Do you want to find the best Takbir Raya & Solat Raya 2020 alternatives for Android? We have listed 34 Education that are similar to Takbir Raya & Solat Raya 2020. Pick one from this list to be your new Takbir Raya & Solat Raya 2020 app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Takbir Raya & Solat Raya 2020 on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Takbir Raya & Solat Raya 2020 alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like Takbir Raya & Solat Raya 2020 2025.
Baby Name Blues? Are you in search of the perfect baby name for your upcoming bundle of joy? Let Islamic Baby Names App Help You Choose. Muslims must choose a name that has a righteous meaning that will befit...
Holy Quran recitation/Quran translation wishes everyone a very happy and blessed Ramadan 2020Quran recitation is a smart Android application that provides an easy-to-use interface with Quran translation, transliteration and audio recitation (MP3). The application is integrated with several features...
With Basic Hajj & Umrah Guide perform pilgrimage accurately in holy land of Mecca and Medina. The month of Zilhajj is of great significance to Muslims. Every year, Muslims go to Saudi Arabia for performing Hajj. This latest...
Wishes you All a Very Happy and Blessed Ramadan 2021Al-Quran (قران كريم) is a smart android application, which is intended for Urdu speaking people offering an easy to use interface with Urdu Translation,and Audio (MP3) Recitation of all Surahs...
Best Islamic app of 2020 for Kids Wishes you all a very happy and blessed Ramadan of 2020.10 surah application is designed for the ease of Muslim Kids. This will help Muslim kids to learn at least 10 surah’s...
Wishes you a very happy and blessed ramadan of 2020Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application for teaching Muslims everywhere throughout the world about how to offer Salah (Namaz) with all the required information. It is a complete guide for...
Complete Recitation of 55 Surah of Muslim Divine book Holy Quran in Arabic from newest Islamic application Surah Rehman with Easy Urdu. It has beautiful verse that comes repeatedly in Surah ur Rehman saying; “So which of your Lord's...
Recite Surah Yasin (The Heart of Koran) with the best Islamic smartphone application 2016. Read and learn the beautiful surah of Holy Quran from Surah Yasin with Urdu Tarjuma. بہترین اسلامی ایپلی کیشن سورہ یاسین (قرآن پاک کے...
'Takbir Raya & Solat Raya' is an application containing Takbeer Eid/Raya in conjuction with the celebration of Eid/AidilFitri among Muslims. This app also comes with a brief guide on how to perform Solat Aidifitri/Adha.BAHASA MELAYU/INDONESIA:- Merupakan aplikasi takbir raya...
In the Name of Allah the most Beneficial and most MercifulTakbeer Eid Al-Fitr & Al-Adha Mp3 Offline is an Islamic Muslim application for android smartphone that contains a collection of Beautiful Eid Al-Fitr & Al-Adha and recitation of Surah...
Cara Solat Hari Raya Lengkap dan Sempurna kerana kami menghimpunkan pelbagai perkara yang berkaitan dengan Solat Hari Raya Aidilfitri ini. Antara ialah:Tujuan, hukum, lafaz, dan cara Solat Raya Perkara Sunnah Raya Kisah Sedih Ramadhan Telah PergiKad...
Mp3 Takbiran Hari Raya Pilihan berisi bermacam-macam versi takbiran hari raya. Dibuat dalam bentuk MP3 file yang memudahkan penggunanya sehingga praktis dan bisa didengarkan dimana saja kapan saja.Downoad juga ceramah-ceramah menarik dari ustadz Yusuf Mansur, ustadz Wijayanto, Ustadz Jefri,...
Panduan Solat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri & Aidil Adha ini mengandungi :Tatacara SolatNIat SolatTakbir Rayadan Pelbagai lagi panduan bagi rujukan anda semua.Semoga Ianya bermanfaat dan memudahkan anda.Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya..
Aplikasi hebat yang penuh manfaat tentang Panduan Solat FARDHU (Solat 5 Waktu) & Solat-Solat Sunat berserta dengan wirid selepas solat & doa-doa amalan seharian.Mudah diakses dan senang digunakan.Paparan skrin dalam kualiti HDBoleh zoom in dan Zoom out tanpa menjejaskan...
Aplikasi yang sangat berguna dan bermanfaat ini mengandungi tatacara lengkap untuk menunaikan ibadah Solat dilengkapi bersama Doa-Doa Harian..Antara isi kandungan Buku Panduan Lengkap ini adalah :- - Panduan Azan & Iqamat ...
Sebuah Buku Aplikasi yang sangat berharga dan berguna dalam mempelajari asas dalam mengerjakan solat dan doa..Amat sesuai sekali terutama bagi adik-adik untuk belajar dan mengenal erti dalam solat...Aplikasi yang menggunakan Format PDF untuk di gunakan..Anda mestilah terlebih dahulu memuat...
Solat sunat adalah solat yang mendapat pahala jika dikerjakan dan tidak mendapat siksa jika ditinggalkan bagi orang Islam.Cara solat sunat yang diberi adalah sekadar panduan dan maklumat kepada yang memerlukan. Namun, rujuklah kepada para ustaz dan ustazah yang berdekatan...
Solat-Solat Sunat Dalam Islam Terdapat Himpunan Solat-Solat Sunat Di Dalam Islam.Semoga Ia Dapat Menjadi Amalan Kita Untuk Akhirat
-Panduan Solat Fardhu is the compulsory daily prayers guide for Muslim based on Imam al-Shafie school of thought (Maz'hab Syafiee)-Panduan Solat Fardhu merupakan suatu panduan asas feqah Solat Fardhu bagi Kaum Muslimin berdasarkan rujukan muktabar seperti Kitab Hidayatul al-Sobyyan...
- الأذكار بعد الصلاة المفروضة- A collection of very authentic Wirid & Dhikr for Muslim to recite after performing compulsory daily prayers based on Hadiths from Al-azkar's Imam An-Nawawi (الأذكر النووية).This app.supports both English & Malay/Indonesian languages and comes...
A collection of supplementary prayers for Muslim.Solat Sunat Ku adalah himpunan solat-solat sunat utama bagi amalan kaum Muslimin. Ianya terdiri daripada:-Solat Sunat Tahajjud-Solat Sunat Dhuha-Solat Sunat Hajat-Solat Sunat Istikharah-Solat Sunat Tasbih-Solat Sunat Witir -Solat Sunat Hari Raya &...
Features : ★CBSE RESULT APP 20201★CBSE BOARD RESULT 2021CBSE 10th Result 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will announce the CBSE 10th Result 2021. The expected date of CBSE 10th result 2021 is the first week of...
Features ---★BIHAR BOARD RESULT 2020★BSEB 10th Matric ResultsBihar Board 10th Result 2020: The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) is the body responsible for conducting the board exam and declaration of the Bihar Board 10th Results 2020. The BSEB will...
UP Board high school and inter exam result 2021 this app provides yo the best & fastest way to check your result up board exam result 2021. it is good for check your result 10 or 12 it help...
Students can check AP Inter Results 2021 and AP Inter 1st and 2nd year Results 2021 easily from this app.The Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (BIEAP) evaluates the Inter 1st and 2nd year Results 2021, the results of...
Check TS Inter Results 2021 and Check your Telangana Board Result 2021 and also students can check with TS Board Inter result 2020.BIE Telangana, TS Intermediate Result 2021 and TS Inter Result 2021, This is the month being heralded...
Students can check TS SSC Results 2021 and BSE Result App 2021.Our app will provide Telangana Class 10 Result and also students can CHECK TS SSC Result 2021 free of cost.TS SSC Result 2021: As is the trend...
This app gives up result 2021.Students can check UP BOARD RESULT 2021 and यूपी बोर्ड रिजल्ट 2021.उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद (यूपी बोर्ड) हर वर्ष हाईस्कूल (10वीं) और इंटरमीडिएट (12वीं) कक्षा की परीक्षा आयोजित करता है। यूपी बोर्ड हाईस्कूल...
Features: -1. SSC BOARD RESULT APP 2021 GUJARAT.2. GSEB 10th Result 2021.3. Gujarat Board Result 2021.Check Gujarat Board SSC Result 2021 & Gujarat Board HSC Result 2021. Students can also check Gseb Result 2020-2021.GSEB SSC Result 2021: The Gujarat...
This App having the latest updates of West Bengal Board 10th & 12th Result 2021,WBBSEResult, statics so that you can easily estimate expected date and percentage.we will send you notification when your result is going to be announced or...
★BIHAR BOARD RESULT 2020★BSEB Intermediate Results DateBSEB 12th Result 2020: The Bihar Board School Examination Board (BSEB) will release the Bihar Board 12th Results 2020 as per their academic calendar. The Bihar Board has declared the time table for...
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