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This app contains Chapter 1 from Paul's Epistle to the Philippians in the New Testament. Apostle Paul and his fellow disciple and evangelist Timothy first visited Philippi in Macedonia, Greece during Paul's second missionary journey, which occurred approximately 49-51...
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The writer was authorized by Mr. Blanchard to select a party of bankers and business men of New York and Brooklyn to attend the annual convention of the “American Bankers’ Association,” to be held in Kansas City, September 24th...
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Sir Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) - Poet Philosopher of Pakistan - was an heir to a very rich literary tradition. He imbibed and assimilated all that was best in the past and present Islamic and Oriental thought and culture. His...
Iqbal ReviewJournal of the Iqbal Academy Pakistan“Iqbal Review”, the research journal of the Iqbal Academy Pakistan is being published since 1960 on quarterly basis in English and Urdu. Additionally, it is also being published in Persian, Arabic and Turkish.This...
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We have haved added thousands of articles in various topics to help islamic preachers to take notes for Jumma and other bayans. All are authenticated from Quran and Hadis. Most of the content is from Thowheed Jamath scholars. My...
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