Do you want to find the best Gear Metrology alternatives for Android? We have listed 12 Education that are similar to Gear Metrology. Pick one from this list to be your new Gear Metrology app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Gear Metrology on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Gear Metrology alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like Gear Metrology 2025.
This application is used to obtain the main dimensions of spur and helical gears.This is the full version and does not have any restrictions.Besides the individual calculation, to calculate systems 2 and 3 gears.Input data:- Number of teeth.- Normal...
Read and Play series is a hand-crafted collection of illustrated stories for kids. Each book contains a classic fairy tale for your child to discover. Colorful illustrations will help to visualize the story and play with it after reading....
Read and Play series is a hand-crafted collection of illustrated stories for kids. Each book contains a classic fairy tale for your child to discover. Colorful illustrations will help to visualize the story and play with it after reading....
This application is used to obtain the main dimensions of spur and helical gears.This version is limited to individual gears.Input data:- Number of teeth.- Normal Module.- Pressure angle.- Helix angle. (For helical gears).- Number of teeth measured. (Limited to...
讀最實用的單字,聽最美麗的聲音, 王可樂讓你,學日文跟初戀一樣美好! 蒐集日常生活用得到單字和短句,依人情、感情、健康、社會等主題串聯 初學者打基礎,很輕鬆就能一口氣記住多個單字 中高級學習者,光是翻閱就開始在腦袋裡寫起日語文章來…… 本APP共分成八個主題:人情、感情、身體和健康、飲食、生活、社會、娛樂和旅遊、顏色和自然,涵蓋日常生活的每個面向,天天用得到的日語單字和短句。對於剛學日語的人,或是已經有一定程度的人,都是最棒的日語相關用語學習工具!APP特色 ★日語教學界奇葩──王可樂!一向只提供易懂、好記,能瞬間理解的學習法 ★初學者語彙大躍進!依生活主題分類,一次串聯大量相關單字和短句! ★「美聲發音老師」原田千春 獻聲錄製
作者介紹【Too idiots / 兩個傻瓜】是Facebook、IG快速竄升的日語學習帳號,由めぐ與やん,一位台灣少女與一位日本少女,每天一段有趣的對話,紀錄出幽默的日語教學方式!【海參鮑魚獨立遊戲工作室】是以外語學習遊戲開發為主的教育型開發團隊,旗下多種藉由遊戲方式引導的日語學習App,讓玩家在各種遊戲與冒險中,愉快地接觸日語,達到寓教於樂的效果!APP介紹APP內收集【Too idiots / 兩個傻瓜】高人氣的單字教學,讓你瞭解接地氣的日語用法,學習多種課本學不到的單字,並藉由對話的方式呈現,更清楚使用時機與含意。知道「空堂」的日語該怎麼說嗎?知道「富二代」的日語該怎麼說嗎?月底又「吃土」了該怎麼表達呢?追劇太入戲,不小心「跟著哭了」又該如何形容呢?多種課本不會教,最日常最口語的日文,就讓兩個傻瓜用對話的方式帶你學習,教你如何使用,並由兩人親自對話配音,學習效果更加倍哦!
Get in and train yourself for manual car driving. Real car parking simulator is a fun game where you can be the challenging street driver in ultimate car driving with gear.Car parking & driving training school sim is classic...
The following mechanical measuring instruments are explained with theory and images.Linear Measurements (Non precision instruments)-Steel Rule-Calipers-Inside caliper-Outside caliper-Spring caliper-Hermaphrodite caliper-Transfer caliper-Dividers-Telescopic gauge-Depth gaugeLinear Measurements (Precision instruments)-Micrometer-External micrometer-Inside micrometer-Vernier micrometer-Screw thread micrometer-Depth micrometer-Vernier caliper-Vernier height gauge-Slip gauges-Comparators-Mechanical Comparator-Mechanical-Optical Comparator-Electrical Comparators...
The following mechanical measuring instruments are explained with theory and images.Linear Measurements (Non precision instruments)-Steel Rule-Calipers-Inside caliper-Outside caliper-Spring caliper-Hermaphrodite caliper-Transfer caliper-Dividers-Telescopic gauge-Depth gaugeLinear Measurements (Precision instruments)-Micrometer-External micrometer-Inside micrometer-Vernier micrometer-Screw thread micrometer-Depth micrometer-Vernier caliper-Vernier height gauge-Slip gauges-Comparators-Mechanical Comparator-Mechanical-Optical Comparator-Electrical Comparators...
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