters of Fire Emblem Fates Birthright, Conquest & Revelation : stats, growth, classes, skills, recruitment method, supports ...More functionalities are coming soon !Fire Emblem...

Price: Free Developer: Thierry LEE
Bushido Companion

Bushido Companion

Browse all the cards, search for cards, see rules texts, etc.Includes all current torunament scenarios and helpful charts.See which cards are available for each faction, including the special cards and cycle cards.This app is unofficial and the content is...

Price: Free Developer: Joachim Molkow
E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes (Trial)

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes (Trial)

Ethelbert William Bullinger AKC (1837 - 1913) was an Anglican clergyman and a Biblical scholar. He was also know to be a ultradispensationalist theologian.He was born in Canterbury, England and he study theology at King's College in London in...

Price: Free Developer: Patristic Publishing
Companion Bible Notes of E.W. Bullinger (Trial)

Companion Bible Notes of E.W. Bullinger (Trial)

Ethelbert William Bullinger AKC (1837 - 1913) was an Anglican clergyman and a Biblical scholar. He was also know to be a ultradispensationalist theologian.He was born in Canterbury, England and he study theology at King's College in London in...

Price: Free Developer: Patristic Publishing
Worship Companion

Worship Companion

Worship Companion as its name implies is your companion for worship to the Christian community. Thousands of worship songs, hymns, lyrics and tunes at your fingertips. This app allows you to read the lyric of the songs, so you...

Price: Free Developer: Eznetsoft/SamJocelyn
T7 Companion

T7 Companion

T7 Companion is a fan-made app designed to help new and veteran players alike quickly find all character movelists and learn their combos all within the app.Key Features:•Complete frame data for all characters.•Numerous combos from multiple launchers.•Quick access to...

Price: Free Developer: HalRiyami
Unofficial SV Companion Guide

Unofficial SV Companion Guide

Gift Guide For Every Villager And Every ItemEverything You Need To Know To Fill Out Your Towns Community CenterFishing Guide By Location, Time and More!Search Guide By Season Exclusive ItemsFull Walkthrough On How To Get Every itemThe Only Stardew...

Price: Free Developer: Pickled Games
CommunityPoint Mobile App Demo

CommunityPoint Mobile App Demo

Price: Free Developer: Wellsky
Oracle of Ifa demo

Oracle of Ifa demo

Price: Free Developer: Ernesto Herrera Arias
Oracle of Dilogun demo

Oracle of Dilogun demo

Oracle of Dilogun, this demo aplication allows to Santeros (Iworos) learn about the letras (letters) of the Regla de Osha, their ebboces, recommendations, various aspects (positive, negative, etc ...) and their secrets. In the quest to rescue the Dilogun...

Price: Free Developer: Ernesto Herrera Arias
US Coins Demo

US Coins Demo

Price: Free Developer: Nekhbet
Advent Story Calendar Demo

Advent Story Calendar Demo

Christmas countdown with fables.These adorable animal stories are suitable for children aged between 2-7 and for their parents who would like to share a wonderful Christmas story with or instead of some advent sweets, one for each day of...

Price: Free Developer: GGEXO Kft
Russian Verbs Pro (Demo)

Russian Verbs Pro (Demo)

** RUSSIAN VERBS PRO (DEMO VERSION) ** (Intended for trial before purchasing the Pro version. Limitations: only 30% of verbs. No audio feature.)-Over 1000 conjugated Russian verbs. (30% in demo version)-Search in Russian, English, French and Spanish. -Built-in Cyrillic...

Price: Free Developer: Perraco Labs
cMate-MLC (Demo)

cMate-MLC (Demo)

Demo Version cMate-MLC Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)cMate-MLCInternational Labour Conference – Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) is an International Labour Organization convention, number 186, established in 2006 as the fourth pillar of international maritime law and embodies...

Price: Free Developer: cMate
cMate-Tonnage (Demo)

cMate-Tonnage (Demo)

Demo Version cMate-Tonnage.International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ShipsTonnage measurements are governed by an IMO Convention (International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (London-Rules)), which applies to all ships built after July 1982.Tonnage is a measure of the...

Price: Free Developer: cMate
cMate-IBC Code (Demo)

cMate-IBC Code (Demo)

Demo Version cMate-IBC CodeInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)Carriage of chemicals in bulk is covered by...

Price: Free Developer: cMate
Catholic Bible Version

Catholic Bible Version

Catholic Bible Public Domain (CPDV): This popular Bible app is a version for Catholics.A Catholic Bible is a Bible published in accordance with the prescriptions of the Catholic canon law. The Catholic Public Domain Bible of 2009 includes books...

Price: Free Developer: Bibel
American Standard Version

American Standard Version

The Holy Bible, American Standard Version (ASV) Bible 1901.The Old Testament and The New Testament.--- IMPORTANT ---Verse numbers are on the right side of the screen.The color of verse numbers is slightly brighter than verse text.If you have problem...

Price: Free Developer: kevoya
Biblia NVI - Nueva Versión Internacional

Biblia NVI - Nueva Versión Internacional

Biblia NVI - Nueva Versión InternacionalEs el libro inspirado por Dios y escrito por los hombres elegidos e inspirado; para cumplir su propósito, en ella leemos sobre el carácter de Dios, su amor, misericordia y el plan que Dios...

Price: Free Developer: Biblias Religión Espiritualidad AppsBiblia
Biblia La Palabra (versión hispanoamericana BLPH)

Biblia La Palabra (versión hispanoamericana BLPH)

Biblia La Palabra (versión hispanoamericana BLPH) 66 LibrosLa Biblia Dios Habla Hoy y consulta cualquier, libro, capítulo y versículo que desees sin necesidad de tener conexión a Internet.📙 Búsquedas por libro, capítulos y versículos.📙 La Biblia en audio Real.📙...

Price: Free Developer: NICTEO APP
Bible Easy to read Version

Bible Easy to read Version

We offer you a handy and useful Bible to have on your phone every day! The best app to read and listen the Holy Word of God. Download for free and use it anywhere because this Bible works on...

Price: Free Developer: The Bible
American Standard Version

American Standard Version

A free Holy Bible for your phone or tablet Android that doesn't need the Internet connection!If you read the Holy Bible, you'll see that your life is full of happiness and love. Enjoy today the American Standard Version, a...

Price: Free Developer: bible app
Actual English Version

Actual English Version

Share with friends and beloved ones this Bible app that allows you to read and listen to the Holy Word of God on your mobile or tablet Android.The Updated English Bible in audio version to listen to the verses...

Price: Free Developer: Bible ✝️
NKJV Bible Offline - New King James Version

NKJV Bible Offline - New King James Version

New King James Bible Version and Daily Devotions - Offline!One-hundred-and-thirty respected Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked on NKJV Bible for seven years with the goal to retain the purity and stylistic beauty of the original King...

Price: Free Developer: Offline Bible Apps
Bible King James Version

Bible King James Version

Find this free on line Bible with the complete version of the Holy word of God: the KJV King James Version, the most influential Bible of all time.New features of the Bible:- Bible audio free: listen the Holy Word-...

Price: Free Developer: Bibel
King James Version

King James Version

Download now the perfect translation for a great Bible studyHere you can download the KJV, the closest translation to the originally written scriptures.KJV is one of the oldest Bible translations in history and the most accurate, beautiful and beloved...

Price: Free Developer: Bible Offline

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