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Very useful app for students. The app lists all the important Calculus formulas. Derivative formulas - Exponential, Logarithmic, Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse Hyperbolic, Different forms of Chain rule etc. Integration formulas - Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Exponential & Logarithmic, Definite...
This electrical glossary offers definitions for terms which are commonly used in electrical and electrical engineering.Covers almost all electrical words including laboratory tools and equipment.Alphabetical arrangements of each word for easy search.Each word gives you proper definition / description.If...
Do you know the meaning of "KK","/W","DIKY","WBU","(Y)",":$",":&",":D",":D:D",">:(","<3","<333" when you chat with your friends?If not,then this is best app for you, having thousands of slang and short form to make your chatting different.You have more options to impress your...
This chemistry glossary offers definitions for terms which are commonly used in chemistry and chemical engineering.Covers almost all chemistry related words including laboratory tools, glassware, and equipment.Alphabetical arrangements of each word for easy search.Each word gives you proper definition...
This physics glossary offers definitions for terms which are commonly used in physics.This is a list of physical terms, including laboratory tools, glassware and equipment.Alphabetical arrangements for easy search.Each word gives you proper definition / description.If you are interested...
This mechanical glossary offers definitions for terms which are commonly used in mechanics and mechanical engineering.This is a list of Mechanical terms, including laboratory tools and equipment.Alphabetical arrangements of each word for easy search.Each word gives you proper definition...
Any emergency can be handled easily with adequate preparation, including a medical one.First aid is essential in emergency cases. Knowing what action needs to be taken to control an emergency can make the difference between life and death.Emergencies occur...
Class 10 Maths Books (Hindi Medium)पाठ 1: वास्तविक संख्याएँपाठ 2: बहुपदपाठ 3: दो चर वाले रैखिक समीकरण युग्मपाठ 4: द्विघात समीकरणपाठ 5: समांतर श्रेढियाँपाठ 6: त्रिभुजपाठ 7: निर्देशांक ज्यामितिपाठ 8: त्रिकोणमिति का परिचयपाठ 9: त्रिकोणमिति के कुछ अनुप्रयोगपाठ 10:...
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Learn Fabrication Layout Development of All Shapes used in fabrication field using Geometrical and Numerical Method with practical example solution and their checking in well descriptive easy to understand and in step by step guides with descriptive images for...
This app provides you a large and fine collection of the English Stories for everyone with multiple categories and morals. The App is fully functional without the internet. The user interface is very fast and responsive and can be...
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Bhagavad Gita is knowledge of five basic truths and the relationship of each truth to the other: These five truths are Krishna, or God, the individual soul, the material world, action in this world, and time. The Gita lucidly...
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Relationship abuse is a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors used to maintain power and control over a former or current intimate partner. Abuse can be emotional, financial, sexual or physical and can include threats, isolation, and intimidation. Abuse...
K9Rally is an interactive app for reviewing existing and the newly added AKC Rally signs. This app is up to date with all the changes in the regulations as of Feb 2018. The key features of this app are...
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Das zuverlässige PONS Wörterbuch Englisch SCHULE funktioniert komplett offline und enthält 290.000 Stichwörter, Wendungen und Übersetzungen – der perfekte Übersetzer für die Schule!Du suchst ein schnelles Offline-Wörterbuch für dein Smartphone oder Tablet, mit dem du immer und überall unbekannte...
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