Do you want to find the best Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takatifu pamoja na sauti alternatives for Android? We have listed 49 Books & Reference that are similar to Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takatifu pamoja na sauti. Pick one from this list to be your new Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takatifu pamoja na sauti app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takatifu pamoja na sauti on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takatifu pamoja na sauti alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Bible in Swahili, Biblia Takatifu pamoja na sauti 2025.
The King James Version is considered one of the most accurate English Bible. The most sold, read, published, believed, translated, quoted, and accurate Bible!This app will be good companion in your journey into KJV Bible!☆ Daily DevotionalsMorning and Evening...
Good News Bible, Free and Offline☆ Reading Plans: Canonical, Chronological and Historical☆ Daily Verses with notifications☆ Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights by folders☆ Good News Audio Bible - offline TTS feature☆ Day/Night modes☆ Easy, smart ,offline and well designed Bible app☆...
This An Bíobla Naofa is a simple Bible in your pocket. We’ve intentionally made the application simple to have focus on God’s word without distractions. The interface to browse and search the Bible is easy to use with the...
This Dinka Bible is a simple Bible in your pocket. We’ve intentionally made the application simple to have focus on God’s word without distractions. The interface to browse and search the Bible is easy to use with the added...
The Living Bible Version (TLB)☆ Reading Plans: Canonical, Chronological and Historical☆ Daily Verses with notificationns☆ Bookmarks, Notes, Highlights by folders☆ Living Audio Bible, offline TTS feature☆ Easy, smart and offline well designed Bible app☆ Synchronization & Statistics!
La Bible Louis Segond est l'équivalent Français classique de l'anglais King James VersionDictionnaire et Concordance Biblique!☆ Concordance BibliquePour chercher dans la Bible par plusieurs mots - l'utilisation d'espace entre eux. Toujours dans cette application, vous trouverez l'index alphabétique de...
New King James Bible Version and Daily Devotions - Offline!One-hundred-and-thirty respected Bible scholars, church leaders, and lay Christians worked on NKJV Bible for seven years with the goal to retain the purity and stylistic beauty of the original King...
The Bible is a unique anthology of devotions and historical records. This is a great collection of the spiritual and cultural heritage for the followers of Jesus Christ. This app is for everyone who wants to familiarize themselves with...
The Amplified Bible is attempt to take both word meaning and context into account in order to accurately translate the original text from one language into another. Multiple English word equivalents to each key Hebrew and Greek word clarify...
This app provides you a large and fine collection of the public domain Books and Novels in English for everyone with multiple categories and morals. The App is fully functional without the internet. The user interface is very fast...
This App is no longer in active development and does not support buying. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are facing issues with accessing previously purchased content.
Learn Fabrication Layout Development of All Shapes used in fabrication field using Geometrical and Numerical Method with practical example solution and their checking in well descriptive easy to understand and in step by step guides with descriptive images for...
Learn Fabrication Layout Development of All Shapes used in fabrication field using Geometrical and Numerical Method with practical example solution and their checking in well descriptive easy to understand and in step by step guides with descriptive images for...
This app provides you a large and fine collection of the English Stories for everyone with multiple categories and morals. The App is fully functional without the internet. The user interface is very fast and responsive and can be...
Whether you're on a short trip to Thailand, working with Thais, or studying the Thai language in-depth, this is the one dictionary you can really...
Bhagavad Gita is knowledge of five basic truths and the relationship of each truth to the other: These five truths are Krishna, or God, the individual soul, the material world, action in this world, and time. The Gita lucidly...
This is the app for Poetry Lovers .We have picked some really known famous poets for showcasing their poems and poetry work in our app.The App is fully functional without the internet. The user interface is very fast and...
Assalamu alaikkum,Quran Lalithasaram is a free Android application which enables easy understanding of Holy Quran by providing simplest Malayalam transcript with audio. Optimised for Audio File download. We are open to hear your suggestions to make our product...
Relationship abuse is a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors used to maintain power and control over a former or current intimate partner. Abuse can be emotional, financial, sexual or physical and can include threats, isolation, and intimidation. Abuse...
Biblia ni jina la jumla kwa ajili ya vitabu vitakatifu vya dini ya Uyahudi na hasa ya Ukristo. Neno limetokana na lugha ya Kigiriki ambayo ndani yake βιβλία (biblia) ina maana ya "vitabu" ikiwa ni wingi wa βιβλος (biblos)....
Biblia ni jina la jumla kwa ajili ya vitabu vitakatifu vya dini ya Uyahudi na hasa ya Ukristo. Neno limetokana na lugha ya Kigiriki ambayo ndani yake βιβλία (biblia) ina maana ya "vitabu" ikiwa ni wingi wa βιβλος (biblos)....
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" ( Jeremiah 29:11)We wish you all a Happy New Year...
English Swahili Bilingual Audio Bible is a beautiful app, easy to use, it is designed for quick navigation and powerful Swahili Bible good for your Bible study. We are pleased to offer Swahili English Bilingual Audio Bible for your...
Swahili English Bilingual Audio Bible(Biblia Takatifu) is a beautiful app, easy to use, it is designed for quick navigation and powerful Swahili Bible(Biblia Takatifu) good for your Bible study. We are pleased to offer Swahili English Bilingual Audio Bible...
English Swahili Bible, Offline☆ Reading Plans for 1 Year, 180 and 90 days☆ Daily Verses with notifications☆ Bookmarks/Notes/Highlights☆ Day/Night support☆ Fast and easy seachAnd much more!
Swahili Bible, Biblia Takatifu ya Kiswahili
The best Quran Swahili translation applicationQuran translation Swahili is a very light application so as not to burden your phone memory. Comes with Swahili translation provided by addition there is also a bookmark feature to mark the...
English to Swahili Dictionary. Can be used for Swahili to English and English to English meaningCommon and important words and meaning that helps to read it like a word book of English and Swahili.Completely offline E to S, S...
Le presentamos la mejor Biblia de estudio, gratis y offline, funciona sin internet.Existen muchos tipos, versiones y traducciones de las sagradas escrituras, sin embargo, la Biblia es única. Existen traducciones a miles de idiomas y dentro de cada idioma...
Descarga ya Biblia femenina en español, la mejor app para tener la Biblia en tu teléfono. La palabra de Dios te acompañará a todas partes y podrás consultarla fácil y rápidamente en la comodidad de tu móvil, viajando, en...
Le presentamos la Biblia en formato digital, para que la lea cómodamente en su teléfono. ¡Lo mejor de todo, es gratis y no requiere Internet! No necesita estar conectado para usar la app.* La Biblia es el libro más...
O melhor aplicativo bíblico para a mulher virtuosa e abençoada, que lê a Bíblia e vive de acordo com os princípios de Deus. A Bíblia perfeita para a mãe, esposa, irmã, amiga que ama a Deus e dedica sua...
Descubra um aplicativo grátis, bem legal e completo para ler e ouvir o texto completo da Bíblia, de Gênesis a Apocalipse.Mergulhe na Palavra de Deus mais facilmente! Pode ler, mas também tem a opção áudio para escutar versículos da...
¿Estás buscando una Biblia para tener en tu teléfono? No busques más, esta es tu aplicación ideal. Contiene la Biblia conocida como la Biblia del oso, una de las primeras traducciones de las Escrituras al idioma español. Realizada por...
Experimente o melhor aplicativo da Bíblia par ler e estudar a Palavra Sagrada. Confira uma versão da Bíblia completamente em português com anotações e comentários para você estudar e conhecer a Bíblia muito melhor. Cada livro da Bíblia foi...
Baixe a versão católica da Bíblia sagrada, a edição que contém todos os livros reconhecidos pela Igreja Católica.O catolicismo é um dos maiores representantes do cristianismo e congrega mais de um bilhão de crentes no mundo. O Brasil é...
La Biblia que nos enseña la palabra hecha vida en el señor, cada enseñanza para el buen vivir, evitar los peligros, palabras de consuelo, palabras de amor las encontramos en los libros sagrados que nos ha dado nuestro Dios.Esta...
Bíblia - The J. Dahl and K.O. Viderø translation 1937 / 1961©. Copyright © by the Faroese Bible Society.All rights reserved. Written permissión must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce and any part of this edition...
Biblia Takatifu ya Kiswahili (Swahili Bible) Agano la Kale na JipyaBiblia ya Kikristo ni mkusanyo wa maandiko matakatifu ya Ukristo. Maandiko hayo mbalimbali yanaitwa tangu zamani sana "vitabu" tu, inavyomaanishwa na neno "biblia" ambalo ni uwingi wa neno la...
Biblia Takatifu ya Kikristo katika Kiswahili, Biblia ya kiinjili-Soma mistari ya Biblia ya kuvutia ambayo hutoa msaada. Dondoo hizi za kibibilia zinaweza kukuongoza katika nyakati za shaka, kupoteza, kuomboleza, huzuni, au kukosa matumaini. Biblia Takatifu ina mistari mingi na...
English Version:The King James Version Bible (KJV) was authorized by King James I and is sometimes referred to as the “Authorized Version”. It was translated by the Church of England and was first published in 1611.The KJV New Testament...
Biblia Takatifu sasa vijana zaidi na wa kisasa, katika chaguo hili jipya la kibiblia utapata Biblia kamili na vitabu vyake 66 kutoka mapenzi ya zamani na agano jipya, Biblia kufanya kazi 100% bila Internet Agano la kaleMpya mapenziKusoma mwisho...
Biblia Takatifu app enables you to read the Bible in Kiswahili offline without the need of internet connection. The Biblia Takatifu app also has real person voice reading The Kiswahili Bible verses. The verses are available offline once you...
Biblia Takatifu (Swahili Bible) +English Versions is one of the most liked translation throughout the world.Get a free swahili bible that works completely free offline that does not drain your mobile data bundles/broadband data.OVERVIEW:Enjoy using our Biblia Takatifu (Swahili...
Swahili-English Bible (Biblia Takatifu) inakuwezesha kusoma neno la Mungu kwa urahisi bila matangazo ya biashara.Swahili-English Bible (Biblia Takatifu) it enables you to read a word of God easily with no interference from commercial ads.
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