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العنوان : معجمي الأساسي عربية – أمازيغية – فرنسيةالمؤلف : عبد الله قاسي، أحمد آيت إيدار، عبد الله أزنتو،لحسن التازي، محمد والديشدار النشر : مكتبة المعارفسنة الإصدار : 2010
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This application describe stories about god, spiritual, motivational, tenali raman, panchtantra, betal pachchisi and much more, Pauranik(पौराणिक) Kathas containging 1500+ interesting stories. The app contains all indian hindi stories.Myths and legends are an integral part of human existence. They...
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A fine collection of Moral stories, Fairy Tales, Panchatantra Stories, Aesop's fables and more.Discover a fine collection of good moral stories and bedtime stories for our young readers. Read motivational stories too along with our moral stories. Additionally, few...
No matter how you feel, praise will shape what your experiences will become. When doubts come, praise God that His Word will never fail you. When fears taunt, praise God that His presence never leaves you. When questions arise,...
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The power of positivity is real, and the discussion around related psychology facts are here to stay. There seems to be a big shift happening in the world that has people looking for ways to make their life happier...
Shaniwar Vrat Katha (शनिवार व्रत कथा )app contains1. Shaniwar Vrat Katha Text(शनिवार व्रत कथा पढ़ें)2. Shaniwar Vrat Katha Audio(शनिवार व्रत कथा पढ़ें और सुने )3. Shaniwar Vrat Vidhi( शनिवार व्रत विधि)Please share your views and suggestions. In case of...
This illustrated app contains Chapter 13 from the New Testament's Book of Revelation, describing the rise of the Antichrist in the form of the Beast. The passage describes, in prophetic allegory, both the Beast from the Sea and the...
In sociology book app we discuss about the society,human society,social club,secret society and most importantly great society.It is not under the catholic social services.You can get information about children's home society.You will also get knowledge about structural sociology,social books...
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