Do you want to find the best R K Patel & Associates alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Finance that are similar to R K Patel & Associates. Pick one from this list to be your new R K Patel & Associates app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to R K Patel & Associates on your Android devices.
The best free and paid R K Patel & Associates alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like R K Patel & Associates 2025.
Say hello to great tax preparation and upfront pricing. As one of the highest-rated tax prep apps, it’s easy to see why Block has your back.Use a different preparer last year? Switch quickly and easily when you file with...
Lodge your tax return with H&R Block from $19.95 and receive your refund fast. It's simple and secure.In three easy steps you can complete your return anywhere, even when you're on the go. Simply create an account and fill...
Our corporate app is full of clever features that make everyday life easier. You can check your company's accounts, balances and cash receipts. Pay company PG / BG payments and make transfers with countersignature done directly in the app....
Welcome to Swedbank! With our app you can manage your everyday banking whenever and whereever you want. You can, among other things, check your balance without logging in, do a quick transfer between accounts and OCR-scan your...
Cubux is a simple and convenient way to keep family records simultaneously in the browser and phone. Without ads! This is your best finance manager.We have developed a completely new model for creating operations - now it’s almost 3...
A Bitcoin wallet that allows you to store, send Bitcoin, receive Bitcoin and buy Bitcoin with focus on security and simplicity.On BlueWallet, a bitcoin wallet you own you private keys. A Bitcoin wallet made by Bitcoin users for the...
R MobileTrader is a fully-featured mobile trading station. You can do everything within a single app, from trading more than 100 financial assets to monitoring the global economy's current state.R MobileTrader offers:✔️ Live trading of 100+ Currency pairs, Gold,...
Need professional tax help? Get in touch with an H&R Block tax pro any time of the year, with secure messaging, screensharing, and video chat capabilities.Enjoy a stress-free solution for in-person or virtual appointment planning and prep – or...
Kamix allows you to buy and store crypto assets in your wallet, that you can send to your recipient's wallet in Cameroon with 0% commission fees. Before using this service, it is mandatory to validate your identity as required...
Advanced personal finance manager - one of a few apps on the market with seamless tracking of cash accounts and stock portfolios. Simple intuitive interface, flexible reports with drill-down capabilities, online exchange rates and stock prices, excellent performance with...
You can split charge by ratio, or fix someone's chage, etc.To use keypad, long press target entry.See help and screenshot for detail: : Bug fix.1.0.15 : Bug fix.1.0.12 : Setting and keypad modified.
”Kaas & Marksø” er en app til dig, som har sat din bolig til salg, er ved at købe bolig eller søger en bolig igennem Ejendomsmæglerfirmaet Kaas & Marksø.Med ”Kaas & Marksø”s kundeunivers kan du se statistikker for dit...
Out of office, but want to be updated of your account balance? Do you want to keep your company’s finance in your hands with a convenient solution? Use K&H Bank Electra system’s mobile application developed for smartphones, approve orders,...
With K&H mobilbank application you can:- check your account balance- modify of your daily bankcard limits - launch domestic forint payments to any Hungarian bank account number or secondary identifier- easily check your card’s PIN number- activate, suspend or unsuspend and cancel your card...
■ 24·365 문 여는 은행- 언제 어디서나 계좌개설·예금·적금 가입 및 대출 실행- 24시간 365일 톡상담 가능 ■ 예적금도 대출도 기분 좋은 금리 - 복잡한 조건 없이 누구에게나 실속있는 금리와 혜택 제공 ■ 내 돈을 모아 모든 금융...
The Perfect401(k) is a comprehensive, turn-key retirement program designed and provided by the Wellington Companies utilizing Charles Schwab Bank as plan custodian for plan assets. Schwab Retirement Technologies (who hosts your online 401(k) account) is a robust online web...
”MSMyCrypto” is an application that makes it easy to monitor prices and charts for more than 1500 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, BitCoin Cash, Ripple etc.The application allows you to select useful gadgets to make use of your favorate...
多彩なチャートとパワフルなファンド検索、ポートフォリオ機能で損益状況や資産クラス別データも素早く確認。モーニングスターの「My投資信託(旧名:株・投信情報)」は国内すべての追加型投資信託の基準価額が確認でき、多彩なチャートと売れ筋や運用成績のランキング情報から、あなたの資産運用をサポートします。◆大幅に拡充したファンド情報複数のチャートや情報で、ファンドの中身が総合的にわかるファンド選びに迷った時は、比較機能がおすすめ確定拠出年金(401k)専用ファンドも検索できるので、iDeCo(イデコ)対応ファンドの情報も取得できます。◆充実の銘柄管理機能ウォッチリストで素早く価格確認ポートフォリオで詳細な損益管理積立投資にも対応しているので、つみたてNISA(ニーサ)の資産管理もできます。リアルタイムのPTS価格と20分ディレイ株価はもちろん、日経平均をはじめとした世界の株価指数の情報も満載(取引所価格は20分ディレイ)。◆様々な切り口からファンド選びが出来る検索・ランキング機能長期運用に優れるファンドや純資産高の大きいファンドなど細かな条件で検索トータルリターンや資金流出入ランキング等を活用し、新たな投資情報の収集を実現◆データのダウンロードにより細かな分析が可能により細かく、より深く分析し、資産運用に有効活用◆海外指数や為替レート情報にも対応■機能一覧<ウォッチリスト機能>好みの銘柄をウォッチリストに登録し、値動きなど日々のチェックを容易に実施。<銘柄詳細機能>◇投資信託 単体・比較・積立・流出入など様々なチャートを表示 販売会社や、分配金・純資産などの詳細データ リターンやリスクの指標も確認 相性の良いファンドや競合ファンド、ベンチマークとの比較も可能 目論見書、運用報告書、月次レポートのダウンロード ファンドのパフォーマンスの要因を、国ごと、資産ごとに分解表示◇株式・ETF 取引市場や私設市場(PTS)の確認 特別気配情報や、配当の確認 株価指標や収益性、成長性、安定性も確認 関連ニュースも表示◇指数 指標の確認や、関連ニュースへのリンクが可能◇為替 高・安値の確認や、関連ニュースへのリンクが可能<ポートフォリオ機能>MSクラブ会員IDと連携し、資産の運用・管理可能。 損益情報/登録銘柄情報/資産クラス別データ/地域・国別データ/コスト<ランキング>トータルリターン、資金流入など様々なカテゴリのランキング情報を確認資金流出入の日次ランキングで、トレンドチェック株式やPTS、国内・海外ETF、仮想通貨のランキングページにも直接リンク可能<検索・比較機能>さまざまな条件設定や並び替え、銘柄比較機能で、好みのファンドを検索トータルリターンやシャープレシオ等のデータを長期間で検索株式・ETF銘柄を検索多数の指数・為替データを検索<まなぶ>新設ファンドや、流出入データ分析等による最新ファンドニュース資産形成や資産活用のための利回り計算に便利な金融電卓機能投資信託初心者にもわかりやすい投資信託用語解説セミナー・イベント情報「My 投資信託」アプリに掲載されている情報は、金融商品取引法に基づく広告等の表示要件を満たしておりません。ご興味のある販売会社本部の方は、モーニングスターまでご連絡ください。
Aplikacja e-pity edycja 2020 wersja mobilna to pierwsza w Polsce darmowa aplikacja do rozliczania i wysyłania PITów rocznych do systemu za pośrednictwem smartfonów, tabletów i komórek.Nowość! Program e-pity 2020 umożliwia wczytanie danych z usługi Twój e-PIT, rozliczenia...
Virtual android calculator, 16 digits calculator, 5 lines (or more) visible at all times.Tape Calculator Pro has been improved by suggestions from Dave Raymond, Mas Musa & many users. (Thanks).Simply the best editable tape calculator with history tape. Accurate...
Patel Life has launched an application for it's Clients. This application will help them to track their Investments related reports. Report Details:(1) AUM Report: This section provides...
Praful Patel is LIC's authorized & recognized IRDA certified LIC Advisor in Gujarat, providing Professional & value based Insurance services to our esteemed clients not only in Gujarat, but across India.
Bhadresh Patel is LIC's authorized & recognized IRDA certified LIC Advisor in Gujarat since 15 years, providing Professional & value based Insurance services to our esteemed clients not only in Gujarat, but across India.
Mahesh Patel is LIC's authorized & recognized IRDA certified LIC Advisor in Gujarat , providing Professional & value based Insurance services to our esteemed clients not only in Gujarat, but across India.
Sahyog Investments has launched an application for it's Clients. This application will help them to track their Investments related reports. Report Details:(1) AUM Report: This section provides...
Patel Invest has launched an application for it's Clients. This application will help them to track their Investments related reports. Report Details:(1) AUM Report: This section provides...
Soham Capigrow has launched an application for it's Clients. This application will help them to track their Investments related reports. Report Details:(1) AUM Report: This section provides...
This powerful new free Finance and Tax App has been developed by the team at David O'Brien and Associates to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The David O'Brien...
This powerful new free Finance & Tax App has been developed by the team at Tilenni Stiles & Associates to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The Tilenni Stiles...
This powerful App has been developed by the team at DNS Associates Accountants to give you key financial information at your fingertips, 24/7. Now you can have instant access to your latest business and personal accountancy facts, dates and...
This powerful new free Finance & Tax App has been developed by the team at Caplan Associates to give you key financial and tax information, tools, features and news at your fingertips, 24/7. The Caplan Associates App is...
MyCardRules places the complete control over when, where, and how your card is used in your pocket. Whether you're looking to stop certain types of transactions, limit per-transaction spending, or if you just want to be notified on card...
Financial management app built on the Treasury web application
Take the stress out of tax filing.Simplify your tax filing process with our Mobile App. Key Information at your Fingertips-Push notifications-Office phone numbers and email addresses-Directions to our nearest office-Learn about our staff-Book your appointment right from the app...
At Virtus Associates, we are focused on staying current with financial trends, strategies, and technology so that we can ensure the best possible service for our elite group of clientele. We provide financial services and consultation to our clientele...
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