Do you want to find the best Quran Marker alternatives for Android? We have listed 20 Tools that are similar to Quran Marker. Pick one from this list to be your new Quran Marker app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Quran Marker on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Quran Marker alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Quran Marker 2025.
listen to Prayer times azan 5 times daily and read quran and at same time find 99% accurate prayer times. it helps you to offer islamic prayers at proper time and if you forget a prayer the namaz( نماز...
Islamic Hijri Calendar is a Smartphone Application which provides Muslims all over the world with accurate Hijri Calendar besides the Gregorian. It also comes up with greatly useful information regarding important Events happening throughout the Islamic Year such as...
this Ramadhan Theme app is suitable for all muslim who wants to manage their time to read quran daily to get khatam or nakhtim at the end of the month.You can set the hizb you want to read and...
تطبيق صلاتك - كفر قرعمن أهم الثوابت في ديننا الاسلامي هي المساجد, ومن أهم العبادات هي الصلاة والتي هي عامود الدين,والجمع بينهما فيه خير وبركة عظيمة.تطبيق المبادرة القرعاوية المنشأ خصيصًا من أجلكم شباب كفر قرع يقوم بإحصاء عدد صلوات...
Barcode reader & QR code scanner Pro. Free application works as a barcode scanner and barcode readers machine. It is one of the best barcode scanner and qr reader apps in Google Play that identifies different products very easily...
يكنك تسجل قراءة عداد كهرباء جنوب الجيزة واعرف فاتورتك بسهولة ويسرإستعلام عن الفواتيرإبلاغ عن قراءة العدادفاتورة الكهرباء الجديدة & احتساب فاتورة الكهرباء
في هذا البرنامج ستتمتع بخدمات نيابات المرور، التي تشمل خدمات مخالفات المرور كيفية الاستعلام عن المخالفات وطريقة السداد والتقدم بتظلم، ومتابعة هذا الطلب، وذلك دون الحاجة الى التعامل المباشر مع مكاتب المرور، ويمكنك التعرف عليها المزيد بنفسك من خلال...
برنامج سبر للقرآن الكريميساعدك هذا البرنامج على اختبار مدى حفظك للقرآن الكريمخطوات الاستخدام1 - اختيار السورة أو الصفحات المراد إجراء الاختبار بها2 - سيطرح عليك البرنامج أسئلة تطلب منك الإكمال من آية معينة حيث يتم اختيار هذه الآية عشوائيا3...
Best free flashlight app for Android.# Features:# Elegant material design# Super fast# very easy to use# simple# Works on background# you can turn off the flash from notification# Less size# strobe light feature# Brightness control# Battery Temperature# No full...
عربي:هل أردت أن تقرأ القرآن, لكن نسيت أين توقفت في آخر مرة.يمكنك الآن حفظ آخر سورة وآخر آية وصلت لها.English:Have you got some time to read the Holy Quran, but you did not remember where did you stop last...
This App Calculate Flange Hole Dividing Hole Marking for Equispaced Flange Holes, Flange Holes at any angle and Equivalent No. of Holes.This App Has Following Calculators:1. Equispaced Flange Hole Marking Calculator.2. Flange Holes at any Angle Marking Calculator.3. Equivalent...
is a simple memorising tool to mask the keywords in a text paragraph or word list. You can memorise the keywords first and slowly the whole paragraph.- Support 4 different colours of marker pen: yellow, green, red,...
This app is build to calculate Nozzle Marking Distance while Marking on Pressure Vessel Dish end or Head of Different Types.This app is Calculate Nozzle marking Distance for following Types of Dish ends or HeadsTorispherical heads2:1 Semi Ellipsoidal HeadsHemispherical...
This app is a great solution for those who like to color and don't like sketching. Make your outlines within a couple of seconds. You can set the thickness of the line, range and opacity. You can also edit...
Go PRO with Graffiti Tag Marker and express your creativityGraffiti tag marker is an intuitive, multitouch, pressure-sensitive drawing app that emulate graffiti markersChoose your favourite pen and get creative!- New colour palette- Pressure sensitivity ( allow to draw a...
Go Pro With more Markers, colours and no ads! your tag style and grafitti ideas!Have fun with Graffiti Tagging, Graffiti Lettering, and more- Choice of various thickness and tips- Pressure, flow sensitive markers- The line can be made...
Nozzle Orientation marker is developed for easy, fast and simple use of this calculator while Nozzle marking on Pressure vessel, tank or any other simply required input of outside circumference or shell outside diameter.this app calculate arc length...
This app is intended to help post-production with screen replacements in film- and video-production. If you are reading this you will probably know what it is about. We decided to keep it as simple as possible. Current supported device...
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