Do you want to find the best DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Medical that are similar to DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis. Pick one from this list to be your new DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis on your Android devices.
The best free and paid DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis 2025.
This is personal application where agents can submit bill and we can get directly access
Welcome to the USFHP of Southern New England mobile app. Once you complete the initial registration on your phone, this app will allow you to perform the following functions:1. View Claims: including claims summary information, individual claim detail and...
Based on 6th print ed. 600+ clinical problems. Diagnoses from pre-hospital to disposition stage. Treatment guidelines & references. Built-in medical calculators.DESCRIPTIONThe sixth edition of this comprehensive yet concise Rosen & Barkin’s 5 Minute Emergency Medicine Consult pulls together up-to-date...
In deze app vindt u verschillende formules die regelmatig gebruikt worden binnen de kindergeneeskunde en geneeskunde.Algemene formules- Anion-gap- Calcium/albumine- Co2- Geschat gewicht- Mictie- Oppervlakte- VochtbeleidNeonatologie- Glucose-intake- Percentage gewichtsverlies- Vocht per kgNefrologie- FENA- Nierfunctie- (Effectieve) Osmolariteit- Fosfaatterugresorptie
An online platform provides connection and interaction between patients and doctors and saves time for everyone. Features such as self-diagnose questionaire, conference call with doctors and ticketing system save patient's time a lot.Key Features:Questionnaire: this feature provides questionnaires to...
Excel on medical physiology course exams and the USMLE® with the only study guide derived from the field’s cornerstone textMore than 350 Q&A with detailed answer explanations!Based on content from Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, Twenty-Fifth Edition, the world’s...
The new edition of Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease helps you identify a full range of common and rare systemic diseases early on so they can be managed as effectively as possible. Formerly titled Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease,...
Calexico Wellness Center android app is powered by PrognoCIS (TM) gives you access to your Health Records as available on the Patient Portal. It allows you to view your ambulatory summary details, prescription details, Allergies, Immunization record, upcoming and...
Track your daily Appointments.Create Tele-visit Appointments.Invite Patients by Text/Email right for their tele-visits from app.Finally do tele-visits with your patients as a Pro with 'Telehealth Pro by eMedical Practice'.
Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen).ABOUT: MobileDDx™ - Pocket Differential DiagnosisBased on the McGraw...
The Differential Diagnosis pocket is a compact reference work that provides the basic foundation for formulating a thorough list of differential diagnosis.Completely updated version!New:§ Ergonomic home screen design with more features including SD card backup§ Additional systematic table of...
This app is intended for young doctors and medical students. It provides a concise description of common symptoms encountered in everyday medical practice and an account of their causes.The full version of this app contains information about almost 100...
This app is intended for young doctors and medical students. It provides a concise description of common symptoms encountered in everyday medical practice and an account of their causes.The full version of this app contains information about almost 100...
Common Differential Diagnosis is intended for medical students, young doctors and other healthcare professionals . It provides a brief description of common symptoms encountered in everyday medical practice and an account of their differential diagnosis.It contains information about almost...
X-Ray Differential Diagnosis is intended for medical students, young doctors and other healthcare professionals. It provides a list of possible causes for each finding encountered in everyday medical practice and an account of their differential diagnosis. It contains information...
WBC differential counter with following featuresGenerate result as soon as count reaches 100Continue counting after 100 cell counts or generate report/resultAccess report anytime while countingRestores previous countsShare report through email/sms/WhatsAppEnable/disable vibrationBig cell iconsWBC counter helps in clinical pathology...
With WBC Counter you can count 8 or 12 types of leukocytes just pressing to corresponding buttons.Each button press can be accompanied by sound and / or the vibration. In app settings these effects can be disabled.If you pressed...
“Pocket Appendicitis Score - AIR, Alvarado, RIPASA Score" is a mobile app that use several scorings (appendicitis inflammatory response (AIR) score, Alvarado score, and RIPASA score) to diagnose acute appendicitis based on clinical and laboratory findings. "Pocket Appendicitis Score...
1. Camera (required)- It is necessary to detect the blood circulation of the measurement site.2. Storage space (required)- It is necessary to save the measurement result.3. Microphone (required)- It is necessary...
60th anniversary edition of the most popular, relied-upon guide to internal medicine. Single source reference that has authoritative, evidence-based coverage of more than 1,000 diseases and disorders including concise, yet thorough synopsis of diagnosis and treatment. Written by clinicians...
With Prognosis, you can improve your ability to diagnose and immediately manage key clinical presentations associated with a disease, having access to relevant facts and succinct explanations behind the underlying diagnostic and management rationale.Prognosis is designed for practicing physicians,...
Manual of Nursing Diagnosis, Thirteenth Edition outlines the major diagnoses listed by NANDA-I in order to help nurses and students create care plans for patients with any range of ailments.Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10%...
Sparks & Taylor's Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual is clearly written, easy-to-use reference manual contains the evidence-based information. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on...
A concise, yet comprehensive source of current information on the medical problems of children (Paediataric) –-- from birth through adolescenceDESCRIPTIONA Doody’s Core Title for 2019!24th Edition is a concise, yet comprehensive source of current information on the medical problems...
If the measurement result is abnormal, please recommend an electrocardiogram(EKG,ECG) test.1. Camera (required)- It is necessary to detect the blood circulation of the measurement site.2. Storage space (required)- It is necessary...
Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear. A deaf person has little to no hearing. Hearing loss may occur in one or both ears. In children hearing problems can affect the...
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