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Now read Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) Sabbath School Lesson Studies or Bible Study Guides in Simplified Chinese language.What is included:1) Sabbath School Lesson Studies in Student Edition2) Sabbath School Lesson Studies Power Point3) Weekly Memory verses in template4)...
Gong hei faat choi! Gong xi fa cai! Happy Year of the Rat 2020!Not familiar with Chinese greetings and idioms? This app is here to help.Learn some auspicious phrases to say during Chinese festivities.Browse Chinese greetings, and listen to...
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Easily learn Chinese & French with Chinese French Dictionary & Translator!The Chinese French Dictionary & Translator app covers over 200,000 words and phrases of the contemporary French and Chinese language (Both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese), along with example...
Assalamu alaikum to everyone. Do you recite the 古蘭經 regularly? If it’s yes, then we are here to help you reciting 古蘭經 more convenient way.You can get the whole 古蘭經 in our 《汉语古兰经》 application. Interested readers may access this...
مكتبة الكتب الإلكترونيّة للكتب المصوّرة و المجانية والمتاح نشرها مجاناً .يمكنك من خلال التطبيق قراءة آلاف الكتب الحديثه والقديمة كتب من قبل 1900 وحتى 2021 أو تحميلها مجاناً بدون إعلانات.تتميّز مكتبة الكتب بـ:- فهرس للمكتبة.- ملخصات ومختصرات فيديو لأشهر...
The Queens Public Library App is your gateway to QPL’s services on your mobile device. Our revamped application represents a leap forward in usability, speed, and convenience for our users. You can read, listen to, and watch materials directly,...
Khmer Dhamma Library has collected over 6000 books. all books are resource of
App Name: Bangla eBook Library (Free Bangla Book)Short Description: Large collection of bangla book from different famous bangla book writer Log Description:Bangla eBook Library is a free bangla book app with huge bangla book lise as novel, story, literature,...
In the Library of Babel you can find any page of text that can be written down using the combination of the 26 lowercase letters of the English alphabet and the comma, period and space. Every meaningful and meaningless...
This unofficial app compiles all of the game's lore (or Legends) into a searchable database. Read about the Secret World's rich story, about supernatural places, and creatures and events from the point-of-view of Gaia's Bees and from the sinister...
Kitab Ghar – The Library is an android book reading application intended for book lovers. “Kitab Ghar – the Library“ offers a list of books for reading in different categories, that includes but is not limited to Novel, Drama,...
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My School Library App is the Best App that puts your school library books inside your android device so that you can read and learn any day any time.Who can use this App? First Degree Students Second Degree Students Teenage Students Elementary Students PhD...
The best app for Shia Muslim brothers and sisters. Read and download over 30,000 religious books. Watch or Listen to thousands of Majalis, Nauhey, Duas and more. Continuously growing list of islamic content.
A bible: English Jubilee 2000 translationOld and New TestamentDaily devotion - Verse of the DayMake notes on the bibleBookmark favourite versesShare verses
Die Schlachter 2000 Studienbibel ist eine der wenigen im App Store erhältlichen Studienbibeln in deutscher Sprache. Sie kannn kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.Mit ihr können Sie:- ausführliche Fußnoten und 100‘000 Parallelstellen der Schlachter 2000 nachschlagen- die Bibel dank der zahlreichen Fußnoten...
L'authentique de l'imam Mouhammad Al Boukhari est le recueil de Hadiths qui fait autorité en la matière. Son recueil est la référence lorsqu'il s'agit de Hadiths.Le contenu de cette application est une sélection de plus de 2000 Hadiths provenant...
Create and share 500,000+ unique quote pictures and wallpapers with our beautiful gallery of high-resolution photographs. Email, text and share your creations with friends, family and social networks.• GET INSPIRED WITH TODAY'S QUOTEGet Today's Quote - our inspiring quote...
This app provides full biography and history of Hindvi Swarajya's The grate Leader Chatrapati Sambhaji maharaj | छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज in marathi language.Shambhu raje history is not known to everyone. This app is a small effort to make Shambhu...
Jubilees Bible The Book of Jubilees, probably written in the 2nd century B.C.E., is an account of the Biblical history of the world from creation to Moses. It is divided into periods ('Jubilees') of 49 years. For the most...
Aneka kumpulan kata-kata indah dan penuh nasihat dalam tata bahasa kita dikenal dengan kata kata mutiara. Kata kata mutiara adalah kata-kata indah yang disusun dan disajikan melalui pemikiran mendalam berdasarkan atas berbagai pengalaman hidup dan kebijaksanaan hati sang pembuat....
Lost Books of the BibleThis is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but which were later excluded from the canonical Bible. It includes accounts of the young...
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Electrochemistry is the branch of physical chemistry that studies the relationship between electricity, as a measurable and quantitative phenomenon, and identifiable chemical change, with either electricity considered an outcome of a particular chemical change or vice-versa. These reactions involve...
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The Lost Books of the Bible by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., 1926with King James BibleLost Books of the Bible is a collection of New Testament Apocrypha, including many works which were admired and read by the early Christians, but...
Google Play Books is the one app you need for enjoying audiobooks and ebooks purchased from Google Play.Choose from millions of best selling ebooks, comics, textbooks, and audiobooks. Download your book to read or listen on the go. When...
Psychology Books Free app is presented to you by books house. This psychology app will help you with your education or interest on the subject, as the books features some amazing psychology articles and lectures from leading psychologists. You...
Horror Novels Free in English - Offline Books app is presented to you by books house. If you want to read some amazing and really scary horror novels in English offline, you should definitely try this one. This horror...
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