Do you want to find the best Smart Chat Messenger, Online Diary and News alternatives for Android? We have listed 44 Communication that are similar to Smart Chat Messenger, Online Diary and News. Pick one from this list to be your new Smart Chat Messenger, Online Diary and News app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Smart Chat Messenger, Online Diary and News on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Smart Chat Messenger, Online Diary and News alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like Smart Chat Messenger, Online Diary and News 2025.
Manage all your accounts in PLDT, Smart, TnT, and Sun with myPLDT Smart – your one-stop app! Monitor your data-usage in real-time, check your balance and pay bills, discover new exciting offers and customize your plan with just a...
Aplikacija @NoviMarof besplatni je alat za komunikaciju građana s upravom grada u cilju prepoznavanja i rješavanja problema ili prosljeđivanja problema nadležnim institucijama.Dojavite nam oštećenja kolnika, nogostupa ili pješačkih zona, neispravne svjetiljke javne rasvjete, neispravnu prometnu signalizaciju, oštećenja ili onečišćenja...
Receive Important Notifications from Maheshwari Mandal Bhiwandi
The supporting app used by the Smart Locator device.This app display the real - time location and real - time information of the locator on the map, set the locator through app and can receive the alarm notification from...
SMARTアドレス帳はシンプルで見やすいデザインで使いやすい操作性を実現した電話帳アプリです。★☆★慣れ親しんだ便利機能★☆★■グループ作成/編集SMARTアドレス帳ならグループだけの一覧表示やグループの作成と名称の変更ができます。家族だけや友達だけ、同僚だけのグループなどで連絡先を管理するだけではなくメールの一斉送信もできます。■誕生日通知機能SMARTアドレス帳で家族や友人の連絡先に誕生日を登録しておけば、友達の誕生日に通知されます。■お気に入り連絡先設定お気に入りの連絡先だけを表示させることができます。■プロフィール表示機能SMARTアドレス帳を起動して、すぐに自分の電話番号を確認することができます。メールアドレスや住所、誕生日、星座、血液型も電話帳に登録できます。■QRコード(二次元バーコード)の作成と読込プロフィールや登録している連絡先のQRコードを作成できます。QRコードを読み取って連絡先へ登録する機能も搭載していますので、赤外線がないスマートフォンでもSMARTアドレス帳を使えば、友達同士で簡単に連絡先を交換することができます。■検索機能登録している連絡先を名前やメールアドレス、電話番号から検索できます。 ■ダイヤラー番号検索ダイヤラーで番号を入力すると候補の連絡先がすばやく表示されます。番号を入力して連絡先を検索するときに便利です。■ケータイで慣れ親しんだ項目を連絡先へ登録可能誕生日、星座、血液型などケータイでお馴染みだった項目をSMARTアドレス帳なら連絡先に登録できます■登録件数表示機能アカウント毎、グループ毎に電話帳に登録している連絡先の件数を表示することができます。★☆★使いやすいデザイン★☆★■大きくタップしやすい「あ、か、さ、た、な・・・」の50音インデックスタップしやすい大きなインデックスタブで、あ行、か行・・・から始まる連絡先へジャンプできるので、電話帳から目的の連絡先を簡単に探すことができます。画面に表示されていない行はインデックス部分を左右にスクロールさせると表示されます。 あ行の先頭だけではなく「い、う、え、お」など下の段にも簡単にジャンプできます。■わかりやすく、便利な連絡先一覧連絡先一覧から直接、電話をかけたり、メールをすることができます。連絡先一覧にフォトを表示することができます。 ■カラー設定SMARTアドレス帳のカラーを2色(グリーン/ブルー)に変更することができます。シークレットモード機能を利用する時はシークレットに登録・設定した連絡先のバックアップを必ず行ってください。SMARTアドレス帳をアンインストールするとシークレットに登録・設定した連絡先が消えてしまいます。※KDDI SMARTアドレス帳(法人様向けサービス)へご加入の方は、ログインしていただくと、クラウド連携機能をご利用いただけます。
Smart Belize ( Also called Gimmedalla)Download the Official Gimmedalla App for Smart Belize prepaid mobile phones – the fastest, easiest, and the most convenient way to recharge your Gimmedalla account !Buy airtime from anywhere in the world!Smart Belize Customers...
MD SMART is a mobile application for Android and other smartphones, offering VoIP Calls from data enabled mobile phones (2G/3G/4G or WiFi) to any landline or mobile devices around the world. Features:*VoIP Calls via Wi-Fi, 2G / 3G /...
DNS Smart Changer is a simple tool to help you change your network DNS.Help you reduce ping when playing games by block unwanted contents.DNS Smart Changer is completely free, fully customizable and be updated based on users feedback.Advantages:• It...
Rocket.Chat is a free and open source team chat collaboration platform that allows users to communicate securely in real-time across devices on web, desktop or mobile and to customize their interface with a range of plugins, themes and integrations...
This is an experimental version of the mobile apps.Rocket.Chat is a free and open source team chat collaboration platform that allows users to communicate securely in real-time across devices on web, desktop or mobile and to customize their interface...
Open chat for WhatsApp without saving the number in contacts. Direct chat to anyone even yourself in WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business. Also you can create link for WhatsApp and share.Do you want to direct chat with someone in WhatsApp,...
Ditu is designed to send and receive messages with Cuba even when the recipients do not have an internet connection. Ditu uses SMS services for most of its transactions, that means that messages will be delivered instantly. An...
Delta Chat looks and feels like other popular messenger apps, but does not involve centralized tracking and control. The app uses the largest, most diverse and decentralized communication system ever created: the existing e-mail server network. Just use your...
NapoleoN Chat is an instant messaging application that allows you to send text messages, images, audio, video, documents and make voice and video calls in a SAFE, PRIVATE and QUICK way encrypting them from point to point.Our priority is...
Tap Chat is a supercharged AAC speech and language communication app. Use, build and share boards with custom images, voices, words, and categories, plus so much more!What can you do with Tap Chat?• Create your own boards from scratch,...
Are you in search for a secure private chat to chat with random stranger and remain 100% anonymous? Well, Strangers Chat is the perfect chat with anyone app for you! Have fun and start exciting convos in the ultimate...
Download Xooloo messenger kids and start building your community of friends and family in a funny and safer way.- Audio and video calls for kids.- Text your friends with your Avatar!- Live animations : Send kisses, confettis or custard...
MAJOR UPDATE NOW RELEASEDWe have just completed a massive update to the app and all of our end-to-end encryption. Now featuring 1-to-16 video conferencing and enhanced groups privacy we know you're going to love it.WHAT IS VOX MESSENGER?...
One of the best all-in-one🔒 SECURE & PRIVATE messenger app to replace stock messages! . All new SMS/MMS will be saved in Privacy Messenger locally. Therefore, with this free messaging app, no need to worry about snooping anymore!Privacy Messenger...
Hola – мобильное приложение для бесплатного и безопасного общения в сети.Преимущества мессенджера Hola - включать прямые трансляции, проводить вебинары в своих группах и каналах - автор трансляции при желании может сохранить ее в файле - создавать секретные чаты, в...
Want an SMS app that is fast, secure, and packed with all the features and customization you could want? Look no further. Pulse SMS is a seriously beautiful, next-generation, private text messaging app. Did we mention that Pulse is...
TextU - one of the best all-in-one messenger app to replace stock messages! It is a secured SMS & free text messenger keeping your messages from snooping.TextU – Send text messages safely with private box, SMS blocker, even SMS...
Our Messenger is simple and FREE messaging app. You can connect with people everywhere, send SMS, MMS or Free Messages (depending on your data rates) in one app. Say it with Video and Voice Messages, share your moments. Get...
The app provides Live Tele Consultation interface between Doctor and Patient. for professionals. The patients using their hand held device or desktop PC, can get a Live Teleconsultation with their doctor on a scheduled appointment without the need...
Download now and enjoy using our SMS Receiver which will provide you with free virtual & temporary phone numbers.Get an international phone number: Select a number in china, us number phone or any other temporary phone number from many...
Radio Educativa PergaminoLlevanos a todos lados con vos....Somos una radio sin fines de lucro, para que encuentres informacion sobre lo que necesitas referido a la educacion y los pormenores de la actualidad
La Naranja Mirona TV Entre RiosDescarga la aplicación y llevanos a todas partes.Nuestra programacion esta llena de actualidad, entretenimiento e informacion..Siempre a tu lado te acompañamos y entretenemos con todo lo que a usted le gusta.Somos una productora de...
Videoconferencia Eternity permite a las Instituciones, Empresas y Autónomos mantenerse en contacto con todos sus equipos de trabajo.Videoconferencias instantáneas, que se adaptan de manera eficiente a su conexión de internet.* Usuarios ilimitados: no existen restricciones sobre el número de...
Hadvad Online is a digital mobile app for local businesses, service providers allowing them to register themselves online for free. Add details about your business and services online anytime, anywhere.Halvad Online App features for Business > Halvad online and...
GreekRow is the most innovative fraternity and sorority recruitment software to date that can totally manage and transform every chapter’s recruitment. Our online platform manages all the operational and organizational aspects of rush, empowering chapters to focus on what...
Nearby Post allows people to post or to read nearby news, events, promotions, food, activities sorted by distance and time There are currently no channel for people to find out news, promotions, events or activities around them Existing news...
This application phone book nepal(phonebook nepal,फोनबुक नेपाल) where we can get all important contact number used in emergency and other task. This phone book is an online application so required internet connection to load contact number. In this phone...
Global construction consultancy Systech International has produced an app which will revolutionise the preparation of contemporary records and make project record keeping really simple.The project diary is the definitive day by day account of project activity however all too...
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