Top 50 Medical Apps Like Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease - Best Alternatives

Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease alternatives for Android? We have listed 50 Medical that are similar to Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease. Pick one from this list to be your new Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease on your Android devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Homeopathy Medicine for all Disease 2025.

Homeopathy Awareness

Homeopathy Awareness

Homeopathy Awareness App Especially designed for all The people know about Homeopathy Medicine, Awareness, What is Homeopathic System , How its work, Medicine Preparation and Source,Homeopathy History, Homeopthy FAQ's, Scope of all Deceases, Side effect of Using this medicines?...

Price: Free Developer: App Wala
ProDoc Homeopathy

ProDoc Homeopathy

***About App***Repertory (Urdu+English)The Section of prescriptions is derived from the experiences of authoritative doctors. Therefore, if a person does not know enough about a single medicine for a disease, he can benefit from these prescriptions. And if a doctor...

Price: Free Developer: M Mobiles
হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের তালিকা ~ Homeopathic Medicines

হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের তালিকা ~ Homeopathic Medicines

বিসমিল্লাহির রহমানির রাহিমহোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের নামের তালিকা Homeopathy Medicine Name List A to Z. হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের নামের লিষ্ট । এখান থেকে হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধের নাম জানতে পারবেন এবং ঔষধের এর কাজ সর্ম্পকে জানতে পারবেন ।.... এই আপ্প্সটিতে ডাউনলোড করে বিস্তারিত...

Price: Free Developer: Bangla Public Library
Homeopathy Medicines Directory | Materia Medica

Homeopathy Medicines Directory | Materia Medica

Homeopathy is a complete medical science which has a clear-cut advantage over other systems of Medicine. It considers the entire individual, his psychological and physical make-up as well as the complete evolution of the disease while prescribing a remedy.Homeopathy...

Price: Free Developer: Nasir BPM (Creativity Application)
Homeopathy Basic Repertory

Homeopathy Basic Repertory

Homeopathy, Homeopathic Software, Holistic Healing Tool Computerized Android Repertory, Nano Repertory is a Mobile Application for the millions with various repertories by far superior to others. It is an excellent tool considering a person knows how to use...

Price: USD 7.49 Developer: A.B. Information Systems
Homeopathy Nano Repertory

Homeopathy Nano Repertory

Homeopathy, Homeopathic Software, Holistic Healing Tool Computerized Android Repertory, Nano Repertory is a Mobile Application for the millions with various repertories by far superior to others. It is an excellent tool considering a person knows how to use...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: A.B. Information Systems
Homeopathy Miasms

Homeopathy Miasms

Homeopathy & Miasms Mobile App depicts the evolution of Miasms in a lively and simple manner. The Mobile app helps you get the Deeper understanding of Miasms viz. Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular and Syphilis with uniquely created presentations and well...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mind Technologies Private Limited
Soul of Remedies - Homeopathy

Soul of Remedies - Homeopathy

The Soul of Remedies Mobile App has the unique features for a comfortable and convenient reading experience of book Soul of Remedies by Dr. Rajan Sankaran. Easy reading, hands-free listening, ability to bookmark favorite sections, convenient reading panel settings...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mind Technologies Private Limited
Pediatrics Practice-Homeopathy

Pediatrics Practice-Homeopathy

Pediatrics Practice-Homeopathy Mobile App is an essential e-Book Mobile App of Dr. Kishore Mehta’s book on Homeopathic Management in Pediatrics(Paediatrics) Practice. Easy reading, hands-free listening, ability to bookmark favorite sections, convenient reading panel settings etc makes this mobile app...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mind Technologies Private Limited
Visual Tips: Homeopathy Health

Visual Tips: Homeopathy Health

Visual Tips is an amazing mobile app to visually demonstrate the tips on clinical conditions, diet & nutrition & general health. The App also includes various amazing facts of the human body and testimonials of renowned celebrities about homeopathy.Visual...

Price: Free Developer: Mind Technologies Private Limited
Medicine Pro

Medicine Pro

Medical EducationAll medical and paramedical information in one place

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ-kon roger ki medicine bangla

কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ-kon roger ki medicine bangla

এমন একজন মানুষ পরিচিত থাকা বা প্রতিবেশি থাকা খুবই সৌভাগ্যের বিষয় যিনি বিপদের সময় বিভিন্ন রোগের চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি সম্পর্কে ভাল পরামর্শ দিয়ে সাহায্য করেন। এতে করে রোগীকে সঠিক জায়গায় সঠিক চিকিৎসার মাধ্যমে দ্রুত সুস্থ করে ফেলা সম্ভব।কোন রোগের কোন...

Price: Free Developer: All Bangla App 71
Clinical Medicine

Clinical Medicine

Key features:- 1000+ clinical medicine questions- medical dictionary- 8000+ medical words- bookmark feature for questions and dictionaryDescription:The medical dictionary feature is a new addition to this clinical medicine app. It provides more than 8000 medical words.This clinical medicine...

Price: Free Developer: IITSysCo
কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ বিস্তারিত সব তথ্য-Medicine Guide

কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ বিস্তারিত সব তথ্য-Medicine Guide

কোন রোগের কোন ঔষধ জানা থাকাটা অনেক দরকার, আমাদের আশেপাশে পরিচিত অনেকেরই এই গুনটী আছে, মুখস্থ বলে দিতে পারে কোন রোগের কি ঔষধ। আবার কিছু লোকের গুন থাকে রোগের নাম, রোগের লক্ষন, রোগের চিকিৎসা কোন ডাক্তার দেখানো উচিৎ, এই...

Price: Free Developer: SRSS Bangla Apps
ওষুধ নির্দেশিকা-drugs guide medicine app bangla

ওষুধ নির্দেশিকা-drugs guide medicine app bangla

হটাত করে অসুস্থ হয়ে পরলে চিকিৎসা করার জন্য ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) অনেক বেশী সাহায্য করে, এমন সকল ওষুধ এর বিস্তারিত ব্যাবহার ও নির্দেশিকা, রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে জেনে অতপর করা উচিত।স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা আমাদের...

Price: Free Developer: Edu Bangla Apps
স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা A to Z medicine

স্কয়ার ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা A to Z medicine

আমাদের জন্য খুবই প্রয়োজন রোগের চিকিৎসা করা ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা ( drug guide ) সঠিক না হলে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসাই ভালো হয় না। তাই আামদের সকলেরই রোগের চিকিৎসা খুব সর্তকতার সাথে এবং ঔষধ নির্দেশিকা গুলে খুবই সাবধানতার সাথে মেনে চলতে...

Price: Free Developer: SRSS Bangla Apps
Acute Medicine - Management of Medical Emergencies

Acute Medicine - Management of Medical Emergencies

Extremely popular resource has become the definitive pocket guide to the management of medical emergencies for front-line hospital doctors. It provides detailed guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of all common condidtions and includes a step-by-step guide to the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
UM BP Track

UM BP Track

UM BP Track is an app for research use only, and can only be utilized by participants enrolled in an affiliated research study at the University of Michigan. UM BPTrack allows users to monitor their blood pressure (BP) and...

Price: Free Developer: The University of Michigan
Explain Medicine

Explain Medicine

Explain Medicine is a reliable and easily accessible medical article repository, serving as a rapid refresher for healthcare professionals and students keen on evidence-based knowledge. In Explain Medicine, facts and their explanations are directly backed by citations to papers...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Joyworks LLC
Medical exams

Medical exams

Medical examsA medical examination is a diagnostic procedure performed for health reasons. For example :to diagnose illnessesto measure the progression, regression or cure of diseaseto confirm that someone has no diseaseSome consist of a simple physical examination, also called...

Price: Free Developer: SOLUTION-PRO
Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis

Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis

"Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to estimate the probability of streptococcal-origin pharyngitis and suggests the management course. "Centor Score for Sore Throat - Pharyngitis" app is designed to...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
GRACE Score for Heart Attack: Risk Management

GRACE Score for Heart Attack: Risk Management

"GRACE Risk Score: Heart Attack Management" app is designed to help fellow health care practitioner to assess the mortality risk in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. "GRACE Risk Score: Heart Attack Management" app is designed to assess the risk...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
CRUSADE Risk Score for ACS: Cardiology Calculator

CRUSADE Risk Score for ACS: Cardiology Calculator

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the most important leading causes of death in the whole world. Among the different clinical presentations of Coronary heart disease (CHD), acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the most important and life threatening...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing

Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing

Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition is the go-to clinical companion for medical-surgical nursing with a focus on concepts and exemplars and emphasis of interprofessional collaborative care.Author(s): Donna D. Ignatavicius, MS, RN, CNE, CNEcl ANEF; Nicole M. Heimgartner,...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Human Anatomy For Medical Students

Human Anatomy For Medical Students

Price: Free Developer: Umar Developer
OSCE for Medical Students

OSCE for Medical Students

With 100* stations right at your fingertips, OSCE is an essential revision aid for the clinical exams. View clear steps to each examination, procedure or history and mark yourself and friends against the clock. Then simply send them the...

Price: Free Developer: Akash Doshi
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2020

First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2020

Excel on the USMLE® Step 1 With Help from the World’s Most Popular Medical Review!DESCRIPTIONTrust First Aid™ for the USMLE Step 1 2020 to help you score your highest on this high-stakes examWritten by students who excelled on the...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Absolute Reticulocyte Count & Index - For Anemia

Absolute Reticulocyte Count & Index - For Anemia

"Absolute Reticulocyte Count & Index - For Anemia" is a mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to calculate absolute reticulocyte count and reticulocyte index. This "Absolute Reticulocyte Count & Index - For Anemia" will help medical practitioner to...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
First Aid Cases For The USMLE Step 2 CK

First Aid Cases For The USMLE Step 2 CK

First Aid Cases For The USMLE Step 2 CK provides mobile healthcare practitioners with the latest in trusted clinical information for more accurate, confident and informed decision-making at point-of-care.DESCRIPTIONDesigned to provides students with the most useful and up-to-date preparation...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Let ME Hear Again PRO for Deaf

Let ME Hear Again PRO for Deaf

This app is created as a part of the LET ME HEAR AGAIN project for the deaf.This project is not crowdfunded nor supported by any grants, but rather by the personal savings of a handful of people who believe...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Tipsbook
All Skin Diseases and Treatment

All Skin Diseases and Treatment

All Skin Diseases and Treatment app is a skin care android application that lists all skin diseases from a to z,their causes,infections, treatment, prevention and symptoms. It also features skin diseases dictionary tips. Skin disease Research shows, some of...

Price: Free Developer: ruthie apps
All stomach diseases and treatment

All stomach diseases and treatment

All stomach Diseases and Treatment app is an android application that features all stomach diseases from A-z, their causes, prevention, symptoms and treatmentThis is the best consultation stomach disorders dictionary app with tips how to manage such disturbing disorder.Note...

Price: Free Developer: ruthie apps
All Mental Disorders and Treatment

All Mental Disorders and Treatment

All mental disorders and treatment is an android application that features mental disorders dictionary from A to Z, symptoms / signs, prevention measures, causes. Mental disorders could be a big issue to your health.Can be caused by lifestyle, stress...

Price: Free Developer: ruthie apps
ALL Rehberi

ALL Rehberi

Price: Free Developer: Pleksus Bilişim Teknolojileri
Treatment for all diseases

Treatment for all diseases

I present to you this wonderful application Treatment for all diseases which contains a range of serious spread diseasesThe application Treatment for all diseases offers diseases and causes and how to avoid injury and maintain your health in full...

Price: Free Developer: pro games and apps
Medical Oxford Dictionary - All Medicine Advice

Medical Oxford Dictionary - All Medicine Advice

Price: Free Developer: GO Travel Maps Tech
List of all medical mnemonics

List of all medical mnemonics

Memorize and understand what you read about all medical mnemonics*.Medical Students*.Other Health care Professions e.g Nursing and othersmedicine appmedical dictionarymnemonic meaning (or medical abbreviation)FEATURES:.Anatomy.Biochemistry.Bio Statistics & Epidemology.Embryology.Genetics.Histology.Immunology.Microbiology.Parasitology.Pathology.Pharmacology.Physiology.Cardiology.Dermatology.Endocrinology.Medical book

Price: Free Developer: CAPIS
Medical Drug Dictionary 2018 - All Medicine Info

Medical Drug Dictionary 2018 - All Medicine Info

A free medical dictionary application for doctors, nurses, medical students.Medical Drug Dictionary 2018 application is for medical practitioners and students to look up the definitions and technical terms in a second.A specially designed for medical students, helping them in...

Price: Free Developer: Quality Application Labs
All Medical

All Medical

Guia médico, descontos, notícias, eventos e muito mais !

Price: Free Developer: Internet Media marketing & Desenvolvimento Web
Kamus Kesehatan Lengkap

Kamus Kesehatan Lengkap

Kamus kesehatan adalah aplikasi offline yang dapat digunakan tanpa internet, kamus ini berisi istilah yang terdapat dalam dunia kesehatan beserta penjelasanya. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu dokter, perawat, pelajar atau ahli kesehatandalam memahami istilah-istilah dalam dunia Kesehatan.Fitur- Database offline-...

Price: Free Developer: Bali Media
Medical Disease Dictionary

Medical Disease Dictionary

Completely Free and Offline Medical Disease Dictionary contains diseases / medical disorders with detailed information such as signs & symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention and other resources.This diseases dictionary can act as a pocket guide for self diagnosis and can...

Price: Free Developer: Intelisenze
MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App

MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App

"MELD Score Calculator - Liver Disease App" is a mobile app to calculate the Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score for patients aged 12 and older. Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)score is a prospectively developed and validated...

Price: Free Developer: iMedical Apps
Disease and Treatment - New Guidelines of Medicine

Disease and Treatment - New Guidelines of Medicine

We talk about medicine in an accessible language. Here you will learn how to treat diseases, what are the modern guidelines for the treatment of certain diseases, the latest news from medicine and pharmacy. We made this application, because...

Price: Free Developer: Vladimir Art
All Blood Disease and Treatment

All Blood Disease and Treatment

Blood information app on blood diseases affecting red blood cells,white blood cells,platelets,plasma,signs,symptoms and diagnosis ,risk factors,disease prediction,and disease treatment app.A medical app for sign symptoms diagnosis and treatment of all disease of the blood and fungal infection treatment.All blood...

Price: Free Developer: APPS X WALLPAPER
Disease Causes

Disease Causes

In medical management, first step is Emergency management of the patient; then, a complete history, examination is taken & with the aid of the investigations one can Document the details of the patient. If the disease could be identified,...

Price: Free Developer: NMKG
Disease Treatment Dictionary - Offline, Free

Disease Treatment Dictionary - Offline, Free

Disease Treatment Dictionary Finding and reading detailed description of literally any kind of disease as well as disorders have never been this quick and easy with Disease Treatment Dictionary. And the good news is that everything is available in...

Price: Free Developer: Galaxy Smith Co. Ltd;
Diseases Dictionary ✪ Medical

Diseases Dictionary ✪ Medical

Completely Offline & FREE medical dictionary app containing medical disorders & diseases with detailed definitions, symptoms, causes and treatment information. This medical disease hand book can act as a clinical advisor for self diagnosis and can also be used...

Price: Free Developer: Atomic Infoapps
Pediatric Disease and Treatment (Free)

Pediatric Disease and Treatment (Free)

This application dedicated to giving you the best possible information to help you make educated decisions on your health care needs.You will find reliable health information such as diseases description, it's causes, risk factors, treatment and complications, questions to...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Group Soft
Medical Diseases Dictionary - Disorders' Treatment

Medical Diseases Dictionary - Disorders' Treatment

Medical Diseases Dictionary is completely free and offline medical dictionary app that contains all the medical disorders and diseases with detailed information like definitions, symptoms, causes ,treatment and many other medical terms.This hand book of medical diseases can be...

Price: Free Developer: NA Infomatics
Disorder & Diseases Dictionary Offline

Disorder & Diseases Dictionary Offline

This is a Medical Dictionary hand book can act as a clinical advisor for self diagnosis and can also be used to look up symptoms, diseases and treatment.Medical Diseases Dictionary is a complete offline application with a list of...

Price: Free Developer: learning applications

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