Top 24 Finance Apps Like NLB Pay Kosova - Best Alternatives

NLB Pay Kosova Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best NLB Pay Kosova alternatives for Android? We have listed 24 Finance that are similar to NLB Pay Kosova. Pick one from this list to be your new NLB Pay Kosova app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NLB Pay Kosova on your Android devices.

Top 24 Apps Like NLB Pay Kosova - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NLB Pay Kosova alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like NLB Pay Kosova 2025.

NLB mKlik Serbia

NLB mKlik Serbia

NLB mKlik banking is free mobile application with user friendly and secured access and usage of your banking products and services (accounts, loans, cards, deposits, payments, currency exchange etc.). NLB mKlik is a solution for managing your personal finances...

Price: Free Developer: NLB Banka AD Beograd
NLB Klikpro

NLB Klikpro

More than 18,000 users already trust Klikpro mobile bank. Klikpro is available to all entrepreneurs, businesses and associations who wish to access their finances wherever and whenever, be it day or night. You can perform daily banking services in...

Price: Free Developer: NLB d.d.
NLB Klikin Slovenia

NLB Klikin Slovenia

More than 260,000 users already trust Klikin mobile bank. It is the most digital mobile bank in Slovenia (best mobile bank by popular vote and WEBSI jury 2020) and is available to all NLB users who wish to access...

Price: Free Developer: NLB d.d.
NLB Pay Makedonija

NLB Pay Makedonija

NLB Pay – Твојот мобилен паричник! NLB Pay мобилниот паричник Ви овозможува да реализирате бесконтактни плаќања на ПОС терминалите во земјата и странство. NLB Pay мобилниот паричник користи NFC технологијата а плаќањата може да се реализираат со НЛБ...

Price: Free Developer: NLB Banka AD - Skopje
NLB Pay Srbija

NLB Pay Srbija

The future is here, today! With the most advanced payment method – mobile wallet NLB Pay Serbia. Mobile wallet NLB Pay enables contactless payments on properly equipped POS terminals in Serbia and worldwide. The NLB Pay mobile wallet uses...

Price: Free Developer: NLB Banka AD Beograd
NLB Klik Crna Gora

NLB Klik Crna Gora

NLB Klik je usluga NLB Banke namijenjena svima koji žele brzo, jednostavno i sigurno obavljanje bankarskih usluga putem mobilnog telefona, bez odlaska u banku. Nlb Klik smo odnedavno dodatno unaprijedili za Vas i možemo ponuditi:- Još veću sigurnost prilikom korišćenja...

Price: Free Developer: Asseco SEE
NLB mProKlik Makedonija

NLB mProKlik Makedonija

NLB mProKlik е услуга на NLB Банка АД Скопје и претставува апликација за мобилен уред која овозможува преглед на Вашите сметки од денарски платен промет во Банката и спроведување на Вашите финансиски трансакции на сосема безбеден начин. ...

Price: Free Developer: NLB Banka AD - Skopje
NLB Pay Slovenija

NLB Pay Slovenija

Try out NLB Pay mobile wallet for easy and secure payment free of charge.What does the NLB Pay enable you to do?- Paying for purchases in stores and withdrawing cash at contactless ATMs. You just unlock the mobile phone...

Price: Free Developer: NLB d.d.
NLB Prepaid

NLB Prepaid

Mobilna aplikacija, s katero lahko upravljate svojo NLB Predplačniško kartico Mastercard.Z njo lahko enostavno:spremljate promet in stanje na kartici,polnite kartico,začasno omejite uporabo kartice,preverite podatke o kartici.NLB Predplačniško kartico Mastercard izdaja podjetje Prepaid Financial Services Limited v skladu z dovoljenjem...

Price: Free Developer: Prepaid Financial Services
Dessert Pay Accept credit card Payments for Stripe

Dessert Pay Accept credit card Payments for Stripe

If you are looking for the android payment app to accept credit or debit card payment, "Dessert Pay" could be one of the best apps to accept with stripe payments.With this credit card reader, you can accept card payments:•...

Price: Free Developer: Dessert Pay, Inc.


This is a Pay.Cards technology presentation application.Pay.Cards is a development tool (SDK) that enables your mobile App scan the bank card data with a phone camera. This is why your customers would love making orders with your App, as...

Price: Free Developer: Avatar Lab

Discover the new way to pay with your mobile phone. With you can pay by scanning a QR code at your favorite store, easily transfer money, and order directly from inside the app.

Price: Free Developer: SETAR NV


PinPay is the simple, ultimate time-saving app that can enable you to securely pay for your purchases, send cash quickly between friends, settle your bills and so much more. With convenience built in, your days of running around are...

Price: Free Developer: Pin-Pay Vendor Vendor

Discover the new way to accept customer payments with your mobile phone. With Vendor you can review payments received by customers, review customers orders and change their order status directly from inside the app.

Price: Free Developer: SETAR NV
Spitamen Pay

Spitamen Pay

SpitamenPay allows you to perform basic banking operations through mobile devices: check available funds on a bank card, make payments and transfers from accounts and cards, as well as view the history of operations.Application features:- payment of mobile communication;-...

Price: Free Developer: Spitamen Bank
UB PAY Wallet

UB PAY Wallet

Système de paiement

Price: Free Developer: UB-TELECOM Sarl


BAG est une Plateforme de mutualisation de Services Financiers et Services à Valeur Ajoutée Sociale pour grand public.Elle permet une inclusion financière des populations, en leur offrant l’accès à des services financiers de proximité et à moindre coût.PRINCIPAUX SERVICES...

Price: Free Developer: KG AppStudio
FastPay Wallet

FastPay Wallet

It is the quickest, most convenient, and safest mobile wallet for keeping money safe, Shopping, Mobile recharge, Internet recharge, Money transfers and Bill payments. Use FastPay for a cashless, hassle-free experience while shopping, dining, travelling and a lot more!What...

Price: Free Developer: Next Generation Communication


With FP Card Selling App, Agents can perform the following services:Agent Services:- Sell Mobile Recharge- Sell Internet Recharge- Sell Online Cards (iTunes, Google Play, PlayStation, XBOX etc.)To become a FP Agent:Email: info@fast-pay.cashTel. +964 66 26 000 60

Price: Free Developer: Next Generation Communication


Business TebMobile is an electronic service, through which business clients have access to their accounts and other banks' products, at anytime and everywhere. Business TebMobile is user friendly, secure and an effective service which is offered to all...

Price: Free Developer: TEB SHA
NLB Token Kosova

NLB Token Kosova

NLB Token KosovaNLB Token Kosova është një aplikacion që përdoret në celular për të identifikuar përdoruesit dhe për të konfirmuar transaksionin e kryer nëpërmjet shërbimit bankar E-Klik në webfaqen Me NLB Token Kosova, tokeni i juaj fizik nuk...

Price: Free Developer: Asseco SEE
BKT Kosova Mobile

BKT Kosova Mobile

Me BKT Mobile shërbimet bankare për individë në Kosovë, tashmë ofrohen te shpejta dhe te sigurta kudo dhe kurdo në telefonin tënd inteligjent pa qenë nevoja të shkosh në degët e BKT-së dhe pa nevojën e një kompjuteri. Sistemet...

Price: Free Developer: BKT - Banka Kombetare Tregtare
NLB mKlik Kosova

NLB mKlik Kosova

NLB mKlik KosovaShërbimi bankar nga telefoni juaj mobil nëpërmjet aplikacionit mKlik ju lejon qasje të lehtë dhe të sigurt në llogarinë tuaj për të shikuar bilancin, shfletuar transakcionet në llogari apo kredit kartelë, transferin e fondeve ndërmjet llogarive tuaja...

Price: Free Developer: NLB Banka sh.a. Prishtinë

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