Do you want to find the best SARTHAK Group Tuition alternatives for Android? We have listed 23 Education that are similar to SARTHAK Group Tuition. Pick one from this list to be your new SARTHAK Group Tuition app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SARTHAK Group Tuition on your Android devices.
The best free and paid SARTHAK Group Tuition alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 23 similar apps like SARTHAK Group Tuition 2025.
Sarthak Group Tuition is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friendly app with amazing features like online attendance, fees management, homework submission, detailed performance...
Get Personalized Learning Outcomes for everyone. An in-depth performance analysis, where you can know your strong and weak points, your all India rank, your state rank etc. You will also get a virtual tutor who is completely dedicated to...
Sarthak Coaching Classes For Class 6th to 10th maths , science, English and 11th, 12th biology
InO-Bot is a floor robot with a number of inputs and outputs. These include: • 8 RGB LEDs • 2 white LED headlights • Speaker • Range finder sensor • 4 corner proximity sensors • Line follower sensors •...
برنامه ضرب المثل های اسپانیایی •بدون نیاز به اینترنت• بیش از 1000 ضرب المثل•تلفظ اسپانیایی و انگلیسی•معادل به زبان انگلیسی• معادل ضرب المثل فارسی •قابلیت انتقال به کارت حافظه•قابلیت جستجوی هوشمند کلمات به فارسی و اسپانیایی•حجم کم...
•Over 20,000 German verbs•Conjugated in all tenses (including composite tenses)•Regular and irregular verbs•Quickly search for verbs•Grammar section (in preparation)•German voice output (via Android's TTS, see below)•Mark favorites •See verbs you have recently looked at ----------------------•Verb forms & translations searchable...
بیش از دوهزار ضرب المثل روسیمعادل فارسیمعادل انگلیسیتلفظ روسی و انگلیسیقابلیت افزودن به علاقه مندی هاقابلیت ارسال برای دیگران
•Free•Works off-line•Small size•Move to SD card•Optimized for Tablets----------------------•Over 20.000 italian verbs•Conjugated in 18 tenses•Regular and irregular verbs•Quickly search for verbs•Grammar section (in preparation)•All tenses (including composite tenses)•French voice output (via Android's TTS, see below)•Mark favorites •See verbs...
بیش از 2000 ضرب المثل عربیمعادل فارسیمعادل انگلیسیتلفظ عربی و انگلیسیجستجو در بین ضرب المثلها به فارسی و عربی
مجموغه بیش از 3000 ضرب المثل ایتالیاییمعادل فارسیمعادل انگلیسی همراه با ترجمه و تلفظ آفلاین
بدون نیاز به اینترنت•حجم کم برنامه•قابلیت انتقال به کارت حافظه•قابلیت اجرا در همه دستگاه ها•قابلیط تلفظ به زبان انگلیسی♥ همراه با جستجوی پیشرفته به 2 زبان----------------------------------• بیش از 5000 ضرب المثل• توضیح انگلیسی•معادل ضرب المثل فارسی• دسته بندی نوع...
بیش از 5000 ضرب المثل فرانسویهمراه با معادل فارسی و انگلیسیبا تلفظ انسانی
Blue-Bot is one of the many loved members of the TTS Floor Robot family. The Blue-Bot app enables you to write an algorithm, send it and then Blue-Bot will follow your instructions. There are numerous features, which make writing...
🏫 Tuition App is made by professionals for integrated and ease the work of the employee and admin as well as the students. All the required information can be obtained at single place using a single mobile device.🏫 We...
For any Assistance Call or Whatsapp 7736865897TRIO aims to be the one stop destination for all KTU (APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University) engineering students across Kerala. We focus primarily on providing animated tutorial videos that offer an...
BE POSITIVE TUITION CLASSES is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friendly app with amazing features like online attendance, fees management, homework submission,...
Tuition Class Management System Application is designed by professionals developers to manage the Institutions DataPlease Check The Features☛ Admin Login 📚Batch Management 🎒Manage Batches 🎒Broadcast Messages 🎒Get Batch Wise Reports 📚Student Section 🎒Register New Students 🎒Manage Students List 🎒Broadcast Messages 🎒Manage Families 🎒Generate Registration Card 🎒Generate Student ID Card 🎒Student Birthday...
Genext Tutor App helps you find private home tuition jobs near your area. Choose the Boards, class, subjects & time slot as per your preferences.This revolutionary app allows the tutors to registered for free with, create a profile...
* Mobile application Web server, an integrated system for both teachers and students.It allows the teacher to register himself and add lessons and lectures and add exams and questions on his server* Print codes for students to allow students...
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