Do you want to find the best Droid Scan Lite alternatives for Android? We have listed 30 Business that are similar to Droid Scan Lite. Pick one from this list to be your new Droid Scan Lite app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Droid Scan Lite on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Droid Scan Lite alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Droid Scan Lite 2025.
❤ Document Manager & Viewer ❤Free app to manage Document Files. Direct List of Documents available in mobile storage. Manage Documents, Filter or Short Document Files.Document Manager and viewer is one of the best & first application in market...
❤ Invoice Maker ❤Invoice Maker app allows you to create invoices & send invoice PDFs to the client via email. So, now you are able to send invoices using your mobile device. It's extremely easy to use invoice creator....
Digital marketing app helps in market analysis such as lead creation and helping you put potential customers in your front. its help thousands of marketers and affiliate achieve their goals.
Let’s Print Droid (LPD) is a Cloud-free printing service for Android phones and Tablets. Ink Jet and USB printer users please read the app's Ink Jet help...
Turn your phone or tablet into a portable document scanner. Transform images captured with your camera into professional multi-page PDF documents in just a few clicks.** Ultimate privacy: image transformations take place entirely on your device, and no information...
** This is the version of Droid Scan to download if you want to try the 6.5 release, which has a new paper white theme and a user interface refresh.Whenever updates are released, you can be among the first...
Share Market Trading Seekho Free App | Trading Knowledge | Trading InformationApp Contains Following Information About Trading -NSE & BSE Tips & Tricks.DMAT Account Opening Information.DMAT Account Fee & Handling Information.Zerodha App Information & Help.Daily Market Tips & Motivation.
Splashtop is the easiest and fastest way to remotely access your Windows, Mac or Linux from your Android phone, tablet, and other devices! Over 30 million users are enjoying Splashtop’s award-winning and high-performance remote desktop products. Our new Splashtop...
Are you looking for guide on how to setup your new business? or you don't know where to start, then this app is for you, this app will give you step by step guide on how to setup...
Retail Scan is an online mobile data collection app and reporting system that helps companies to manage field teams and capture all field level data & images. It helps you to increase your field productivity and coordinate with field...
Document Scanner: PDF Creator - Scanner With OCR is the best scanner app that will turn your phone into a PDF scanner. Convert images to pdf in a simple tap. Download it for FREE! Document Scanner...
Adobe Scan is free to download and turns your device into a powerful scanner that recognizes text automatically (OCR) and allows you to create digital documents as PDF and JPEG files.The most intelligent scanner app. Scan anything — receipts,...
Do you own, rent or manage holiday properties? Check-in Scan is the app that will make your guest´s registration process a breeze.Sending your guest´s details to the police and keeping a record of the parte de entrada de...
Turn your 📲smartphone into a mini cam scanner | Fast Scanner | PDF converter that can easily fast scan documents and photos with optical character recognition. Fast Scan: PDF Converter, OCR Text Scanner App is a perfect cam scanner...
ProfitScan is the easiest local arbitrage scouting app you will ever use. It makes it so simple to find profitable items you can sell on Amazon. No more confusing screens and numbers, just a fast and simple...
This is the companion app for our Eight scan service; a tool for Eight users who wish to scan their business cards in bulk via one of our specialized Eight Scanners.NB This app is only for Eight users who...
Quickly scan your paper documents on the go and export them as multi-page PDF files.*** 20+ million users *** 1000s of small businesses ***Place any document in front of your device’s camera: our scanner app automatically recognizes the paper...
Automate your next fixed asset inventory with Scan & Validate from AssetWorks. By interfacing with your existing asset management system and leveraging comprehensive functionality to automate the scanning and reconciliation of assets, Scan & Validate can save you time...
«ДОМДАРА» - это готовый кэшбэк-сервис для наземных и интернет магазинов.⠀Совершая покупки у партнеров программы лояльности ДОМДАРА, вы получаете КЭШБЭК.⠀В приложении отображаются все магазины и услуги подключенные к экосистеме ДОМДАРА.⠀Для получения кэшбэка, вы можете предоставить:⠀✅ виртуальную карту из приложения✅ номер...
KassaLite ДОМДАРА позволяет предоставлять покупателям бонусы по дисконтным картам ДОМДАРА.Встроенный сканер штрихкодов позволяет удобно и быстро рассчитать бонус для ваших покупателей.(c)Название ДОМДАРА и логотип - собственность корпорации ДОМДАРА.
Wall Street Journal recommends it to all professionals. Grab it, manage your contacts.◆ Awards and Laurels ◆- Named Best Mobile App OCR by 2010 MOBI Awards- Winner of the CTIA 2010 E-Tech Award for Mobile Applications - Pro-sumer/Business Productivity-...
Fatafat Merchant is an app where you can easily sell anything like Food, Groceries, Face Masks, Hand Sanitizers or any other daily essentials.We, with our Fatafat Agents would get it delivered to each and every door step with the...
完全リニューアル!名刺管理機能進化、輝くビジネス人脈を作ろう!◆マーケッティング反響◆- 全シリーズは世界中に194ヶ国のビジネスカテゴリランキングTOP 10。- グローバル有名なモバイルフォンブランド(HTCなど)、電信業者(CHT、TWMなど)、専門CRM業者(Justsystemsなど)に採用し、全世界有効ユーザーは2000万以上。- 「アメリカ無線通信展覧会大賞―ビジネス応用カテゴリ( CTIA E-Tech Awards Winner)」受賞。- 台湾デジタル製品賞受賞。- MacWorldのiPhone最適名刺管理応用アプリケーション受賞。◆商品情報◆完全にリニューアルしたWorldCard Mobileはスマートフォンが名刺を撮影するのみで、自動的に名刺の名前、会社名、部署、職位、住所、電話番号、メールなど情報を認識して、Android Phone連絡先に連携します。1-clickで電話をかけるこど、メール発送、ルート検索、またFacebook、Twitter、LinkedInに連携し、個人化モバイルアシスタント!◆機能特点◆● 瞬時多言語名刺認識- 英語、中国語繁体字、中国語簡体字、日本語、韓国語など25ヶ国語の文字に対応、モバイルで名刺を撮影したら、すぐ正確に認識し、ビジネス人脈を確実に把握する。- 名刺の連絡先情報を分析し、認識したデータは各フィールドこと、例えば名前、会社名、部署、職位、住所、電話、メールなど、自動的に分類する。- 個人化グループ管理、気楽に連絡先情報を管理できる。● 1-clickで電話できる、メール発送- 連絡先(Card Holder)機能内蔵、直接電話できる、メッセージやメール送る。- 住所自動認識と記入、簡易にルート検索する。- SNS機能に連携し、名前とメール情報を使い、Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitterで連絡先情報を検索できますし、マルチ連絡方法を提供する。● クラウドで連絡先データバックアップとシェア- 全て連絡先データはクラウド(Dropbox)へエクスポート/バックアップできる、ビジネス人脈中断せず。- Google連絡先に同期機能で、気楽に人脈データを管理できる。- クロスプラットフォームで同期する、連絡先データは簡単にバックアップと交換する。- 連絡先データはvCard/Excel/CSV/Gmail連絡先など多種形式のファイルにエクスポートできる。● ビジネスマンに思いやり- 連続自動撮影、手振れ防止、画像補償機能で、サクサク名刺を撮影し、アルバムに既存名刺画像も認識できる。- 電子メール署名/QRコード認識機能あり、客先情報も簡単にAndroid Phoneへ保存する、手動入力不要。- カバーフロー機能を搭載- バックアップ、誕生日と新規連絡先の備考通知* 注意 ●ご使用上の不具合・ご意見などがございましたら、下記アドレスまでご連絡お願い致します。 [email protected]
全新改版!名片管理功能再進化,打造你的黃金人脈!◆市場肯定◆- 各語系版本登上全球194國的Business類別TOP 10排行榜。- 獲得全球知名手機品牌(如HTC)、電信業者(如中華電信、臺灣大哥大)、專業CRM廠商(如JustSystem)青睞,全球用戶突破2000萬以上。- 榮獲「美國無線通訊展大獎-商業應用類別」( CTIA E-Tech Awards Winner)的肯定- 榮獲臺灣區數位內容產品獎。- 榮獲MacWorld之iPhone最佳名片管理應用軟體。◆產品資訊◆全新改版WorldCard Mobile App只需使用手機拍攝名片,即可自動辨識名片上的姓名、公司、部門、職稱、位址、電話、電子郵件…等資訊,並自動填入聯繫人中的聯絡資訊欄位,快速點選就能撥打電話、發送email、路徑規劃,更能連結至Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn等社群網站的個人頁面,打造個人化行動人脈秘書!◆功能特色◆● 1秒辨識多國名片- 支援英文、繁體中文、簡體中文、日文、韓文、法、德、義…等25種語系,手機拍攝名片後,立即精準辨識,人脈掌握無國界。- 分析名片上的聯絡資訊,並將辨識後的資料依據欄位屬性自動分類,包含姓名、公司、部門、職稱、位址、電話、電子郵件。- 個人化群組管理,所有聯絡資訊都能輕鬆管理。● 快速撥打電話、傳送e-mail - 內建名片簿(Card Holder)功能,可直接撥打電話、傳送簡訊或email。- 自動辨識地址並輸入,輕鬆規劃客戶拜訪路線。- 提供附近聯絡人功能,方便用戶就近拜訪客戶。- 整合社群網站連結功能,透過姓名、email欄位,可輕鬆在Facebook、LinkedIn、twitter搜尋連絡人資訊,提供更多元的聯絡方式。● 聯絡人資訊雲端備份分享- 所有聯絡資訊均可匯出/備份資料至雲端空間(iCloud/Dropbox),人脈永續經營不流失。- 支援Google Contact同步功能,輕鬆管理所有人脈資訊。- 跨平台資訊同步,讓聯絡人資訊輕鬆備份及資料交換。● 貼心小巧思,商務人士既省時又省力 *- 支援連續拍照、防手震、影像自動優化功能,拍攝名片更輕鬆,相簿裡的既有名片影像也能進行辨識。- 支援電子郵件簽名/QR code辨識功能,客戶的來信也能輕鬆將所有聯絡資訊存入手機通訊錄,完全免手動輸入。- 聯絡資訊也能輕鬆匯出成為vCard/CSV/Gmail通訊錄等資料。- 支援Cover Flow...
완전 리뉴얼!명함 관리 기능화, 빛나는 사업 인맥을 만들자!◆ 마케팅 반향 ◆- 전 시리즈는 전 세계에 194개국의 비즈니스 카테고리 랭킹 TOP 10.- 세계 유명한 모바일 폰 브랜드(HTC등), 전신업자(CHT, TWM등), 전문 CRM업체(Justsystems등)에 채용하며 전 세계 유효 이용자는 2000만 이상- "미국 무선...
What is AVTECH EagleEyes(Lite)?AVTECH EagleEyes(Lite) is a free application for all valued customer of AVTECH Corporation only.EagleEyes(Lite) is very easy and convenient to use, a powerful feature with user-friendly interface design.**********************************************Note: this version only support 20 devices.**********************************************Function description:1. Real-time...
Create your next logo on your cellphone & tablet with InstaLogo. And with a fresh new design, it’s even easier to create great-looking logos and designs on the go.***** InstaLogo turns your Android and iOS devices into a professional logo...
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