Do you want to find the best BYU Museum of Art App alternatives for Android? We have listed 44 Education that are similar to BYU Museum of Art App. Pick one from this list to be your new BYU Museum of Art App app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to BYU Museum of Art App on your Android devices.
The best free and paid BYU Museum of Art App alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like BYU Museum of Art App 2025.
BYU Flashcards allows student and teachers to review and practice their flashcards from the BYU Flashcards website. To use this service, first go to and create a deck of cards. Then, open this app and sign in with...
The BYU Mobile App Suite contains a variety of newly designed mobile services developed by the Office of Information Technology at Brigham Young University, all within a single app. Features Include:- Y-Time- My Classes- Learning Suite- Testing Center- Add...
BYU Cougars is the official app of the BYU Athletics Department. Available for free on all Android devices, this app makes it easy for Cougar Nation to get up-to-date information on all 19 BYU teams.© Brigham Young University –...
Intermountain Histories is a free app that provides scholarly information and interpretive stories of historic sites and events around the Intermountain West regions of Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Discover the histories of the...
Wir laden Sie zu einer multimedialen Erkundungstour durch das Eisfelder Museum ein. Es erwarten Sie spannende Fakten und Geschichten zur Stadt- und Regionalgeschichte, südthüringischen Volkskunde, Handwerk der Region wie Holzpferde, Truhenmacher, Murmel-oder Märbelmühle und ganz viel Thüringer Porzellan. Legen...
Discover scienceThe Deutsches Museum app is your digital companion for discovering the wide range of exhibitions taking place on Munich's Museumsinsel. The app provides you with all the information you need for your visit: from opening hours, to travel,...
From February 2016, users will be able to whet their appetites for a visit to the Museum with the new BMW Museum app. The app allows them to find out more about the highlights of the company’s history and...
Star Hoppers won the “Smart Mobility (Smart Tourism) Certificate of Merit” in the “Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019”.Star Hoppers integrates the Chinese and Western star charts with information of astronomical events and related activities while telling the stories of...
The Woodson Art Museum’s audio tour app offers insights into artworks on view. Permanent collections and temporary exhibitions are enlivened through artist interviews, videos, and engaging audio content. The Woodson Art Museum is located in Wausau, Wisconsin, and is...
The Hong Kong Science Museum launches WhatsApp Stickers. The first batch has the theme of “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Treasures of Time” exhibition. The cute figures such as little emperors, little princesses, western clockmakers and cats in...
Simcoe County Museum shares the stories of the people and events that shaped Simcoe County. A change from the traditional museum tour guide, this app allows you to discover the stories of Simcoe County at your leisure. Explore...
The full-fledged tour is available in two languages - Russian and English, in the world'sonly the Mammoth Museum in Yakutsk.The mobile application can be downloaded to your smartphone in advance and it allows using it for free at...
The Asian Art Museum’s app is your personal guide to more than 6,000 years of Asian art and culture. An invaluable resource on your tour of the galleries, this app is just as informative in the comfort of your...
🌎 Are you interested in Historical fossils?? 🌎 Are you into Fresco and Art Career??🌎 Are you making an academic level project on Arts and History of Sculptures?🌎 Are you very curious to know about Art???🌎 If answer of...
Etymology – the study of word origins – is a fantastically interesting discipline that yields some incredible facts about where the hugely diverse array of words that make up the English language come from. Etymology is the study of...
In Simple Words Physics is the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other. Physicists assume the existence of mass, length, time and electric current and then define (give the...
Management is essential to any organization that wishes to be efficient and achieve its aims. Without someone in a position of authority there would be organizational anarchy with no structure and very little, if any focus. It has been...
Handbook of Rocks is a free android application with the complete list of all rock types.Nearly all rocks can be classified according to their origin into three major groups. These divisions include igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks....
Handbook of Dinosaurs gives detailed information about a wide range of dinosaurs, some whose names are very familiar, others that have only recently been discovered. Fossil finds have provided vital clues about the environment that dinosaurs inhabited, as well...
Read the time on the clock and learn the Mohs Scale of HardnessThe Mohs’ hardness scale was developed in 1822 by Carl Friedrich Christian Mohs (a german geologist and mineralogist). This scale is a chart of relative hardness and...
The clearest and sharpest recognition guides to the natural world, Handbook of Fossils make identification of individual species from the three main kingdoms: invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants.The Handbook of Fossils is easy to use and a definitive natural history...
Hadith of the day HOTD app consists beautiful ahadith in a short and and precise pictorial format collected from authentic books of ahadith like,bukhari Muslim,ibn e maja,abi dawood etc.Ahadith are also categorized into different categories as well.You can...
Handbook of Mineralogy is a free android application with the complete list of minerals approved by International Mineralogical Association (IMA).Handbook of Mineralogy provides a compendium of more than 5400 unique minerals.Made by a Geologist for Geologists.MAIN FEATURES► Minimalist design;►...
The circle of fifths shows the relationship between major and minor parallel keys. Also it can be used for modulation from one key to another.
Die KuMa-App ist Ihr multimedialer Stadtführer durch die Kunsthalle Mannheim. Mit der App wissen Sie immer, welche Ausstellungen laufen und welche Werke ausgestellt werden. Sie können sich über aktuelle Veranstaltungen informieren und erhalten kostenfreien Zugriff auf Hintergrundinformationen sowie...
Хотите стать частью успешной команды и освоить стратегии эффективного построения партнерской сети? Присоединяйтесь к GIS University — образовательной онлайн-платформе, созданной для партнеров компании Global Intellect Service.Приложение содержит множество курсов, десятки интерактивных уроков и проверочных тестов. Все учебные материалы теперь...
" ★★★ Enjoy Free Tips & Tricks ★★★Welcome to This Knitting Tutoriels your beginner's guide to knitting. Would you like to learn how to knit? Or maybe you've been looking for answers to some knitting questions....
¿Cómo estudiar mejor?Hemos recopilado las mejores técnicas de estudio para un aprendizaje efectivo con estrategias y conceptos comprobados..!!Los métodos de estudio son aplicables para todo nivel académico Primaria, Secundaria o Universitarios."Consigue verdaderos resultados".¡Todos tenemos la capacidad de Aprender! Decídete...
Découvrez les origines des objets exposés dans les sites culturels de la région Centre-Val de Loire dans le cadre du Concours de l'Objet Touristique 2019 : - présentation de l’artisan d’art.- site touristique et culturel associé.- origine du...
Découvrez le patrimoine culturel qui vous entoure où et quand vous le voulez avec KWYS !Le principe est simple ! Sélectionner un parcours proposé par l’application et recevez des informations sur l’histoire des éléments qui croisent votre chemin.
Poly Art 3D is a new jigsaw puzzle game that is very simple and relaxing to train your brain! Just by rotating the 3D puzzle pieces, you can merge a beautiful pattern.Featured brain games:- Super relaxing gameplay: There is...
"ABC Phonics & Tracing alphabet" is an exciting learning game with a unique and truly effective method of learning reading, the Children will easily learn the alphabet.* App is good & basic for learn alphabet english. * Best...
Download the award-winning Art Institute of Chicago Official Mobile app. The Art Institute has thousands of artworks on view—each with its own story to tell. Our app is your personal guide to the collection; introducing you to a world...
100+ dog commands, games, puppy potty training, personal feedback from dog trainers, and more! Dog training app with a clicker for responsible dog parents. What makes Dogo unique?100+ Dog Commands with Video InstructionsNot sure what to teach your pup?...
INA staat voor Innovatie Netwerk App; een online platform waar vraag en aanbod samenkomen en netwerken en organisaties met elkaar verbonden worden. Deel met elkaar, leer van elkaar en ontwikkel samen toekomstgericht onderwijs!Heb je een innovatief project voor het...
Velotour Bici elettriche a Palermo si occupa della vendita e del noleggio di diversi modelli di bici elettriche a pedalata assistita: Mountain bike, bici da corsa, bici da città, sono solo alcuni dei prodotti che troverete nel nostro negozio....
This app is ONLY for Tokyo Tech Students. To use this app, you need to login to Tokyo Tech Portal.・OCWi calendar・Lecture Material Viewer・Auto login to Tokyo Tech Portal
Kidoverse - application for young children, where they can learn, play, explore the world around us or just have fun.Kidoverse is based on large collection of different sets.Educational sets:- Alphabet- Numbers- Rainbow Colors- Flat Shapes- Volumetric Shapes- Fruits- Vegetables-...
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✔ CREATE EFFECTIVE REVISION PLANSOur smart revision system automatically creates the perfect balance of study sessions based on the importance of your upcoming exams/tests. Create a few exams/tests then head over to the revision section to try it out!✔...
Learn 1300 most important GRE words with our free flashcards for your Android phone. Practice every day to improve your vocab knowledge. Study to rectify your benightedness and prepare to trounce the verbal section!Our GRE dictionary app offers• A...
Learn Japanese faster with Hammer Cards! Easy, fun, and free. Learn 6000+ vocabulary words!Word lists:Hiragana with Practice VocabKatakana with Practice VocabBasic Vocabulary (1-200)Beginner Vocabulary (201-1000)Elementary Vocabulary (1001-2000)Intermediate Vocabulary (2001-6000)Faster Memorization:Hammer Cards uses the unique Hammer study system which tracks...
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