Do you want to find the best ICD 10 - ICD 11 Diagnosen Pro 2021 alternatives for Android? We have listed 31 Medical that are similar to ICD 10 - ICD 11 Diagnosen Pro 2021. Pick one from this list to be your new ICD 10 - ICD 11 Diagnosen Pro 2021 app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ICD 10 - ICD 11 Diagnosen Pro 2021 on your Android devices.
The best free and paid ICD 10 - ICD 11 Diagnosen Pro 2021 alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like ICD 10 - ICD 11 Diagnosen Pro 2021 2025.
Quick ICD 10 offers a simple and quick way to search and convert ICD 9 codes to ICD 10 codes and back.Codes can be searched numerically or by description and you can save your favorites for future use. This...
ICD 9 and 10 (The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) Database.ICD IX and X app is very useful for all doctors, medical records, nurses and midwives as it contains a variety of classifications for your...
ICD-10: Codes of Diseases is an amazing health app that can help you search and browse the International Classification of Diseases that is published by the World Health Organization. SEARCH THROUGH ICD CATEGORIES, BLOCKS & CHAPTERSThis efficient and useful...
Die Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheits-probleme ist das wichtigste, weltweit anerkannte Diagnoseklassifikations- und Verschlüsselungssystem der Medizin. Die Klassifikation ICD 10 wurde von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erstellt.Welche Erkrankung Ihnen der Arzt bescheinigt hat, können Sie mithilfe unserer...
Die Internationale statistische Klassifikation der Krankheiten und verwandter Gesundheits-probleme ist das wichtigste, weltweit anerkannte Diagnoseklassifikations- und Verschlüsselungssystem der Medizin. Die Klassifikation ICD 10 wurde von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) erstellt.Welche Erkrankung Ihnen der Arzt bescheinigt hat, können Sie mithilfe unserer...
Characteristics:- No internet connection is needed for the application to work.- Diseases ordered by chapters, groups and categories.- Search by code or name of the disease.- Add / Remove to my favorites.- Voice search through Google voice search. (Their...
The ICD/CRT Appropriate Use Criteria App provides decision and documentation support for clinicians assessing the suitability of ICD implantation and CRT. After selecting ICD or CRT as the intended therapy, clinicians will enter a patient’s LVEF and NYHA...
Please note - you must be an employee or contractor of AbbVie to use this application.The Global Medical Affairs meeting application will be developed to support the GMA Operations All Staff meeting. The developed framework will be leveraged to...
Ofrecemos la asistencia al parto personalizada por nuestro Equipo (Ginecólogo y Matrona).La mujer debe poder elegir su parto.Para nosotros es muy importante que nuestras pacientes se sientan cuidadas y atendidas por el mejor equipo desde el primer momento del...
International SOS Clinic subscriber clients have access to the International SOS Clinic TeleConsultation app, which enables client’s subscribed employees the option to have a scheduled video-consultation with the medical professional based at the associated International SOS Clinic.After contacting the...
"Burns Fluid Calculator: Fluid, TBSA, ABSI score" is a mobile app designed to determine the fluid needed during resuscitation and maintenance when treating burn patients. The most commonly used resuscitation formula is the pure crystalloid Parkland formula. In this...
Get +8800 Study notes & exam quiz & cases and Prepare and Pass Your Foreign Service Officer US Diplomacy Exam very easily and guarantee the highest score.With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The...
ClickClinic connects patients to medical services of their choice any time anywhere. The application offers accounts for both patients and doctors. Patients can access Pharmacy module, Doctor module and Homecare module. Patients can order medicine from ClickClinic’s online pharmacy...
HESI A2 Flashcards , a study aid for students preparing for the HESI A2 Exam. The HESI A2 Exam consists of seven academic exams and a personality profile that identifies the applicant’s learning style. All applicants for pre-licensure programs...
Ushbu ilovada odam organizmida uchrovchi barcha kasalliklarning kelib chiqish sabablari, belgilari, diagnostikasi, davolash usullari, asoratlari hamda profilaktika chora tadbirlari berilgan. UShbu ilova orqali kasalliklar, sindromlar, simptomlar haqida yangidan yangi bilimlarga ega bo`lishingiz va o`z bilimlaringizni mustahkamlash imkoniyati mavjud.Ilova haqida...
Pediatric Oncall's Medical CalculatorsEasy to use, offline and instant results for all calculations even during your practice.This is a free application for all medical personnel followed by the Pediatriconcall page relating to included are categorized as follows:Growth Calculator:»...
Service is our Passion.Connect with your hospital in a whole new way. Our mobile application offers: * hospital news * turn-by-turn navigation to your next appointment * an opportunity to give feedback on our your experiences * find...
Homecare Homebase's PointCare application provides authorized clinical users of the HCHB Electronic Medical Record solution fast, accurate access to all clinical information to complete the patient visit in the home. Over 130,000 caregivers trust PointCare to deliver the fastest...
This app is designed for institutional access. Unless introduced by your institution, please use the individual version of the app instead at diagnostic schemas, illness scripts, tweetorials, and blog posts handcrafted by The Clinical Problem Solvers anytime, anywhere....
For healthcare professionals only.Important Safety Info: makes it simple to activate Reveal LINQ™ Insertable Cardiac Monitor (ICM) devices with the easy-to-use Reveal LINQ™ Mobile Manager. This app is downloaded to an Android™ tablet, and then paired via Bluetooth®...
Doctor On Time Application is Doctor appointment Booking System is dedicated on Medicine and Public Health field, the application is found to serve the people looking for a doctor to treat them & for doctors to schedule their appointment.
The forceris mobile app is a tool to help you to screen the epidemiological status of your farm against coccidiosis and anemia
Die Diagnose App. Über 20.000 User können nicht irren.Was bedeuten Kürzel wie "M44" oder "I11" auf Ihrer Krankschreibung?Finden Sie alle Details zum offiziellen deutschen ICD-10 Katalog.16.000 Diagnosen + 75.000 Synonyme + Heilmittelkatalog. (Testen Sie bitte auch unsere ICF und...
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