Top 12 Medical Apps Like Emilia e-mhGAP - Best Alternatives

Emilia e-mhGAP Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Emilia e-mhGAP alternatives for Android? We have listed 12 Medical that are similar to Emilia e-mhGAP. Pick one from this list to be your new Emilia e-mhGAP app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Emilia e-mhGAP on your Android devices.

Top 12 Apps Like Emilia e-mhGAP - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Emilia e-mhGAP alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like Emilia e-mhGAP 2025.



Die App besteht in der kostenlosen Grundversion aus:- Check-Listen zum sofortigen und angemessenen Handeln in Notfällen (offline verfügbar)- Direkt wählbare Notrufnummern der Blaulichtorganisationen (Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienst usw.) Die App kann mit Hilfe der kostenpflichtigen Web-Applikation "e-mergency Cockpit" erweitert werden.Erweiterte...

Price: Free Developer: exanic AG
Hearing Test Pro

Hearing Test Pro

The app provides two basic hearing test: pure-tone audiometry and the speech intelligibility test (the digits-in-noise). Pure-tone audiometry determines the degree of hearing loss in relation to the sound frequency. The test consists in determining the quietest sound that...

Price: USD 4.62 Developer:
Hearing Test

Hearing Test

New release of the Hearing Test on #WorldHearingDay! Now with new speech intelligibility test (the digits-in-noise) and in new languages. Remember #HearingCare and get your hearing tested today! Check events on #Hearathon2021 and on the Coalition for Global Hearing...

Price: Free Developer:

Price: Free Developer: INOOIT SAS
ZHAW Notfall

ZHAW Notfall

Mit der App "ZHAW Notfall" haben Mitarbeiter, Dozenten, Studierende, externes Personal und Besucher der Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) jederzeit die wichtigsten Informationen und Telefonnummern zur Hand, um in Notfallsituationen rasch und angemessen handeln zu können. Knöpfe zur...

Price: Free Developer: exanic AG
Notfall-App für Schulen

Notfall-App für Schulen

Notfall-App für Schulen mit:• Checklisten zum Handeln im Notfall• Notrufnummern der Blaulichtorganisationen• Webapplikation für die Einrichtung und Verwaltung einer internen Version der App, auf die nur die Mitarbeitenden der jeweiligen Schule bzw. Institution Zugriff haben.Die interne Version beinhaltet:• die...

Price: Free Developer: exanic AG
E Numbers halal & haram (Free)

E Numbers halal & haram (Free)

Among health fanatics, E numbers have gained a reputation for being worse than Frankenstein’s monster. Critics claim they trigger everything from hyperactivity and mood disorders to life-threatening diseases. Main Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection...

Price: Free Developer: Medical Group Soft
E Numbers Halal and Haram

E Numbers Halal and Haram

Among health fanatics, E numbers have gained a reputation for being worse than Frankenstein’s monster. Critics claim they trigger everything from hyperactivity and mood disorders to life-threatening diseases. Main Features:1. Offline – It wok offline, no active internet connection...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Medical Group Soft
e-MS - Nigerian Medical Student Forum

e-MS - Nigerian Medical Student Forum

Price: Free Developer: Bibsontech


Bohat hi pyari book hai tamaam muslims kay leye jo Tib e Nabvi say ilaj karna chahtay haan.

Price: Free Developer: Keep On Shopping
mhGAP-IG 2.0 App (e-mhGAP)

mhGAP-IG 2.0 App (e-mhGAP)

mhGAP-IG 2.0 App (e-mhGAP) is the official e-version of the World Health Organization’s mhGAP-Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings Version 2.0. The mhGAP-IG 2.0 App is a valuable tool to scale up...

Price: Free Developer: Universal Projects & Tools, SL

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