Do you want to find the best A1C Blood Sugar Calculator Tracker Diabetes app alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Medical that are similar to A1C Blood Sugar Calculator Tracker Diabetes app. Pick one from this list to be your new A1C Blood Sugar Calculator Tracker Diabetes app app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to A1C Blood Sugar Calculator Tracker Diabetes app on your Android devices.
The best free and paid A1C Blood Sugar Calculator Tracker Diabetes app alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like A1C Blood Sugar Calculator Tracker Diabetes app 2025.
GiveBlood is the official app of Canadian Blood Services. This app makes it easy for donors in Canada (excluding Quebec) to book, manage and keep track of their donations on the go. Users can locate their nearest donor centres...
"Blood Connection - Blood Type & Blood Test" is a mobile app designed to help user determine the probability of the blood type of their children if the user knows the blood type of both parents. This will be...
🏆 Special Thanks to our beloved Village Butter's and City Blood Donor Communities To Motivate us for this great effort to convert the manual record of blood donors into a mobile app. 🏆This app is to facilitate people to...
"Blood Sugar Converter Pro: Glucose Monitor" app is intended especially to help diabetes mellitus (DM) patients (including gestational diabetes) to monitor their glycemic control. This can be achieved by checking blood sugar or blood glucose level and HbA1c level...
The Choice Blood Pressure App guides you through the easy device setup process and seamlessly syncs and stores your blood pressure data from your Choice Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor. Features include: DashboardSee your last measurement and last 3...
The main function of Give Blood Save life. Blood Donor Apps is to create and manage a platform for all blood donors of Bangladesh and removal of blood crisis problem for free. Blood Donor is a Save...
Readers of Blood and Blood Advances Journals can now view the contents from various ASH publications in a single app on the go and even offline! You can save your favorite articles to your smart phone or tablet, take...
Control your blood pressure with multiple build-in features like measurements analysis, statistics, graphs, comprehensive reports your doctor will love and many other tools to analyze high or low blood pressure!Control your Sugar with multiple build-in features like measurements analysis,...
Track, Analyze & Convert your Blood Sugar Test by Finger Technologies Production Team For Free!!!This blood sugar conversion app will help you to convert your blood sugar from mg/dL to mmol/L and vice versa. Type the blood sugar...
Designed for both smart phones and tablets, this application will help you manage your diabetes better and keep it under control. Whether you are Type 1 or Type 2, have Gestational Diabetes or just want to help and monitor...
This diabetes app has been designed and developed for quick and easy tracking of daily blood glucose levels to help in easy diabetes management. This app supports following features:- Add, modify or delete daily blood sugar levels, time when...
Get help with managing your diabetes, it's quick and easy!Ranked the Top Diabetes App by Healthline 3 times. Featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, and The Washington Post.Adding the mySugr diabetes app to your daily routine with diabetes (Type 1, Type...
Sugar test converter is a easy app to convert your blood sugar test result either in mg/dl used by the American system or in mmol/L used by the British system which is accepted Worldwide. You can convert your blood...
This extensive Blood Sugar Diary provides you all functions you need to record, track and analyze your blood sugar and pulse.Since this data is very sensitive, we offer you a high level of data protection. Therefore, your health data...
Blood Sugar Test Info - Blood Pressure Tracker keeps track of your health factors like blood sugar / glucose level, blood pressure, weight, A1C. In addition, you can also add tags, mood and breads units taken.You can view the...
With Medications Tracking you can track what you took and when. You can set an alarm so you do not miss taking the medicine. And you can do that for more then one person. You can add as many...
"Absolute Neutrophil Count - Hematology ANC Calculator” is a simple and precise apps to calculate and categorise the Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC). It is intended for the medical practitioner in the assessment of the risk connected with conditions such...
"Burns Fluid Calculator: Fluid, TBSA, ABSI score" is a mobile app designed to determine the fluid needed during resuscitation and maintenance when treating burn patients. The most commonly used resuscitation formula is the pure crystalloid Parkland formula. In this...
"MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App" is a mobile app to calculate the Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score for patients aged 12 and older. Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)score is a prospectively developed and validated...
"Cardiac Output Calculator: Fick Equation" is designed to calculate cardiac output, cardiac index, stroke volume, and stroke volume index. Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped through your heart every minute. Stroke volume is the amount of blood...
"Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance" is an app to help medical practitioner to find the anion gap, delta gap, delta ratio, and their interpretation from arterial blood gas result. In "Anion Gap Calculator - Acid Base Balance"...
"Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury" is a mobile app designed to help health practitioner to calculate the fractional excretion of sodium (FENa). This FENa score in "Sodium FENa Calculator - Acute Kidney Injury" app can be used...
"SOFA Score Calculator - Sepsis Assessment Tool" is a mobile app designed to calculate the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score based on 6 different organ systems. The total score is useful to predict mortality especially patient with sepsis....
"Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer" is a medical mobile app designed for health practitioner especially in Urology department. "Urology PSA Calculator Pro - Prostate Cancer" app will calculate several measurements regarding prostate specific antigen (PSA). The PSA...
"Testosterone Calculator Pro - Mens Health" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to calculate the free & bioavailable testosterone level. Both free and bioavailable testosterone are more accurately reflect the bioactive testosterone level than does the...
Period Calendar - Menstrual Tracker Period Calendar is an extremely elegant and easy-to-use application that helps women keep track of periods, cycle, ovulation, and fertile days. Whether you are concerned about conceiving, birth control, contraception, or regularity of...
💊 CareClinic is more than a health symptom tracker or symptoms diary app. CareClinic is your daily all-in-one Health & Wellness App that helps you measure, learn, and improve your health. 👨‍⚕️ CareClinic helps you never forget your meds...
Manage & Track Your Fever, Blood Pressure, Weight, BMI, Blood Glucose Level, Heart Rate, Sugar Level, spo2, bp & Diabetes at once by Free Body Temperature Check Diary : Thermometer Fever Tracker App! Fever is your body's...
Main functions:- Tracking the duration of contractions and the intervals between them. - Graphic display of interval change.- Sounds and visual effects for meditation and proper breathing.- Forecasting the time of departure to the hospital.- Sending information about the...
The Royal Veterinary College’s free pet epilepsy tracker app is a new and interactive way to manage your pet’s epilepsy. Key features include:• Seizure log: allowing you to record the details of your pet’s seizures, including what they look...
Period Tracker is a simple and yet very stylish application that offers the chance to any girl or woman to be in control of their period, ovulation, fertility days and even birth control/contraceptive. We offer you a calendar which...
This medication reminder allows you to manage all of the medications and pills you take on a regular basis, so that you don't forget to take them ever again. Pill tracker's main features:- Customize the pillbox: customize all...
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