Do you want to find the best Chat by Open English alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Education that are similar to Chat by Open English. Pick one from this list to be your new Chat by Open English app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Chat by Open English on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Chat by Open English alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Chat by Open English 2025.
Learning by reading and writing text isn't always the best experience. In Jumbo Mumbo you're instead learning by using your voice to record messages in the language you want to learn. Then your friend who already knows the language...
Chat and find new friends preparing for Occupational English Test (OET) Exam.Find Friends with similar Interests- This chat is specially designed for oet aspirants. If you are passionate to acheive band B in oet exam this chat will defenitely...
English chat onlyOur application allows users who want to learn English to chat with each other for the sole purpose of communicating and chatting with people from all over the world you get to learn and progress your...
Welcome to Chat to learn English App, where you can have fun and improve your English as you chat online. You can chat in or about the English language, chat in public or chat one-to-one with a friend.Chatting is...
If you are planning to study overseas, we can help. We will match you with an expert counsellor in education who will guide you through selecting your course, applying, and enrolling.
Ice5 - Learn 5 words every day- Ice5 is a new method of learning English vocabulary app for starter.- Ice5 is a very interesting and easy app to use.✔ How to learn English? What we've got in this app?-...
English – Korean dictionary – a multi-lingual complied and developed with the non-profit purpose by an enthusiast of foreign languages and ICT.English – Korean dictionary consists of the following database Korean – English, English – Korean with English Talking...
Подготовка учащихся к ЦТ по всем предметамПредлагаем подготовку к ЦТ по русскому языку, белорусскому языку, английскому языку, математике, физике, химии, биологии, обществоведению и истории Беларуси. В среднем наши ученики на годовых курсах набирают на ЦТ 70 баллов.
Бизнес образование в БеларусиБизнес-образование в Беларуси становится все более востребованным в качестве второго высшего образования или как дополнение к первому в виде бизнес-тренингов.Сегодня уже можно говорить о сложившемся рынке бизнес-образования. Многие руководители осознали важность бизнес-обучения. Спрос на бизнес-образование в...
Шагайте в ногу со временем! Учите английский язык просто и весело с приложением Engster от МТС! Расширенные возможности обучения грамматике, разговорная практика и улучшенная система наращивания словарного запаса — все это в простой игровой форме индивидуально для вас от...
YES - приложение МТС для изучения английского языка в простой игровой форме.С помощью приложения YES вы сможете в любой удобный для вас момент времени:1. Переводить слова с русского языка на английский и наоборот.2. Учить новые слова по Вашему индивидуальному...
Гэтая праграма — афіцыйны андроід-кліент сайта Працуе ў рэжыме анлайн.1. Руска-беларускі слоўнік змяшчае больш за 100 тысяч слоў. За аснову ўзяты акадэмічны слоўнік пад рэдакцыяй Я. Коласа, К. Крапівы і П. Глебкі.2. Беларуска-рускі слоўнік таксама змяшчае больш за...
Represents timetable of GrSU on your Android device.
New Color by Number Apps and Art Coloring Pages brings one of the best coloring games for any age and family,excellent way to calm down and relaxation.Paint Sandbox by Number Sandbox Color by Number will educate you by Number...
Have to memorize a speech, poem, texts, language, lyrics, stage lines or scripture verses by heart? Memorize By Heart is a tool used by professionals and students that uses memorization techniques for a faster and longer lasting memory.MEMORIZE ANYTHINGMemorize...
And to establish the prayer and fear Him. " Step by Step Salah is an Islamic Smartphone application meant for instructing Muslims all over the world about how to effectively offer prayers (Namaz) along with all the...
With our handy manual for self-tuition, you will learn all the necessary knowledge and responses to questions in order to obtain a Polish Card.Interview’s simulator will develop your skills and will help you pass the interview with the Consul...
The Open Justice VR app will help you develop your presentation skills. It allows you to prepare, deliver and record a presentation in a virtual reality environment. You will can receive feedback on your performance, watch your presentation from...
OU Study is the new companion app for OU Module websites. The app is being rolled out until September 2021, and will eventually replace the OU Anywhere app. The full list of available modules and the roll-out plan is...
The Virtual Oceans VR app will provide users with a unique, innovative opportunity to experience a series of dives at key locations in the world’s oceans in a submersible. The dives are designed to provide students with 3D interactive...
This Khmer OCR App uses the customized Khmer-OCR engines, trained using Tesseract 4.0 Library with Limon fonts and google training data. This engine is developed as an RestFul API which could be accessible through: by providing input based-64...
Gender Concept is an e-learning tool that provides basic knowledge about the concept of gender, and measures the user’s level of understanding on this topic through a quiz. The first two parts clarify the definition of gender and explain...
This is a document that covers the mathematics content in the current Tier 1 textbook and is based on a new curriculum based on the results. Study approved by the Ministry in 2018.This book is based on the results...
Do you want to learn English online? More than 1000 videos by one of the most popular educational tv channels will help you learn English grammar and English spelling, expand your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation easily. With this...
Метод Тичера — программа для последовательного изучения английского: от нуля до продвинутого. Смотрите и слушайте объяснения преподавателей, проходите тренировку после каждого урока и экзамен после каждой темы.Вам доступны 5 курсов:Первый — для изучающих английский язык с алфавита.Второй — для...
Learn English in context at home with your favorite YTube videos, improve fluency with interactive games in 10 minutes, and track your daily progress. Discover a unique way to learn English! Are you tired of lengthy and unenjoyable English...
It is an excellent tool to learn English without tutors for those who have basic knowledge of the language. Tasks:VideoPuzzles and AudioPuzzles — exercises for developing your English listening skills.Games:Phrase Master — complete the phrase you hear on the...
This application allows you to translate online and even offline your english words to portuguese words and portuguese sentences to english sentences.Key features : English to Portuguese TranslationPortuguese to English TranslationRevise your Portuguese or EnglishImport your english and Portuguese...
Would you like to improve your English skills, especially listening and writing skills? With “ English Listen & Write”, you can train your English pronunciation, Speaking and Listening skills.If you are looking for an application to improve your English...
English vocabulary flashcards will help you to improve vocabulary by images and games. Games will make your learning become easier, funny and more interesting than.Each card includes image with example and definition of the word.App include a lot of...
Учи английский просто. Уникальная методика Lim-English позволяет научиться слышать и понимать английские слова, свободно говорить; грамотно писать.Интерактивный самоучитель по изучению английских слов, в котором использован уникальный обучающий материал, озвученный профессиональными дикторами из США.Весь материал грамотно подобран профессиональными методологами,...
Learn English in ArabicThis app covers English Arabic routine words, conversations, grammar and exercise. Learn English in Arabic also comes with free translator.Learn English in Arabic easily with interactive lessons. Learn the English with given listening vocabulary lessons and...
eJOY Reader is a part of eJOY All-in-One solution for mastering English language. The best way to learn English in the long run is to learn with content you love such as news, stories and videos.eJOY Reader app helps...
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