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Lost Books of the BibleThis is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but which were later excluded from the canonical Bible. It includes accounts of the young...
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Insect Encyclopedia is a vast collection of interesting insect facts from the most interesting and unique species out there. The facts include information to an insect's respective length, behavior, geographical habitats and more.What is an insect?An insect is any...
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The Quran contains many invocations and with this application you'll be able to learn up to 50.To facilitate learning, the audio (voice of Sheikh Mishary Alafasy) is included with the Arabic text, and the translation and phonetic text (transcription).Each...
Architects AZ is a practical, lively and comprehensive application which gives you access to a complete list of notable architects from early ages until most recent times, chronologically ordered.This app provides for each architect a short description (text and...
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Taking notes from the books you read or movies you watch is a proven way to learn new things more efficiently and never forget special quotes or dialogues ever. Kneat is a free note-taking productivity app that enables you...
Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas HardyVirtual Entertainment, 2016Series: World classic booksFar from the Madding Crowd is a novel by 19th century English novelist Thomas Hardy, published in 1874. The title is apt, as the life of the...
Bible Home brings the Holy Bible launcher app directly to your home screen for free! Study, pray and read the Word of God which includes many different versions of the bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament...
Kids love to listen to stories at bed time. And the best stories are the stories of prophets. There are so many things to learn for all of us. These books are written for kids so that parents can...
Wear Wiki Reader is an unofficial reader for Wikipedia™, designed for Wear OS 2.x devices.Read Wikipedia™ articles on your wearable device(Android watch) with Wear Wiki Reader. Wear Wiki Reader is a standalone app for Wear OS(Android Wear) 2.x devices...
The CloningBench mobile app is designed to provide you with useful and essential tools to help guide your cloning experiments. The app is also available for iPad.CloningBench features:The Invitrogen Anza™ restriction enzymes cloning system: the new and innovative...
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This application is very user-friendly and contains standard hymnal lyrics and tunes.In addition to that, the following functionalities are packaged into this application in order to facilitate your use:+ Search : allows you to find hymns by keyboard typing...
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Express Yourself! Make your vote count on Election Day with this easy to use voting platform app.This app has content from the City of Whittier, Office of the City Clerk.With this application, you can know when, where and how...
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