Do you want to find the best Vigilant Fichador NFC alternatives for Android? We have listed 13 Productivity that are similar to Vigilant Fichador NFC. Pick one from this list to be your new Vigilant Fichador NFC app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Vigilant Fichador NFC on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Vigilant Fichador NFC alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 13 similar apps like Vigilant Fichador NFC 2025.
Vigilant Personal es una App que se une a las soluciones que aporta la Plataforma Web de VIGILANT CONTROL HORARIOJunto con el Fichador Biométrico (dispositivo fijo sobre pared conectado a la red GPRS) y la App Fichador VIGILANT (para...
VIGILANT NFC PROFESIONAL es una App del sistema Vigilant Web para el control de presencia de operarios en tiempo real, localización, ruta, rondas de seguridad, incidencias e informes. Funciones de la aplicación y el sistema: ...
Radiobit Control de Presencia es una App del sistema Vigilant Web para el control de presencia de operarios en tiempo real, localización, servicios, incidencias e informes. Funciones de la aplicación y el sistema: 1. Identificación del...
Vigilant Gestor Biométrico es una App que se une a las soluciones de VIGILANT CONTROL HORARIO.La App. VIGILANT GESTOR BIOMÉTRICO permite facilitarnos tanto el alta de operarios como las altas de huellas directamente desde la APP. Además nos permite...
Customize how your alarms look, easily create/delete alarms, and more. See the list of features below for a more detailed look into all the things you can do.For those that struggle to wake up, you can optionally use any...
CI TapKad records the presence of a person by tapping a contactless card or NFC tag on a reader or a phone. This is similar to an attendance tracking system, but can be used anywhere anytime, because it...
LinKad links a contactless smartcard or NFC tag to a person. Only an NFC-enabled smartphone is needed.It accepts the optical character recognition (OCR) output of Google Goggles as personal particulars, thereby eliminating the need to key in the...
NFC Add-On for TimesheetYou have to install Timesheet App your working hours with NFC.Just save a Tag to a writeable NFC Sticker/Item and next time you record your work, put your phone on the NFC Sticker/Item.1. Create a Tag...
The NFC TagWriter by NXP stores contacts, bookmarks, geo location, Bluetooth Handover, SMS, Mail, text messages and many more to any NFC-enabled tags as well as to items like posters, business cards, watches and many more containing NFC-enabled electronics....
NFC Bulk Writer is an application that allows you to write in a sequential manner large quantities of NFC Tags with information entered via a CSV file, from your device.The CSV file must be composed of a correct link...
This app allows the enrollment of Android Work Managed devices using NFC for any Cortado MDM system such as the Cortado Server or the Cortado Cloud. For more help on this app, please visit the Guides and Manuals section...
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