Do you want to find the best Easy Drum Machine - Beat Machine & Drum Maker alternatives for Android? We have listed 39 Music that are similar to Easy Drum Machine - Beat Machine & Drum Maker. Pick one from this list to be your new Easy Drum Machine - Beat Machine & Drum Maker app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Easy Drum Machine - Beat Machine & Drum Maker on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Easy Drum Machine - Beat Machine & Drum Maker alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like Easy Drum Machine - Beat Machine & Drum Maker 2025.
Compatibility- Compatible with HTML and Text Files.- Compatible with PDF.- Compatible with Online Web Page.- Compatible with Cast Devices, send any audio text to Cast devices.What can you do in the app?- The app will read texts of any...
大家好,我是程序员小刘,爱代码也爱音乐的小刘。小刘发现,现在听歌真费劲,好多喜欢的歌要切换多个音乐平台才能听到,而且到了海外为了听自己的歌单还得翻墙回去。一气之下,自掏腰包买服务器,用最新的技术,做了一个音乐聚合平台,我自己用着挺爽快,希望大家也会喜欢,永久免费,请给小刘一个机会帮助大家!请给小刘一个机会,您试用看看,小刘一定努力不让大家失望,如果有任何缺点和建议,或者只是单纯想聊聊音乐,都可以跟小刘说一声,或者是在下面留言,小刘一定都会尽心竭力地为大家服务!谢谢你选择了小刘的“简单云音乐”,小刘有以下几大承诺→【永远免费】:小刘保证永远免费,让大家把钱省下来,用省下来的钱,买车、买房、娶老婆,成就完美人生!→【体验舒适】:小刘知道,大家都觉得个人做的免费软件会很烂,请给小刘一个机会,让小刘用最好的技术和服务告诉您,咱这个免费软件不一样。现在已经聚合了国内的QQ音乐、网易云音乐、酷狗音乐、咪咕音乐等主流音乐平台,您可以用咱这一个软件听这些音乐平台的歌,再也不用切换平台了,小刘一定竭尽全力给您最好的使用体验!→【设计极简】:小刘深知道大家不喜欢看乱七八糟的无用功能,所以软件中只有最核心基础功能,设计极简,但体验不打折,海量华语曲库、免费在线播放、多平台歌单导入、优质歌单推荐、智能点亮变灰歌曲等功能都会让你眼前一亮。→【稳定更新】:小刘是个负责任的程序员,永远不断更,小刘一定为大家服务到最后,为大家提供更好的体验!最后,再请大家多多体谅,多多支持小刘,先谢谢大家了,如果有什么不足的地方也请大家多多包涵。可能偶尔会有机型或者系统,因为适配问题出现崩溃的情况,可以留言、邮件或者后台反馈给小刘,让小刘给您改进,小刘一定努力让大家更满意的!小刘爱音乐,有事没事,都欢迎跟小刘聊聊音乐!可能水平不足,能力有限,但小刘爱音乐的热情是真的,爱你们!小刘的邮箱: [email protected]
Boost your device's sound quality with this easy to use 5 band Equalizer and make it sounds like a HiFi system.Easy Music Equalizer lets you adjust sound effect levels so that you get the best out of your Music...
Easy Drum is a free real drum set music game or a beat drum simulator. It provides you different levels real drum lessons. You can play on the drum kit with drums sticks, you also can beat drum(beat machine)...
Turn your device into a wireless Bluetooth microphone!-Reduced feedback microphone: adjustable feedback reduction.-Connect to speakers or other devices through Bluetooth or by audio cable.-Record and save audio*It is not yet possible to prevent microphone lag entirely on an Android...
Turn your device into a wireless Bluetooth microphone!-Reduced feedback microphone: adjustable feedback reduction.-Connect to speakers or other devices through Bluetooth or by audio cable.-Record and save audio*It is not yet possible to prevent microphone lag entirely on an Android...
"📻 Easy Hits Florida Radio - is the simplest way of listening to your favorite FM AM Stations in Florida - United States, Online and Free.Listen in Easy Hits Florida Radio:📣 News💬 Talk Shows 🎶 Music: Pop, Rock, Hip...
Free Easy Listening Online Radio is an excellent application that can be downloaded from the Play Store and allows you to listen to various stations from the comfort of your phone without the need for a headset. It also...
** Enjoy listening to the radio? Looking for the best radio player? ***** Hundreds of Internet radio stations will now be available on your device. Popular internet radio United States, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Japan, China, Netherlands...
A simple 16-step sequencer. High quality sound of a famous drum machine.The drum set can be selected from 10 kinds of famous vintage drum machines.・ Rhythm Ace・ Minipops・ CR78・ SK1・ VL1・ TR-808・ TR-909・ Drumulator・ LinnDrum・ HR-166 part and 16...
Drum Pads - Music MakerBecome a beat maker today with lots of high quality sound packs!Make beats and music with fresh sample packs!New FREE sound packs arrive every month, so don't forget to check our app library!What we have...
Turn your phone into a fast DRUM TUNER!Get Drumtune PRO today to get rid of guesswork when tuning drums, forever! With your phone in your pocket, you always have a drum tuner at hand. The app shows the precise...
You want to play a game? or to get into a rhythm?Recommended devices:Galaxy Tab (SC-01C)Galaxy Nexus (SC-04D)Xperia A2 (SO-04F)Galaxy S6 edge (SCV31)Moto G5 (XT1676)Web version for PC / iOS / Android:Material list:
Alan walker DJ launchpad is an ultimate drum pads sampler or drum machine app that gives you the opportunity to perform cool beats, make music and tracks easily.Create awesome beats easily with DJ launchpad. Enjoy superb sound packs from...
Marshmello DJ launchpad is an ultimate drum pads sampler or drum machine app that gives you the opportunity to perform cool beats, make music and tracks easily.Create awesome beats easily with DJ launchpad. Enjoy superb sound packs from our...
With this app you'll be able to learn how to play the drums and other percussion instruments, like the african percussion (Djembe) or the Latin percussion, among others. Classes for all levels. A multitude of scores and songs...
通过16个简单的步骤即可轻松理解操作。您可以轻松切换并播放著名鼓机的高质量声音。鼓组可以从10种著名的老式鼓机中选择。・Rhythm Ace・Minipops・CR78・SK1・VL1・TR - 808・TR - 909・Drumulator・LinnDrum・HR-166部分和16步音序器。每个声部都可以实时设置声音,音量和声相。
16-स्टेप सीक्वेंसर से लैस है। प्रसिद्ध ड्रम मशीन को पुन: पेश करें।ड्रम सेट को 10 प्रकार की प्रसिद्ध विंटेज ड्रम मशीनों से चुना जा सकता है।・Rhythm Ace・Minipops・CR78・SK1・VL1・TR - 808・TR - 909・Drumulator・LinnDrum・HR-166 भाग और 16 स्टेप सीक्वेंसर।प्रत्येक भाग को वास्तविक...
يمكن إجراء عملية بسيطة في 16 خطوة بسيطة. يمكنك بسهولة التبديل وتشغيل الأصوات عالية الجودة لآلات الطبول الشهيرة.اختر من بين 10 آلات طبول كلاسيكية لمجموعة الأسطوانات الخاصة بك.・Rhythm Ace・Minipops・CR78・SK1・VL1・TR - 808・TR - 909・Drumulator・LinnDrum・HR-16جهاز التسلسل المكون من 6 مقاطع و...
Note - Fart Machine only plays Fart related sound effects. It does not actually generate an odor! Not for children!Fart Machine is a soundboard app that has fart sound effects. Tap the buttons to play fart...
MPC Machine is a professional beatbox music making app using drum pads, loops and samples to make beats on the go. Inspired by classic drum machine samplers such as MPC 500/1000/2500/2000XL/iMPC pro and Native Instruments Maschine / iMaschine. Its...
MPC Machine is a professional beatbox music making app using drum pads, loops and samples to make beats on the go. Inspired by classic drum machine samplers such as MPC 500/1000/2500/2000XL/iMPC pro and Native Instruments Maschine / iMaschine. Its...
Why use Drum Machine Loops?Drum Machine Loops is a powerful sequencer to create drum patterns in an easy way. With a nice interface, you can edit your loops by tapping on the desired pads to play the drumbeats in...
Mobile Drum Machine has very limited options. Please purchase Pro version for full access. This is an application that plays pre-installed music samples like drum and percussion, with adjustable tempo and volume, which could be used for practicing your...
Beat Maker - Drum Pad Machine Pro works to make music and songs in different styles. A unique audio recording and sound design vogue are different. To play it, simply drumming your fingers on the drum and the sound...
a very interesting application with the original sound of the washing machine. Simulates the washing machine sounds and rotating tub. You have selection of 3 sounds (low , medium , hard ). Select one of 3 sounds . This...
Discover the most talked-about music from sites around the world. This is Hype Machine in your pocket. Every day, thousands of people around the world write about music they love — and it all ends up on Hype Machine....
Move and drag to control your gun, listen to the music and shoot the falling cubes !Sounds easy? You wish!!【Simple to play】➤ Different guns can produce different musical feelings➤ Hold and Drag the gun to crash the...
Beat ist DAS Fachmagazin für alle Fragen rund um Musik, Produktion, Recording, Mix, Mastering und DJing – und mittlerweile ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Medienlandschaft rund um die Musikkultur.Im redaktionellen Mittelpunkt stehen neben fundierten Testberichten zu Hard- und Software auch...
Create professional drum beats with Beat Maker II. Apply effects (modulation, delay, reverb, eq, compressor, bit crusher), attack, decay, volumes, grooves. Export wave files to share or to load in your favourite digital audio workstation. Great to work out...
Are you a music lover? Do you like gun sounds in songs? Do you like fast-paced rhythm and some challenges while you enjoy your time? Then Shoot The Beat is the game for you!Shoot The Beat - is an...
Set Mr Beat music visualizer as your live wallpaper and play music with your favourite music player to visualize it. Install now! Bored with audio bars? Try the unique approach with circles representing different frequency bands together with...
Drum pad machine produces the best beats. Make Beats, Make music and play DJ games on DPM.Soundboard app for rapper is the best all in one drum machine app to create your music on the go. Become DJ, Perform...
Beat is a subscription-based app which provides users with Irish dance music which has been designed to suit all dancing organisations. The music library contains music for Grades, Championships, Set Dances and Ceili Dances. Key Features* Stream more than...
Welcome to the Dot Beat Magic: Rhythm Music Game the new music rhythm game. Dot Beat Magic! Featuring a distinctive soundtrack EDM, and design, each level is a unique musical journey and challenge!FEATURES: - Multiple levels: each with an...
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