Top 20 Education Apps Like Phonetic Alphabets - Best Alternatives

Phonetic Alphabets Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Phonetic Alphabets alternatives for Android? We have listed 20 Education that are similar to Phonetic Alphabets. Pick one from this list to be your new Phonetic Alphabets app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Phonetic Alphabets on your Android devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Phonetic Alphabets - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Phonetic Alphabets alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Phonetic Alphabets 2025.



Avoid confusion when spelling words and names on the phone!•• Just type a word and it will be spelled automatically with code words: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta... ••Enter "Chloe" and read the corresponding code words: Charlie-Hotel-Lima-Oscar-EchoHIGHLIGHTS:• Several radio alphabets...

Price: Free Developer: Francois Duchemin
?International phonetic alphabets: Military NATO

?International phonetic alphabets: Military NATO

The phonetic alphabet / NATO Alphabet (or Spelling alphabet, Telephone alphabet, radio alphabet, alphabet flyer called) or also called Spelling alphabet is used by abstruse words or foreign words to convey. In contrast to the normal alphabet, there is...

Price: Free Developer: OPunktSchmidt Apps
Phonetic IPA

Phonetic IPA

# It will help the users to use Phonetic IPA properly.# There is options of correct pronunciation. # Vowels# Consonants # Fricatives # Nasal# Africates# Diphthongs # Voiced# Unvoiced# stop-plosive# lateral consonant# glide# combination consonant# forward vowel# back vowel#...

Price: Free Developer: AR-Apps
Phonetic Alphabet - Learn and Practice IPA - free

Phonetic Alphabet - Learn and Practice IPA - free

Learn and practice 40 plus sounds and symbols of Phonetic English. Designed for Teachers and Students. It is made to be simple and it is made to be effectiveThere are 3 sections within the app.Learn: This uses a digital...

Price: Free Developer: Making English Fun!
Phonetic Alphabet - Learn and Practice IPA

Phonetic Alphabet - Learn and Practice IPA

Learn and practice 40 plus sounds and symbols of Phonetic English. Designed for Teachers and Students. It is made to be simple and it is made to be effectiveThere are 3 sections within the app.Learn: This uses a digital...

Price: USD 1.49 Developer: Making English Fun!
English Phonetic Pronunciation, Listening Practice

English Phonetic Pronunciation, Listening Practice

If you want learn English pronunciation perfectly, this is the application for you. With more than 40 lessons teaching you how to pronounce every International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) symbols, after completing the course, you can pronounce every words in English...

Price: Free Developer: Stavira VN
Full Phonetics Symbols English

Full Phonetics Symbols English

If you want, but you can not pronounce the English correctly, it is time to end this shame.The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) can be used to transcribe any language in the world. It is the phonetic alphabet used all...

Price: Free Developer: Miraphisoft


KK音標小學堂是一款英文音標教學軟體,可以在遊戲中快樂學習 41 個KK音標,裡面提供音標介紹、母音朗讀、子音朗讀、音標拼圖、以及小小畫家等許多功能,可以讓小朋友邊遊戲邊學習KK音標,增加孩童學習KK音標的樂趣,培養兒童英文發音的基礎能力,適合當作學前教育軟體,音標學堂是給寶寶們學音標的最好工具,讓寶貝們贏在起跑點。一、音標介紹:提供KK音標的的基本介紹,包含音標介紹       、音標標記和母音介紹以及子音介紹的說明。二、母音朗讀:17個KK音標母音的真人語音朗讀,       可以依學習熟練度調整語音播放間隔,       適合小朋友邊聽邊念快速學習。三、子音朗讀:24個KK音標子音的真人語音朗讀,       可以依學習熟練度調整語音播放間隔,       適合小朋友邊聽邊念快速學習。四、母音筆畫:提供17個KK音標母音的筆畫教學,       可以直接在螢幕上跟著教學進行書寫,       不只提升小朋友的學習興趣,       更可以省去購買書寫練習簿的花費。五、子音筆畫:提供24個KK音標子音的筆畫教學,       可以直接在螢幕上跟著教學進行書寫。六、母音範例:利用簡單易學的英文單字當作範例,       使用真人語音發音引導學習,       進行母音音標的拼音和發音練習。七、子音範例:利用簡單易學的英文單字當作範例,       使用真人語音發音引導學習,       進行子音音標的拼音和發音練習。八、音標拼圖:用41個KK音標做成的拼圖遊戲,       利用拼圖遊戲提升小朋友的學習興趣。

Price: Free Developer: 快樂學堂
NATO / ICAO Phonetic Alphabet

NATO / ICAO Phonetic Alphabet

An excellent tool for learning NATO / ICAO / ITU phonetic alphabet (a.k.a. International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet)Features:Generates random lettersShows the corresponding NATO / ICAO / ITU codesSpeaks the codes using the Android voice synthesiserRecords your voice then compares it...

Price: Free Developer: apwebco
World Alphabets - Learn them all

World Alphabets - Learn them all

Can you pronounce Ελληνικό, Кириллический, ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ, Հայոց, ႠႱႭႫႧႠႥႰႳႪႨ, देवनागरी? 🤔 🙋Use this app to discover those scripts and impress your friends! 😎With Alphabets you will learn how to read 53 alphabets: American Sign Language, Anatolian Hieroglyphs, Arabic, Armenian, Aurebesh,...

Price: Free Developer: Khonsu Development
Learning Alphabets

Learning Alphabets

In this application, kids can click and recognize English alphabets in capital and small cases. Background and text colors are added to keep interest in usage.

Price: Free Developer: AndroidBubbles
Learn Hindi Alphabets App

Learn Hindi Alphabets App

This is a Hindi Learning App with Pictures and Sound . It has Hindi Vowels (Swar) and Consonants (Vyanjan) with pictures for Kids and beginners.Learn Hindi Alphabets App is an educational app for kids to learn Hindi Vowels (स्वर)...

Price: Free Developer: IndianApps24
Lets Learn Alphabets

Lets Learn Alphabets

This application is for kids to learn Alphabets and the words which can be created with these alphabets.Using this app kids can learn how to write alphabetsThis application supports the text to speech so that kids can learn the...

Price: Free Developer: IDCL SOLUTIONS
Lets Learn Alphabets PRO

Lets Learn Alphabets PRO

This application is for kids to learn Alphabets and the words which can be created with these alphabets.Using this app kids can learn how to write alphabetsThis application supports the text to speech so that kids can learn the...

Price: USD 1.49 Developer: IDCL SOLUTIONS
Noorani Qaida Arabic Alphabets With Audio Tajweed

Noorani Qaida Arabic Alphabets With Audio Tajweed

Learn Noorani Qaida without a tutor. Just give approximately an hour daily and learn the Qaida. It is very first book to understand how to read Holy Quran from beginning. Noorani Qaida With Audio and Tajweed helps learn and...

Price: Free Developer: Ninja Toolkit
Malayalam Alphabets

Malayalam Alphabets

Malayalam Alphabets is a free app that will be helpful to your kids in learning the basics of Malayalam language. Malayalam Alphabets will help you teach your children Malayalam in the fun way possible. Nowadays kids are so much...

Price: Free Developer: Times Hunt


A colorful app for toddlers. It teaches alphabets through pictures.It teaches children alphabets through names of different objects. It plays sounds of animals, vehicles etc. to make it interesting (e.g. D for dog - A dog's picture comes with...

Price: Free Developer: bodhaguru
Hindi Alphabets - Hindi Pathshala Akshar Gyan app

Hindi Alphabets - Hindi Pathshala Akshar Gyan app

Price: Free Developer: Appspartan
Alphabets - Voice Guide - Speaking

Alphabets - Voice Guide - Speaking

This application helps the Kid to learn alphabets without any help of parent. Voice assistant helps the kids for self learning.Kids can learn alphabets using this mobile application easily by following this audio voice.Features:-- Capital Alphabets (A - Z)-...

Price: Free Developer: YOU & ME

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