Top 30 Books & Reference Apps Like Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel - Best Alternatives

Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel alternatives for Android? We have listed 30 Books & Reference that are similar to Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel. Pick one from this list to be your new Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel on your Android devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Nadi by Shamoil Ahmed - Urdu Novel 2025.

Nadi Astrology - Karakas (Significators)

Nadi Astrology - Karakas (Significators)

Nadi Astrology is a form of Dharma astrology practiced in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and adjacent regions in India. It is based on the belief that the past, present and the future lives of all humans were foreseen by Dharma...

Price: Free Developer: Free Info Hunt
Aks By Umera Ahmed (Urdu Novel)

Aks By Umera Ahmed (Urdu Novel)

Hi Guys"Aks" is a urdu novel written by Umera Ahmed. This novel named as "Aks" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As you know that, "Umera Ahmed" is a very beautiful novel...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Pal Bhar Rasta Te Karne Ma Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq

Pal Bhar Rasta Te Karne Ma Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq

Hi Guys"Pal Bhar Rasta Te Karne Ma" is a urdu novel written by Farhat Ishtiaq. This novel named as "Pal Bhar Rasta Te Karne Ma" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Woh yaqin ka ek naya safar Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq

Woh yaqin ka ek naya safar Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq

Hi Guys"Woh yaqin ka ek naya safar" is a urdu novel written by Farhat Ishtiaq. This novel named as "Woh yaqin ka ek naya safar" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Ab Kar Meri Rafu Gari By Saira Raza Urdu Novel

Ab Kar Meri Rafu Gari By Saira Raza Urdu Novel

Hi Guys"Ab Kar Meri Rafu Gari" is a urdu novel written by Saira Raza. This novel named as "Ab Kar Meri Rafu Gari" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As you know...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Shrikant by Sharatchandra Chatopadhyay Hindi Novel

Shrikant by Sharatchandra Chatopadhyay Hindi Novel

Hi Guys"Shrikant" is a Hindi novel written by Sharatchandra Chatopadhyay. This novel named as "Shrikant" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive Hindi novel and with amazing story.As you know that, "Sharatchandra Chatopadhyay" is a very beautiful novel...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Ulti Ho Gai Sab Tadbeerain Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq

Ulti Ho Gai Sab Tadbeerain Novel By Farhat Ishtiaq

Hi Guys"Ulti Ho Gai Sab Tadbeerain" is a urdu novel written by Farhat ishtiaq. This novel named as "Ulti Ho Gai Sab Tadbeerain" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As you know...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Abhi Tu Maat Baqi Hai By Umera Ahmed Urdu Novel

Abhi Tu Maat Baqi Hai By Umera Ahmed Urdu Novel

Hi Guys"Abhi Tu Maat Baqi Hai" is a urdu novel written by Umera Ahmed. This novel named as "Abhi Tu Maat Baqi Hai" is very beautiful novel, full of romance, attractive urdu novel and with amazing story.As you know...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Pets – Описание пород собак

Pets – Описание пород собак

Pets – это бесплатное приложение с лаконичным и удобным интерфейсом. Самая удобная база данных, которая всегда будет у вас под рукой. Собираетесь завести нового питомца, но не знаете какую породу выбрать? Пытаетесь отличить бородатого колли от длинношерстного колли? Хотите...

Price: Free Developer: DevDro
ПДД Беларуси

ПДД Беларуси

ПДД, КоАП и УК Республики Беларусь с изменениями и дополнениями на 1 января 2021 г. Штрафы указаны в белорусских рублях и соответствуют текущему размеру б.в. (1 б.в. = 29 руб.). • По всему тексту Правил проставлены активные ссылки на...

Price: Free Developer: ООО «Новый поворот»
Amar Bail By Bano Qudsia Urdu Novel

Amar Bail By Bano Qudsia Urdu Novel

Hi Guys"Amar Bail" is a urdu novel written by Bano Qudsia. It includes following features :- Start from First Page- Resume / Last Read - Go To Page Number- Add To Bookmarks- Remove from Bookmarks- Bookmarks- Enable / Disable...

Price: Free Developer: ahsanahmed
Humayun Ahmed all books bangla-হুমায়ুন আহমেদের বই

Humayun Ahmed all books bangla-হুমায়ুন আহমেদের বই

humayun ahmed books is one of the best creation in bangla letarature arena. Some people like to read litareture in online some people wants humayun ahmed all books bangla offline. humayun ahmed uponnash has the best learning and some...

Price: Free Developer: All Bangla App 71
হুমায়ুন আহমেদের উপন্যাস humayun ahmed all books

হুমায়ুন আহমেদের উপন্যাস humayun ahmed all books

উপন্যাস হিমু মিসির আলি গল্প সায়েন্স ফিকশন humayun ahmed books is one of the best creation in bangla letarature arena. Some people like to read litareture in online some people wants humayun ahmed all books bangla offline. humayun ahmed...

Price: Free Developer: Edu Bangla Apps
Humayun Ahmed all books bangla-হুমায়ুন আহমেদ রচনা

Humayun Ahmed all books bangla-হুমায়ুন আহমেদ রচনা

humayun ahmed all books bangla humayun is one of the best apps in this arena ahmed books is one of the best creation in bangla letarature arena. Some people like to read litareture humayun ahmed uponnash in online...

Price: Free Developer: Tech Parls BD
المصحف الشريف للقراءة

المصحف الشريف للقراءة

برنامج المصحف الشريف للقراءة :1- يحتوي البرنامج علي المصحف الشريف كامل بدون انترنت 2- يحتوي علي فهرس السور والأجزاء للتنقل بسهولة داخل المصحف مع وضع علامة ترقيم3- يحتوي أيضا علي ختمة متصلة تنتهي بانتهاء قراءة المصحف بالكامل ثم...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Said Abdel Aziz
مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 1

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 1

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع بصوت الشيخ مشاري راشد بدون انترنت الجزء الاولمميزات البرنامج :1 - يحتوي علي مصحف التجويد الخاص بالتحفيظ 2 - يحتوي علي الصفحات من 1 الي 1763 - يمكن سماع كل صفحة مع امكانية التوقف...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Said Abdel Aziz
مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 2

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 2

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع بصوت الشيخ مشاري راشد بدون انترنت الجزء الثانيمميزات البرنامج :1 - يحتوي علي مصحف التجويد الخاص بالتحفيظ 2 - يحتوي علي الصفحات من 177 الي 3593 - يمكن سماع كل صفحة مع امكانية التوقف...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Said Abdel Aziz
مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 4

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 4

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع بصوت الشيخ مشاري راشد بدون انترنت الجزء الرابع والأخيرمميزات البرنامج :1 - يحتوي علي مصحف التجويد الخاص بالتحفيظ 2 - يحتوي علي الصفحات من 526 الي نهاية المصحف3 - يمكن سماع كل صفحة مع...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Said Abdel Aziz
مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 3

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع 3

مصحف التجويد والتحفيظ قراءة وسماع بصوت الشيخ مشاري راشد بدون انترنت الجزء الثالثمميزات البرنامج :1 - يحتوي علي مصحف التجويد الخاص بالتحفيظ 2 - يحتوي علي الصفحات من 359 الي 5253 - يمكن سماع كل صفحة مع امكانية التوقف...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Said Abdel Aziz
Fazail Amal-Urdu Complete فضائل اعمال اردو

Fazail Amal-Urdu Complete فضائل اعمال اردو

Fazail e amal Quran Pak k Baad Sab say Ziada Phari Jani wali kitab hai. Es ka Tarjuma Har language me dastiab hai. Ham Ne Apko Mobile App Ki shakal me Muhaayya Kardia Apnay Dosto K sath Share Kary.فضائل...

Price: Free Developer: Urdu Library
Urdu Bible

Urdu Bible

The Bible Urdu (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. It is a collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. Jews...

Price: Free Developer: Edson Deda
Urdu Poetry - Urdu Shayari

Urdu Poetry - Urdu Shayari

Price: Free Developer: PowerEx PK
Al quran with Arabic and urdu translation

Al quran with Arabic and urdu translation

Al Quran –ul – Karim with urdu translation is an Islamic apps and this apps very helpful for people of Pakistan . Quran is every needed book for all humans . here is included Al quran urdu...

Price: Free Developer: Marvelous Lab
Quran Urdu

Quran Urdu

As-salāmu'alaykum.This application is Digital Quran / Koran with Urdu translation, arabic style with IndoPak and Utsmani, and audio mp3 murattal full Quran 114 surah or 30 juz without limitation download.Current Features :- User friendly design, slide the screen to...

Price: Free Developer: Andi Unpam
Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith (Urdu)

Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith (Urdu)

First ever app of Sahih Bukhari in Urdu with Best Noori Nastaleeq Font.Sahih Bukhari is the most authentic book of Hadiths (Hadees). Hadiths are presented in the book that were never presented before.Sahih Bukhari Urdu is a Smartphone Application...

Price: Free Developer: Al-Qalam Islamic Apps
Sahih Muslim Hadith (Urdu)

Sahih Muslim Hadith (Urdu)

Sahih Muslim Hadith Urdu:This Islamic Hadith Book is for Muslims in Urdu Language with simple but stylish layout. Useful Features are built to provide the maximum ease of use of this App. You must of capable to read and...

Price: Free Developer: Al-Qalam Islamic Apps
Hamd o Naat Urdu – Famous and Latest

Hamd o Naat Urdu – Famous and Latest

حمد و نعت اردو: حمدِ باری تعالی اور مشہور نعت رسول مقبول ﷺ کا بہترین مجموعہ، ۱۰۰ سے زائد مشہور و معروف حمد اور نعتیں، اب نعتیں پڑھنا اور یاد کرنا اور بھی آسان، ربیع الاؤل...

Price: Free Developer: PakApps - Pakistani, Urdu Apps
Wada(وعدہ) Urdu Novel  by Malik Fahim Irshad

Wada(وعدہ) Urdu Novel by Malik Fahim Irshad

beautiful love story

Price: Free Developer: ARB apps developer
Munajaat E Maqbool with Urdu Translation

Munajaat E Maqbool with Urdu Translation

Munajaat E Maqbool with Urdu TranslationMunajat-e-Maqbool is the spirit of worship. It is the weapon of the follower. It is a heart touching conversation with Allah. This book contains 7 days Du'as with Urdu translation from the Qur'an...

Price: Free Developer: Royal Urdu Apps

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