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This is a Text book app for Class 5 book. It contains class 5 all subjects board books as per NCTB syllabus 2021. The students of primary level can use this PSC preparation app. This app will help them...
ننجز بتعلم أهم 5000 كلمة في اللغة الإنجليزية* مقدمـــة:.هناك عدة أسئلة تواجه أغلب المبتدئين لتعلم أي لغة,- من أين ابدأ؟- ماهي الكلمات التي يجدر بي تعلمها في البداية؟- ماهي الكلمات التي لا جدوى من تعلمها لقلة استعمالها؟تذكر أن تعلم...
Our Five by Five FCC written test prep is the best way to prepare for your GROL, GMDSS, Ship Radar Endorsment, Radio Maintenance and/or Repair, or other commercial Operator FCC test. Unlike our competitors, our questions are UP TO...
The awesome match-2 cube game is available for free on Google Play! Download now and play this fun exciting puzzle game. Tap on any 2 adjacent cubes of the same color to blast and start this addictive cube crushing...
Geoboard is an excellent puzzle game for kids and adults to use geoboard and develop their attention, logic, coordination and mathematical thinking. We were inspired to create this game by physical analogue of the geoboard game that pupils of...
Five surah contains seven important surah (Punj Surah) (Surah Yaseen, Surah Rahman, Surah Mulk, Surah Muzammil, Surah Waqiah, Surah Dukhan and Surah Sazdah) is an islamic application with audio.(1) Surah Yasin: Surah Yasin is one of the Qurani Surahs...
iSpeak is a powerful application that was created to help kids and beginners to learn native and foreign languages for free. Using our application you’ll extend your vocabulary fast and be able to speak in a target language as...
نتعلم من خلال التطبيق أركان الاسلام الخمسة اركان الايمان و الصلاة بالاضافة للحج والوضوء وهناك الاذكار المنوعةوأيضا اسماء الله الحسنى ومعانيها محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ولادته وحياته و وفاتهبالاضافة للمسابقات وألعابهذا التطبيق مناسب لليافعين لتعلم...
The word "Islam" is an Arabic word which means submission to the will of God".This word comes from the same root as the Arabic word "Salam" which means "peace".As such, the religion of Islam teaches that in order to...
Etymology – the study of word origins – is a fantastically interesting discipline that yields some incredible facts about where the hugely diverse array of words that make up the English language come from. Etymology is the study of...
In Simple Words Physics is the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other. Physicists assume the existence of mass, length, time and electric current and then define (give the...
Management is essential to any organization that wishes to be efficient and achieve its aims. Without someone in a position of authority there would be organizational anarchy with no structure and very little, if any focus. It has been...
Handbook of Rocks is a free android application with the complete list of all rock types.Nearly all rocks can be classified according to their origin into three major groups. These divisions include igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks....
Handbook of Dinosaurs gives detailed information about a wide range of dinosaurs, some whose names are very familiar, others that have only recently been discovered. Fossil finds have provided vital clues about the environment that dinosaurs inhabited, as well...
Read the time on the clock and learn the Mohs Scale of HardnessThe Mohs’ hardness scale was developed in 1822 by Carl Friedrich Christian Mohs (a german geologist and mineralogist). This scale is a chart of relative hardness and...
The clearest and sharpest recognition guides to the natural world, Handbook of Fossils make identification of individual species from the three main kingdoms: invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants.The Handbook of Fossils is easy to use and a definitive natural history...
Hadith of the day HOTD app consists beautiful ahadith in a short and and precise pictorial format collected from authentic books of ahadith like,bukhari Muslim,ibn e maja,abi dawood etc.Ahadith are also categorized into different categories as well.You can...
Handbook of Mineralogy is a free android application with the complete list of minerals approved by International Mineralogical Association (IMA).Handbook of Mineralogy provides a compendium of more than 5400 unique minerals.Made by a Geologist for Geologists.MAIN FEATURES► Minimalist design;►...
The circle of fifths shows the relationship between major and minor parallel keys. Also it can be used for modulation from one key to another.
Tentang Ceramah Islam KH Zainuddin MZ 1Bulan suci Ramadhan yang sebentar lagi tiba. Bulan dimana seharusnya umat Muslim fokus untuk beribadah karena pahalanya berlipat ganda dibanding bulan lainnya. Tentu gadget Android pun (harusnya) diisi dengan aplikasi-aplikasi yang bernafaskan nilai-nilai...
Tentang Doa Islam Sehari-Hari Berisi koleksi audio Doa Islam untuk Sehari-Hari dengan Teks Arab, dan Bahasa Indonesia. Dilengkapi dengan referensi Hadist & Quran. Silahkan di-Install dan nikmati doa terbaik untuk digunakan sehari-hari bagi umat muslim seperti Doa...
Kembali dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Islami. Kali ini dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Ceramah Islam Mamah Dedeh. Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan Dakwah Islam terbaik dari Mamah Dedeh, seorang mubalig perempuan paling populer saat ini.Dedeh Rosidah atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Mamah Dedeh...
Tentang Ceramah Islam Gus Muwafiq bagian 1Kembali dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Islami untuk mengisi hari-hari Umat Muslim dengan ceramah (tausiah) dari para ustad dan ulama terkemuka. Kali ini dihadirkan bagian pertama kumpulan tausiah (ceramah) dari Gus Muwafiq dalam bebagai tema...
Tentang Ceramah Islam Gus Muwafiq bagian 2Kembali dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Islami untuk mengisi hari-hari Umat Muslim dengan ceramah (tausiah) dari para ustad dan ulama terkemuka. Kali ini dihadirkan bagian kedua kumpulan tausiah (ceramah) dari Gus Muwafiq dalam bebagai tema...
Ask About Islam is one the services provided by the E-Da`wah Committee affiliated to Al-Najat Charity Society in Kuwait.Ask About Islam tries to:1- Answer the received questions about Islam and Muslim.2- Present Islam to people of other faith communities...
Need to learn about Islam in your language? Are you a new Muslim or would like to know more about Islam? Do you want to explore the fastest rising religion? Do you want to watch videos about Islam? Need...
Kembali dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Islami untuk mengisi hari-hari Umat Muslim. Terutama dalam rangka ibadah puasa di Bulan Suci Ramadan. Kali ini dihadirkan Aplikasi Android Ceramah Islam Quraish Shihab. Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan Ceramah Dakwah Islam (Tausyiah) Tafsir Al-Mishbah...
Assalamualaikum Wr. WblTemukan kumpulan ratusan doa harian islam di dalam aplikasi ini berikut audio yang bisa diputar, bacaan latin, dan arti setiap doa dalam bahasa indonesia. Dalam setiap doa terdapat ilustrasi menarik untuk belajar. Setiap doa dilengkapi dengan sumber...
Sebagai sarana atau media anda belajar lebih dalam tentang bacaan sholat, kami hadirkam aplikasi Bacaan Sholat Teks dan MP3. Aplikasi ini cukup lengkap. Selain ada contoh audio dari setiap bacaan sholat juga ada teks bacaan dan artinya serta ilustrasi...
Features : ★CBSE RESULT APP 20201★CBSE BOARD RESULT 2021CBSE 10th Result 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will announce the CBSE 10th Result 2021. The expected date of CBSE 10th result 2021 is the first week of...
Features ---★BIHAR BOARD RESULT 2020★BSEB 10th Matric ResultsBihar Board 10th Result 2020: The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) is the body responsible for conducting the board exam and declaration of the Bihar Board 10th Results 2020. The BSEB will...
UP Board high school and inter exam result 2021 this app provides yo the best & fastest way to check your result up board exam result 2021. it is good for check your result 10 or 12 it help...
Students can check AP Inter Results 2021 and AP Inter 1st and 2nd year Results 2021 easily from this app.The Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (BIEAP) evaluates the Inter 1st and 2nd year Results 2021, the results of...
Check TS Inter Results 2021 and Check your Telangana Board Result 2021 and also students can check with TS Board Inter result 2020.BIE Telangana, TS Intermediate Result 2021 and TS Inter Result 2021, This is the month being heralded...
Students can check TS SSC Results 2021 and BSE Result App 2021.Our app will provide Telangana Class 10 Result and also students can CHECK TS SSC Result 2021 free of cost.TS SSC Result 2021: As is the trend...
This app gives up result 2021.Students can check UP BOARD RESULT 2021 and यूपी बोर्ड रिजल्ट 2021.उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद (यूपी बोर्ड) हर वर्ष हाईस्कूल (10वीं) और इंटरमीडिएट (12वीं) कक्षा की परीक्षा आयोजित करता है। यूपी बोर्ड हाईस्कूल...
Features: -1. SSC BOARD RESULT APP 2021 GUJARAT.2. GSEB 10th Result 2021.3. Gujarat Board Result 2021.Check Gujarat Board SSC Result 2021 & Gujarat Board HSC Result 2021. Students can also check Gseb Result 2020-2021.GSEB SSC Result 2021: The Gujarat...
This App having the latest updates of West Bengal Board 10th & 12th Result 2021,WBBSEResult, statics so that you can easily estimate expected date and percentage.we will send you notification when your result is going to be announced or...
★BIHAR BOARD RESULT 2020★BSEB Intermediate Results DateBSEB 12th Result 2020: The Bihar Board School Examination Board (BSEB) will release the Bihar Board 12th Results 2020 as per their academic calendar. The Bihar Board has declared the time table for...
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