Do you want to find the best Teaching Rounds: A Visual Aid - Internal Medicine alternatives for Android? We have listed 35 Medical that are similar to Teaching Rounds: A Visual Aid - Internal Medicine. Pick one from this list to be your new Teaching Rounds: A Visual Aid - Internal Medicine app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Teaching Rounds: A Visual Aid - Internal Medicine on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Teaching Rounds: A Visual Aid - Internal Medicine alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Teaching Rounds: A Visual Aid - Internal Medicine 2025.
Grand Rounds Health takes the stress out of managing your health. On call 24/7, top doctors, nurses and care coordinators connect you to high-quality healthcare in your network, expert second opinions and answers to all your health and health...
Rad Rounds - UIP to IPF is an innovative, peer-reviewed resource that provides practicing and future pulmonologists and radiologists with training and references for recognizing and evaluating usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) on high resolution...
Prime Grand Rounds is a charge capture application for all physicians associated with Prime Healthcare Inc
GetWell Rounds+ is a real-time data collection, reporting and trending system specifically designed to help healthcare providers hard-wire best practices, decrease provider documentation time and improve quality, safety and the patient experience. With an easy-to-implement and easy-to-use interface, healthcare...
3Dental 1.0 möchte für Studenten, Fachkräfte und Lehrende sowie für alle Zahnanatomie- und Medizininteressierte als nützliches Hilfsmittel zur Information und Schulung dienen.Das Tool enthält interaktive Echtzeit 3D-Modelle der menschlichen Zahnanatomie. Mit den gängigen Touch-Gesten lässt sich die 3D-Modell Navigation...
हमारे देश में 18 से अधिक भाषायें प्रयोग में आती हैं फिर भी सभी अत्याधुनिक चीज़ों/सेवाओं को प्रयोग में लाने के लिए हमें अंग्रेजी भाषा पर निर्भर रहना पड़ता है। अंग्रेजी भाषा में सहज नहीं होने की वजह से...
Human Anatomy is a very tough subject for all med students. Our aim is to let you carry the anatomy reference atlas app in your mobile/pocket.This app is not meant to be a replacement for the gross anatomy textbook....
How to think like a nurse using clinical reasoning! Download the FREE app and view selected topics - Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app...
CarePOV™myEvolv® Anywhere is a mobile application that supports community-based direct service providers in the community or in remote areas. The application is designed to manage appointments, document services, assessments, and tasks in a connected or disconnected environment. ...
WellnessConnected gives you a complete view of your health combining the current line of three essential wellness devices connected to one easy to use app - A&D Connect. Lose weight, get in shape, monitor your blood pressure - all...
The A&D Heart Track Diary app has been designed for patients performing an Ambulatory Blood Pressure Study using the A&D Heart Track Pro ABPM system. Unless you have been specifically asked by your clinician to use this app, we...
This App is meant for the hearing impaired & their loved ones. It's like having subtitles in a live conversation.However, an app can never be as good as a human ear, so it is adviced to speak slowly, loudly,...
Visual Attention Therapy helps brain injury and stroke survivors, as well as struggling students, to improve scanning abilities. It also helps rehab professionals to assess for neglect and provide more efficient and effective therapy for attention deficits.Visual Attention Therapy...
Retrain the brain to move the eyes correctly by scanning from left to right across the screen. Strengthening this essential skill can improve reading, concentration, memory, attention to detail, and speed of processing. Two powerful modes help brain injury...
An interactive visual guide for learning and understanding canine(dog) anatomyQuickly get a clear and complete 3 dimensional understanding of all muscles, bones & organs.Includes the option to search, save/restore states, quality settings and more.Learn and study veterinary anatomy in...
★★Muscle in action! Now including muscle group action movies and 3D models and full description (ORIGIN, INSERTION, NERVE, ACTIONS). Audio pronunciation for all anatomy terms.★★Download and install all 1247 Gray's anatomy images to your devices and a search...
OVERVIEW: Visual Anatomy Free is an interactive reference, and education tool with audio pronunciation. Now it include a rotational organ 3D overview model and 3D animations!! It contains all body anatomy systems and has more than 500 feature points...
An interactive visual guide for learning and understanding human anatomyQuickly get a clear and complete 3 dimensional understanding of all muscles, bones & organs of the human body.Includes the option to add notes, get wikipedia information & images, hide,...
Study acupuncture or acupressure visually and interactively. Get a good feel for the flow of meridian channels and their (anatomical) acupuncture point locations. Includes a complete interactive 3D anatomy model (muscles, bones and organs), which can be...
★★Muscle in action! Now including muscle group action movies and 3D models and full description (ORIGIN, INSERTION, NERVE, ACTIONS). Audio pronunciation for all anatomy terms.★★Download and install all 1247 Gray's anatomy images to your devices and a search...
যে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসা র জন্য আমাদেরকে প্রথমে যে বিষয়ের প্রতি লক্ষ্য রাখতে হবে তা হোল সকল রোগের প্রাথমিক অবস্থায় কি করনীয় ? কারন অনেক সময় দেখা যায় যে, সমস্যার সাথে সাথেই উপযুক্ত চিকিৎসা সেবা দেয়া বা পাওয়া সম্ভব...
Excel on the USMLE® Step 1 With Help from the World’s Most Popular Medical Review!DESCRIPTIONTrust First Aid™ for the USMLE Step 1 2020 to help you score your highest on this high-stakes examWritten by students who excelled on the...
যেকোনো রোগের চিকিৎসার জন্য প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা দেয়া প্রয়োজন । এই চিকিৎসা সেবা সম্পর্কে অনেকেই আমরা জানিনা কিভাবে কোন রোগের কি চিকিৎসা সেবা দিতে হয়। আমাদের এই অ্যাপটি খুবই সরল ভাবে বানানো হয়েছে যাতে সাধারন মানুষজন চিকিৎসার বই এর সাহায্য...
First Aid Cases For The USMLE Step 2 CK provides mobile healthcare practitioners with the latest in trusted clinical information for more accurate, confident and informed decision-making at point-of-care.DESCRIPTIONDesigned to provides students with the most useful and up-to-date preparation...
A simple application to quickly reference common intraoperative anesthetic emergencies. Emergency algorithms and cognitive aids are included for: ACLS, malignant hyperthermia, anaphylaxis, air embolism, local anesthetic toxicity, bronchospasm, pneumothorax, high spinal, hypoxia, and hypotension. Also includes actions and broad...
7-day free trial for Hearing Aid for Oreo 8.0: Oreo 8.0 devices crash app. Test this free app before purchase. Update to Oreo 8.1.Hearing Aid for Oreo uses audio capabilities of Android Oreo 8.0 to deliver lowest-latency, fastest-response...
7-day free trial for Hearing Aid for Oreo 8.1: Aid for Oreo uses audio capabilities of Android Oreo 8.1 to deliver lowest-latency, fastest-response Hearing Aid app on Google Play!- Use headset or device microphones- Listen on earphones or device...
Test using 'Hearing Aid for Oreo 8.1 Free' before purchase: Aid for Oreo uses audio capabilities of Android Oreo 8.1 to deliver lowest-latency, fastest-response Hearing Aid app on Google Play!- Use headset or device microphones- Listen on earphones or...
DISCLAIMER: 50% of Oreo 8.0 devices crash app. Try Free version first (or upgrade to Oreo 8.1): Aid for Oreo uses audio capabilities of Android Oreo 8.0 to deliver lowest-latency, fastest-response Hearing Aid app on Google Play!- Use...
চিকিৎসা বিষয় সম্পর্কে যে, সকল বিষয়াবলীই আমাদের জানা থাকা জরুরি তা কিন্তু নয় ? আমাদের শুধুমাত্র প্রাথমিক রোগের চিকিৎসা দেয়াটা জরুরী এবং পরবর্তীতে হ্বাসপাতালে ও অভিজ্ঞ ডাক্তারের সরনাপন্ন হতে হবে । যে কোন রোগের চিকিৎসা র জন্য আমাদেরকে প্রথমে...
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