Do you want to find the best - Property Investments alternatives for Android? We have listed 11 House & Home that are similar to - Property Investments. Pick one from this list to be your new - Property Investments app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to - Property Investments on your Android devices.
The best free and paid - Property Investments alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like - Property Investments 2025.
Property Checklist takes the hassle out of remembering the pros and cons of each property you visit. Use the app as you inspect a house or apartment and add your own comments for each room and/or take a photo...
Property Jager : Buy, Sell, Rent Apartment, Land and more..Property Jager is India's Real Estate portal. Anyone can post their Houses, homes, Land property from anywhere in India. Post any kind of property like Flat, Apartment, Plot, Farm Land...
Property for sale near me is a best android application which help buying and selling home land any type of property. It is very simple and useful app. Via this app you can find direct your client there are...
最大特色:宅谷地產資訊網, 無論大型屋苑、單幢式洋樓、居屋放盤,都自動連結平面圖,同時透過API「應用程式介面」連結銀行即時估價,各區住宅、居屋、工商舖、村屋、車位叫價及物業成交搜尋,業主免費刊登放盤廣告。主要功能:樓盤搜尋 - 用戶可使用衛星定位地圖搜尋鄰近筍盤。除地圖搵樓外,進階搜尋可提供多種選項,包括地區、大廈/街道、建築面積、實用面積、售價及租金,物業用途細分為:住宅、居屋、綠表居屋、商舖、寫字樓/工貿、工業、車位、村屋、倉地/農地/雜項。成交紀錄 - 提供香港各區各類型最新物業成交資料,特別之處是全部住宅提供實用面積,包括最難收集的唐樓(舊樓)的實用面積,尤其是村屋成交,我們會將DD LOT轉換成市民看得明白的村名及門牌。數據公佈 - 提供香港島、九龍、新界東及新界西成交尺價走勢圖、地產經紀搵食指數、地產代理持牌人統計及每年每月的成交統計。一手消耗表 - 提供近年新落成樓盤售出的數據,包括單位的實用面積,成交價和呎價,以及於土地註冊處登記的買方姓氏,讓有意置業的準買家,知悉樓盤已成交單位資訊,以及有那些尚未售出單位可供選擇。凶宅 - 提供街道、大廈或村名地址,也包括案發日期及成因。免費業主放盤 - 提供業主免費刊登放盤廣告途徑。讓買家或租客直接查閱,達至費用全免(免費廣告,不需付佣)。 同時,業主所放的樓盤,每日透過內聯網傳輸給超過20000名地產經紀閱讀(若業主不需代理服務,可選擇代理免問)。 多人出價,自然可租或賣出更高價。按揭資訊 - 透過API「應用程式介面」實時接通各大銀行,實時提供按揭利率、按揭回贈等最優惠的按揭計劃。地產新聞 - 提供最新地產新聞及相關消息,專欄包括: 地產新聞、代理新聞、一周總結、過往預測及負面新聞。地產博客 - 傑出地產文章及讀者回應,專欄及作者包括: 文亮言-湯文亮、天馬縱橫-陳增濤、文亮語-湯文亮、至中論壇-蔡志忠、運籌帷幄-曾淵滄、樓市乾坤-何熊輝、精英文集、散文集等…
Property Finder is the Middle East's #1 property site to help you find the perfect home. Be able to search thousands of available options for properties to buy and rent, from apartments to villas, townhouses, penthouses, compound, offices, and...
Living in Singapore and finding a house, villa or apartment? If yes, then this FREE Android app is developed for you. After installing this app, you can easily find apartment, house or villa on rent, or sale with only...
1st Hand HK Property Data is now the show case inDATA.GOV.HK by Hong Kong Government a data provider, our apps takes you on top of HK new property market.We provide the latest HK property news and HK property data...
Our app puts you in the driver's seat of your future as a homeowner! Stop Renting - Start Owning!Search Special Deals on homes in your area for free and find your DREAM HOME with our exclusive service.🏠 SEARCH -...
ঘরে বসেই পছন্দের বাসা জমি অথাবা হোটেল বুকিং করুন অনলাইনে,অথবা আপনার বাসা জমি বা হোটেল এর বুকিং বা ভাড়া /বিক্রির জন্য ফ্রি বিজ্ঞাপন দিন অনলাইনে। Property Vara bikri বাসা, দোকান, অফিস ,ভাড়া ও বক্রি বিষয়ক অ্যাপ ।অনলাইনে আপনার বাসা,...
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