Do you want to find the best Bhavans Abu Dhabi alternatives for Android? We have listed 22 Education that are similar to Bhavans Abu Dhabi. Pick one from this list to be your new Bhavans Abu Dhabi app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Bhavans Abu Dhabi on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Bhavans Abu Dhabi alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 22 similar apps like Bhavans Abu Dhabi 2025.
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Assignment- Learning Management System-...
Bhavans Prism School fully integrated school management system.Bhavans Prism School app is useful for those parents/students/employees whose schools are registered for Online Bhavans Prism School Portal.
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Assignment- Learning Management System-...
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Assignment- Learning Management System-...
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Assignment- Learning Management System-...
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Assignment- Learning Management System-...
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Assignment- Learning Management System-...
Prepare your tablet! Sophia and Rashid will take you on an adventure to discover the fascinating stories behind the masterpieces of the collection.On your own or with your parents, choose a profile – child or adult – and start...
Download our free app and enjoy Louvre Abu Dhabi art wherever you are.Hear about the in-depth stories of our masterpieces and architecture; create your own collection and share your favorite artworks with your friends with Louvre Abu Dhabi App.The...
يمكنك من خلال تطبيق "مدارس أبو ظبي" الحصول على التقييمات الرسمية 2019 لأغلب مدارس إمارة أبو ظبي, والرسوم السنوية للعام الدراسي 2019/2020 , كذلك تستطيع رؤية كامل تفاصيل المدرسة من البريد الالكتروني ورقم الهاتف والفاكس والمنطقة والمنهاج المتبع ونوع...
we are happy to build an app for Ustaz Abu Hayder well know Ethiopian Islamic preacherMashAllah he is one of Daee of Ethiopian Muslim in Amharic Language He is also very knowledgeable in comparative religion.The App Features:* Create your...
Sunan Abi Dawood is a large number of hadiths compiled by Imam Abu Dawud Sulayman ibn al-Ash'ath as-Sijistani (rahimahullah). It is generally considered to be amongst the six authoritative collections of hadiths (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the...
Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Abu Aaliyah Al Jawarani is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Abu Aaliyah Al Jawarani. In addition there are online ruqyah by :Sheikh Abdallah KamelSheikh Abdul Basit Abdul SamadSheikh...
Ruqyah Mp3 Offline : Sheikh Abu Anas is offline android app to listen Ruqyah Ash Shar'eeyah offline by Sheikh Abu Anas. In addition there are online ruqyah by :Sheikh Abdallah KamelSheikh Abdul Basit Abdul SamadSheikh Abdul Rahman Al...
Good news - Ahmadu Bello University, NigeriaFinally, the best solution for all ABU aspirants is ready and guess what??? it works OFFLINE ABU Post-UTME OFFLINE App is a world-class mobile application developed and enriched with ABU's Post UTME Past...
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A) was born 573 AD at Mecca. And Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A) is the greatest personality in Muslims After the prophet Muhammad (SAW). He is one of the main companion of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)....
Assalamu 'alaikum. Zain Abu Kautsar Murottal (Offline)Assalamu 'alaikum. Thank you for downloading and using this application. InshaAllah you will like this application.In this application has some functions which will keep you listening, reading, learning Quran. If you want to...
قناة زايد الرقمية هي أول منصة إلكترونية تضم محتوى خاصاً بالأب المؤسس الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان، أطلقتها شركة أبوظبي للإعلام تماشياً مع إعلان صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس الدولة “حفظه الله“ العام 2018...
Mobile interface of ETH Digital Campus designed for parents. With this app, parents get access to all the information about their children. Following functionality is available:- Personal information- Health information- News- Circulars- SMS- Email- Homework- Progress Card- Learning Management...
Take a journey back through time to investigate secrets from the extraordinary history of the United Arab Emirates. Along the way you’ll discover some amazing facts about how ancient people lived here thousands of years ago. Aimed at children...
The products we offer is a powerful, easy-to-use student management tool developed specifically for the K-12 / CBSE / IGCSE / ICSE / IB / Arabic / African schools since 2004. We provide a wide range of tools and...
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