Do you want to find the best Escrever com sílabas 2 alternatives for Android? We have listed 28 Educational that are similar to Escrever com sílabas 2. Pick one from this list to be your new Escrever com sílabas 2 app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Escrever com sílabas 2 on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Escrever com sílabas 2 alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Escrever com sílabas 2 2025.
Um jogo para aprender a escrever com silabas portuguesas. Escolha as sílabas corretas para compor a palavra que lhe é apresentada! Quando você completa uma palavra, o jogo começa de novo com uma nova palavra. Tantas palavras diferentes para...
Um jogo para aprender a escrever com silabas portuguesas. Escolha as sílabas corretas para compor a palavra que lhe é apresentada! Quando você completa uma palavra, o jogo começa de novo com uma nova palavra. Tantas palavras diferentes para...
Um jogo para aprender a escrever com as sílabas da língua portoguesa. São apresentadas duas imagens de palavras portoguesas compostas por duas ou três sílabas. O jogo é escolher as sílabas certas para escrever as duas palavras. Quando todas...
Tomate é um jogo para crianças de 5 a 7 anos que estão na fase de alfabetização. Nas telas, elas podem juntar palavras puxando sílabas de uma linha para a outra, juntando as letras ou achando a palavra com...
A abordagem deste jogo é simples, intuitiva e didática. Existem seis telas com graus de dificuldade crescentes para acertar os números. As telas de confirmação tem expressões em inglês para que as crianças possam aprender algumas poucas palavras...
Mundo da Língua oferece à criança uma experiência de aprendizagem educacional da leitura e escrita da lingua portuguesa de uma forma divertida e interativa. Ajude o seu filho a aprender a escrever com sílabas, fonemas e palavras! Rapidamente ele...
Mundo da Língua oferece à criança uma experiência de aprendizagem educacional da leitura e escrita da lingua portuguesa de uma forma divertida e interativa. Ajude o seu filho a aprender a escrever com sílabas, fonemas e palavras! Rapidamente ele...
Learn Polish With Amy helps young children to improve their vocabulary.• 13 appealing categories like farm, numbers, transportation, and body.• Test the listening and reading skills of your child.• For children 2 to 7 years.How can Learn Polish With...
Learn Spanish With Amy helps young children to improve their vocabulary.• 13 appealing categories like farm, numbers, transportation, and body.• Test the listening and reading skills of your child.• For children 2 to 7 years.How can Learn Spanish With...
Learn Esperanto With Amy helps young children to improve their vocabulary.• 13 appealing categories like farm, numbers, transportation, and body.• Test the listening and reading skills of your child.• For children 2 to 7 years.How can Learn Esperanto With...
Learn English With Amy helps young children to improve their vocabulary.• 13 appealing categories like farm, numbers, transportation, and body.• Test the listening and reading skills of your child.• For children 2 to 7 years.How can Learn English With...
Learn Polish With Amy helps young children to improve their vocabulary.• 13 appealing categories like farm, numbers, transportation, and body.• Test the listening and reading skills of your child.• For children 2 to 7 years.How can Learn Polish With...
Learn Dutch With Amy helps young children to improve their vocabulary.• 13 appealing categories like farm, numbers, transportation, and body.• Test the listening and reading skills of your child.• For children 2 to 7 years.How can Learn Dutch With...
مجموعة من الفوائد اللغوية على شكل أسئلة وأجوبة لزيادة حصيلتك اللغوية مستخرجة من كتاب فقه اللغة للثعالبي. النسخة الأولى تحتوي على 400 سؤال وسيتم زيادتها لاحقا.
لعبة تعليمية تساعدك على اكتشاف الأمثال العربية بطريقة سهلة
All children love to draw. From early childhood, they learn to draw, starting from simple drawings, and with age, training their skills, children already get real pictures. As much as drawing, children like to color ready-made pictures in different...
Truck Trivia helps professional truck drivers to test their knowledge is a fun way. Knowing roads and rules helps drivers to stay safe on a road.A lot of questions relate to navigation systems and rules that are applicable and...
Free love wedding and valentines day coloring book and drawing game. Start relaxing by painting one of the many free coloring pages. Or send a beautiful drawing to the person you love at Valentines day or as love...
Dolphin and fish coloring book and painting game. Do you like sea animals and creatures? This free game is for everybody who likes coloring pages and painting. This app is designed to be fun and easy to use for...
Free and easy coloring book. If you love coloring pages, this drawing game will give inspiration for hours of creativity, play and learning.This app is designed to be fun and easy to use for a mixed audience of all...
Girls coloring pages games. Free girls coloring book and drawing games. This app is designed to be fun and easy to use for a mixed audience of all ages, from young to old. Easy navigation make it fun for...
Free paint and drawing game. Draw your own design or paint the free coloring pages.This app is designed to be fun and easy to use for a mixed audience of all ages, from young to old. Easy navigation makes...
Christmas coloring book and painting game. Free app for everyone who loves santa claus, christmas trees, reindeer, gifts or elves. Color your own cards and send a christmas greeting or wish to family or friends..This app is designed to...
A new Pocoyo adventure is here! Travel through the solar system learning everything about the planets. Discover the stars and learn to write the numbers 0 to 9 with Pocoyo. Fly on your spaceship across our galaxy, visit all...
Free and easy car coloring pages game. A coloring book full of cars, trucks, tractors and other vehicles. Fun creative game for the entire family. This app is designed to be fun and easy to use for a mixed...
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