Do you want to find the best Kalam Mian Muhammad Bakhsh alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Books & Reference that are similar to Kalam Mian Muhammad Bakhsh. Pick one from this list to be your new Kalam Mian Muhammad Bakhsh app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kalam Mian Muhammad Bakhsh on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Kalam Mian Muhammad Bakhsh alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Kalam Mian Muhammad Bakhsh 2025.
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Al-Quran Kalam Allah App contains all pages of the holy Quran with Tajweed.Features:- The whole Quran with Tajweed and sorted by suras.- Search by Sura's name or part of any verse (Ayah).- You can search by page number as...
Kalam Hazrat Sultan Bahoo In Urdu TranslationAssalam o alaikum Friends in this application I want to give detail and translate Kalam Hazrat sultan Bahu in Urdu for all. Because everyone to read this kalam and not understand about poetry...
Pir Naseer Ud din Naseer Qadri Gillani Golra Sharif and Share Image with other Suny kon qisa e dard e dil mera gamgusar chala gia Ek Main He Nahin Un Per Qurban Zamana Hai lyricsManzar Faza e Dahar Mein...
Ganjoor Kalam is a collection of Persian poems and Persian poets such as Ferdowsi, Saadi, Hafez, Attar, Nezami, Rumi, Iqbal, Asadi, Omar Khayyam, Abusaeed, Ebne Hesam, Azraghi, Khosro, Amir Moezzi, Anvari, Ouhadi, Baba Afzal, Baba Taher, Bahar, Bidel, Parvin,...
Ganjoor Kalam is a collection of Persian poems and Persian poets such as Ferdowsi Saadi Hafez Attar Nezami Rumi Iqbal Asadi Omar Khayyam Abusaeed Ebne Hesam Azraghi Khosro Amir Moezzi Anvari Ouhadi Baba Afzal Baba Taher Bahar Bidel Parvin...
Kalam e Bahoo کلام باھو written by Hazrat Sultan Bahoo Rahmatullah alaeh. Alif Allah Chambe de Booti, mere man wich Murshad Lai Hooo. Very famous Sufi Lyrics by great Sufi Poet and Faqir Darwish Hazrat Sultan Bahoo....
This is an Application that have Islamic knowledge "Farsh Par Arsh By Huzur Mohaddis-e-Azam Hind Allama Sayed Mohammed Ashrafi In Urdu and Guldasta e Naat in Gujarati language. This app is having following features :Farsh par Arsh ...
Inspiring Quotes By APJ Abdul Kalam to Dream and Innovate in Life
Book reading is one of the most common hobby found among people of all age groups but carrying a book everywhere is difficult some times so we have designed this beautiful app for all Urdu Book lovers.Now it is...
Surah Yaseen is the Heart of Quran and it is an Islamic Smartphone application which lets Muslims all over the world benefit from great blessings of this special 36th Chapter of the Holy Quran.Surah Yasin is an Android App,...
This special edition has a specific standard format of sixteen lines per page. 16 Line Holy Quran is specially designed for Hafiz-e-Quran, Muslims who completely memorize Quran in madrasa, school or other religious institution.16 Line Quran Kareem is an...
Read offline book " Jangzad (Jangzaad) (Pashto Novel) By Mian Latif Shah Shahid " .This app contains pashto novel it is a best book of pashto novel . Jangzad by Mian Latif Shah Shahid has the ability to...
Hazrat Mian Muhammad Bakhsh RA linage goes back to Hazrat Umer Bin Khattab R.A, the second caliph of our beloved holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. His father, Hazrat Mian Shams ud Din Wali Qadri was the Sajjada Nasheen of...
Mian Biwi Ke Haqooq is an app based on an Islamic Book written in Urdu Language.Khawand Ke Haqooq-------------------------------------------------------->> Ataat aur Farmanbardari>> Haq e Zojiyat>> Ihtram-e-Khawand>> Khawand Ke Maal aur Ghar ki Hafazat>> Shohar se Mohabbat kerna>> Ghrelu muaamlaat mein...
This application is related to islamic religio.In this application,i have created FIVE-SURAH.NUMBER 1.SURAH-YASEENNUMBER 2.SURAH Al-REHMANNUMBER 3.SURAH ALL-VAQIAHNUMBER 4.SURAH ALL-MULKNUMBER 5.SURAH ALL-MUZAMILALL of this surah is a part of ALL-QURAN.THE HOLLY QURAAN is rebealed of The last Prophet HAZRAT MUHAMMAD...
محمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi(له تۆڕه كۆمهڵایهتییهكان)• ┈┈┈ ✤ • ❀ • ✿ • ❀ • ✤ ┈┈┈ •* فهیس بووكمحمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi* فهیس بووكزانیاری هاوسهرگیری - زانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری* پهیجی فهیس بووكزانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری*...
محمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi(له تۆڕه كۆمهڵایهتییهكان)• ┈┈┈ ✤ • ❀ • ✿ • ❀ • ✤ ┈┈┈ •* فهیس بووكمحمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi* فهیس بووكزانیاری هاوسهرگیری - زانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری* پهیجی فهیس بووكزانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری*...
محمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi(له تۆڕه كۆمهڵایهتییهكان)• ┈┈┈ ✤ • ❀ • ✿ • ❀ • ✤ ┈┈┈ •* فهیس بووكمحمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi* فهیس بووكزانیاری هاوسهرگیری - زانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری* پهیجی فهیس بووكزانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری*...
محمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi(له تۆڕه كۆمهڵایهتییهكان)• ┈┈┈ ✤ • ❀ • ✿ • ❀ • ✤ ┈┈┈ •* فهیس بووكمحمد سهنگاوی - MuhaMmad Sangawi* فهیس بووكزانیاری هاوسهرگیری - زانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری* پهیجی فهیس بووكزانیاری سێكسی و هاوسهرگیری*...
Arabic: Chapter of Muhammad") is the 47th sura of the Qur'an with 38 ayat.This app is based on the Quranic Wich comes with its greatest powers in itself.Reciting the Surh is very effective for a lot of...
হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) এর সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী নিয়ে তৈরি এই Application.আরবের নৈতিক জীবন ছিল আরো বিপর্যস্ত। শিশুবধ, নারী নির্যাতন, সতীদাহ ও ব্যভিচার প্রভৃতি তাদের চোখে পাপ বলে মনে হত না। তাদের অনেকেই অন্ধসভ্য, অসভ্য জীবনযাপন করতো। শিক্ষা-দীক্ষা ও জ্ঞান চর্চার...
This book of Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih blood of Gazi Ertugrul DirlisEither I will conquer Istanbul or Istanbul will conquer me.. Sultan Mehmet Han,Mehmed II (Ottoman Turkish: محمد ثانى, Meḥmed-i s̠ānī; Turkish: II. Mehmet Turkish pronunciation: ; also known...
Kashf ul Mahjoob by Hazrat Daata Ganj Bakhsh Rahmatullah Alaeh. True definition of Tasawaff Irfan Ahsan .Kashf Ul Mahjoob Tasawaff Par Behtren Kitab Hai.کشف المحجوب حضور داتا گنج بخش ہجویری قیمتی کتاب ہے.Features In This App:Easy To UseSimple UI
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