Do you want to find the best Escape from Maniac Mansion alternatives for Android? We have listed 22 Action that are similar to Escape from Maniac Mansion. Pick one from this list to be your new Escape from Maniac Mansion app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Escape from Maniac Mansion on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Escape from Maniac Mansion alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar games like Escape from Maniac Mansion 2025.
This is an action game where you become a special ninja with special abilities, because special is way cooler than normal... So you are a ninja and you need to climb up the NEVER ending obstacles and run...
The Impossible Ninja Escape is a simple and challenging 2D platform game.The Impossible Ninja Escape gameplay consists in to escape from rooms full of dangers and challenges, according to the difficulty selected.Like any good platform game, The Impossible Ninja...
In Jail Break Escape - rope hero prison Escape Adventure Game, you are the innocent rope hero prisoner in city rope hero prison as in rope hero prison game you have done nothing illegal and were taken to rope...
Prison Jail Break Escape Survival Mission offers you a chance to make grand show of your mastermind plans at all levels incredible monster city hero operation of grand superhero escape games.The monster superhero prison escape needs an efficient player...
If you have a jail escape fighting passion and love to play Jail break games, play this new lockup escape beat Em up fighting game. In the new prison jail escape games, you are a life sentenced prisoner who...
An arcade-style race against time, piloting a spaceship through a galaxy of asteroids, avoiding other spaceships & cruise towards the exit portal under enemy fire.- Press left to turn the spaceship left.- Press right to turn the spaceship right.-...
Once upon a time Alien ghost, as always was wondering around. Day by day, but then, at last, one day he met an Alien Ghost Princess!!! They fall in love and everything was going well unless they met the...
Beanstalk Escape: Giant adventure of Jack, kids story game is one of the best adventure platform story base game available now on google play store.Help Jack climb down the magical beanstalk in this Jack and the beanstalk game. Press...
Get ready for the best prison escape game. Experience the adventure in Alcatraz Prison as you fight with well-trained police officers, city prisoners and gangsters. Be careful with every move as the Alcatraz Prison Adventure has many sensitive areas...
This gunship battle game has multiple levels and you will be promoted to the next level once you will complete your present level. Difficulty level will automatically get increased and you will get new weapons also. While this space...
☆おかげさまで8周年☆☆今後ともご愛顧のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます☆ドタバタのアクションRPG!ワクワクのギミック!ドキドキの大冒険に出発だ!無限に広がる世界を駆け巡るアクションRPGで全国の仲間とオンラインで繋がろう。「RPG ぷちっとくろにくる」は、オンラインのアクションRPG(MMO ロールプレイング)です。ボタン一つで爽快な連続攻撃を繰り出したり、ジャンプや宙返りで深い谷間を越えたり、岩やタルなどの障害物を破壊したり――アクションゲームの要素が満載!オンラインで繋がる仲間たちとパーティーを組んで広大な世界を冒険しよう!◆アクションRPG「ぷちっとくろにくる」のストーリーここは平穏でのどかな王国、ウォールナッツ。数百年前まで隆盛を続けた魔法文明は終わりを告げ、新たな文明の息吹がこの古い王国にも流れこんできた。そんな世界に眠る秘宝のナゾが物語のカギを開く……◆世界中に散らばる楽しい仕掛けプレイヤーの行く先々には様々な「仕掛け」が満載!普通よりも高く大ジャンプできる「トランポリン」、遠い町までひとっ飛びできる「ショートカット」など冒険の役に立つものや、プレイヤーの行く手を阻む「罠」など、アクションRPGならではのギミックが盛りだくさん。◆迫力のノンターゲティングバトル攻撃方法にノンターゲティング方式を採用。ボタンひとつで装備した剣や使ったスキル・魔法の攻撃範囲にいるモンスターにダメージを与える、直感的なアクション バトル システムです。ジャンプ攻撃やスキル・魔法を駆使してモンスターに連続攻撃を決めよう!◆境目のない広大な3D世界広大なマップを縦横無尽に駆け巡るアクションゲーム!マップごとの読み込みがない「シームレスマップ」で実現した、超広大な3D世界を大冒険。一見登れそうにない山や深い谷もジャンプで超えて、行ったことのない世界へチャレンジしよう!◆オンラインRPGで集う仲間たちプレイヤー同士の協力プレイ(マルチプレイヤー)やチャットなど、オンラインのアクションRPGならではのコミュニケーションも充実!チャットでたくさんの友達と一緒に協力しながらのアクションやモンスターとのバトルを楽しめます。マルチプレイヤーアクションロールプレイングゲームで友だちと協力して強力なボスに挑もう!※MMO RPG :Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (大規模多人数同時参加型 オンライン ロールプレイング ゲーム)◆ミニゲームで友達と遊ぼうフレンドやギルドのメンバーと一緒に様々なミニゲームで遊んで仲良くなろう!◆お問合せ・ご意見・ご要望こちらのフォームからお送り下さい※レビューに記載頂いた場合、調査に必要な情報をお客様に改めて伺うため返答にお時間を頂くことがございます。※本アクションRPG「ぷちっとくろにくる」は アソビモ 株式会社が開発・運営しています。
Biker Mice from Mars are back in this hilarious, action-packed, bike-ridin', goon-blastin' adventure game. The official game of the cult classic TV series featuring all the original characters.Play as Throttle, Modo or Vinnie as you ride through the...
* BETA VERSION *Tired of playing with a dumb thing and hiding under the table in other games? Do you want real interesting hide-and-seek and action? Then Hide From Zombies: ONLINE for you!As a result of biological contamination, one...
Communists are invading, and it's up to you and your cannon to stop them! In Death From Above, you're the gunner of an AC-130 gunship or Apache attack helicopter, orbiting a 3D battlefield. Lob 40mm shells through bunker doors...
Escape from Chernobyl is not an easy typical mobile game. It is hard and it takes time and tactics to learn and overcome. This game is also best experienced by playing with headphones.Dive into the darkness and the dangers...
Participate in Freedom of Navigation at Spratly Islands!Stop North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program!Win the war on terrorism at Middle East!【 Introduction 】A combat like a war movie!Use the terrain and altitude to your advantage!Use the motion sensor to...
Tap to jump and avoid traps while climbing the challenging levels of the Magic Mansion, in this retro pocket-sized platform game by Nitrome and Sets And Settings. Features:• A multitude of traps and enemies• One-touch gameplay• Pure 1-bit retro...
Its easy to use this map,you just click install and done!
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