Do you want to find the best Turck NFC to SMB/TXT/WEB/URL/GET DEMO alternatives for Android? We have listed 43 Tools that are similar to Turck NFC to SMB/TXT/WEB/URL/GET DEMO. Pick one from this list to be your new Turck NFC to SMB/TXT/WEB/URL/GET DEMO app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Turck NFC to SMB/TXT/WEB/URL/GET DEMO on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Turck NFC to SMB/TXT/WEB/URL/GET DEMO alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 43 similar apps like Turck NFC to SMB/TXT/WEB/URL/GET DEMO 2025.
The Turck RFID app integrates Turck's handheld, smartphone RFID solution into the Turck BL ident® RFID system, providing our customers the ability to track, control, and manage their RFID applications more easily than ever. To fully utilize this app,...
Pobierz pełną wersję aplikacji firmy Turck, która pozwoli zamienić Twój telefon w czytnik RFID. Przyłóż telefon do tagu RFID i odczytaj dane.
Gerencie seu quadro de horário de maneira rápida, prática e eficiente.Algumas funcionalidades: - Registros de entrada e saída; - Visualização diária e mensal; - Visualização detalhada dia a dia; - Administre seus registros diários; - Insira marcações em dias...
With this app, you can create and read NFC tagsWe have designed the app so that it will be easy and understandable to operateThe app supports dark mode so it will be convenient to use the app even in...
To use NFC Reader, you have just to hold a tag or a card against the back of your device to read it. NFC Reader lets you copy the content of the tag. All readings will be saved in...
Counterfeit products are now a global problem affecting brands across a range of industries, and have become a major threat to Brand, Government and Consumers. AUTHENTIC’s primary duty is to enable any individuals to easily and securely authenticate products.WHY...
Clone NFC tags! And do it in an effective way which lightens up your day! Supported clone modes: - read one, write one tag. - read one, write many tags.Emailing tags is also supported. The app optionally remembers your...
To use NFC Reader, you have just to hold a tag or a card against the back of your device to read it. NFC Reader lets you copy the content of the tag. All readings will be saved in...
NFC Reader & NFC Tag Writer is a simple and efficient application letting you read contact-less tags on your smartphones and tablets. NFC Reader supports various tags like NDEF, RFID(Hi-band only), FeliCa, ISO 14443, Mifare Classic 1k, MIFARE DESFire,...
NFC Reader is a simple and efficient tool for letting you read contact-less tags on your smartphones and tablets. NFC Reader supports various tags like NDEF, RFID, FeliCa, ISO 14443, Mifare Classic 1k, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE Ultralight, NTAG, ...To...
Read or write text content, with phrases or links, in an NFC Tag in a simple, practical and quick way with this app!
برنامج لادارة الملاحظات والمهام , يسمح باكثر من جهاز ويسمح بالمزامنة بين الاجهزةلتفاصيل سياسة الخصوصية : policy Details :
Removed the name because the service that starts with You and ends with Tube doesn't want to be mentioned.----------------------------------------Do you know the "Watch later" playlist of ? It is (in my opinion) a useful feature to save videos...
Application Private Access permet de se connecter aux serveurs VPN du fournisseur de services vous devez avoir un compte Private Access en cours de validité. Cette application ne vous permet pas de créer un compte.
English to Spanish Translator is a very powerful translator app. This app very easily translate English to Spanish and Spanish to English, you can use it very easily.If you also want to translate English to Spanish translations, then this...
Infinity Apps launch this translator tool for translate english to hindi,english to tamil,english to gujarati,english to french,english to german,english to arabic,english to japanese,english to kannada,english to korean,english to malayalam,english to spanish,english to telugu,english to thai,english to urdu or other...
Image To Pdf Converter And PDF To Jpg,png Maker
Image to text document scanner , Picture to text Scanner is a free android app for OCR converter, book scanner. This is a text recognition app that lets you turn images to live text easily.Using this document scanner Recognise...
Jota+ SMB Connector is a plugin to connect Jota+ with SMB(Windows File Sharing).Install this plugin then you can activate the connectivity to SMB of Jota+.Jota+ SMB Connector includes JCIFS. ( app needs Jota+ and Jota+★PRO-KEY.----------------------------How to use connector.- Touch...
This is a new version of the plugin with a new package name and it uses a next generation of the SMB library which works much faster and supports the latest versions of the SMB protocol (higher versions are...
With eSMB (Easy SMB), it doesn’t take a genius to connect to your servers using SAMBA protocol and transfer files between your Android device and your SAMBA server. You get to easily setup and add as many servers as...
Surveillance Made Simple. When you need quality surveillance, the WD ReadyView™ Surveillance System is the mobile-first, all-in-one solution that includes HD video, WD Purple® drive storage and no monthly fees.Note: WD ReadyView app requires a WD ReadyView Surveillance System...
EZLive is a simplified mobile surveillance app specially designed for small businesses, suitable for scenarios with less than 6 NVRs (16 channels per NVR at most). With EZLive, you can access Uniview surveillance products through network, view live and...
店舗向けフリーWi-Fi導入セット「Fon ショップ WiFi」用のアプリです。このアプリで、お店のフリーWiFiをかんたんに管理、カスタマイズすることが可能です。例)- 来客者のWi-Fi利用方法の設定(Facebook, Twitter ログインなど)- 来客者のWi-Fi利用時間の設定- お店に合わせて、ウェルカム画面のカスタマイズ- 既にある、お店のホームページやSNSの公開ページも表示できます- 来店客の利用状況がひと目でわかるグラフレポートもいつでもチェック可能!お客様に提供する、おもてなしWi-Fiをスマホからカンタンに設定可能!お客様の使い勝手から、お店の宣伝、利用状況のグラフレポートまで、とてもわかりやすい画面でいつでもカスタマイズできます。
Manage your guest WiFi from the palm of your hand!Fontech's Merchant App makes it simple to setup a guest WiFi network and let guests fast.- Set up a guest WiFi network in just minutes- Control the way guests access...
Script Manager - SManager Windows/cifs/samba moduleAllow browse Windows/cifs/samba servers using SManager Main ApplicationSManager 2.6 is needed
Photo Phone Dialer - My Photo Caller Screen DialerPhoto Phone Dialer is personalized your calling dial screen. We have provided all the dialing features in this My photo dialer.Cute & popular custom to photo dialer theme for your caller...
If you are looking for an application to learn and play piano and musical instruments for mobile devices, then you are in the right place, welcome here where the application Piano Turkish is what you are...
For anyone who wants to learn Forex trading, this application shows you in Arabic a number of areas in Forex, where it provides you with explanations of a very important way questions and answers, also contains a dictionary of...
Çizim ve boyama için basit bir araçCep telefonunuzu beyaz tahtaya dönüştürmek için bir uygulama mı arıyorsunuz? Böylece, uygulama beyaz tahtanızın doğru yerde bulunuyorsunuz, Çocuklarınıza gerçek bir tahta gibi şekiller oluşturup renklendirmeyi öğretmenize yardımcı olur. Çiziminize ayrıntılar ekleyin.Basit araç çubuğu...
Mobilde çarpım tablosunu test etmek için bir uygulama
Gözlerinizi kontrol edin, bir mektubun veya sembolün ayrıntılarını belirli bir mesafeden ne kadar iyi gördüğünüzü kontrol eden bir göz muayenesi.Gözlerinizi kontrol edin, gördüğünüz şeylerin şekillerini, boyutlarını, renklerini ve ayrıntılarını ayırt etme yeteneğinizi ifade eder.Birçoğu çok basit olan birkaç farklı...
Dear reader If you are looking for an application to teach playing piano and musical instruments for mobile devices, you are welcome here where the application Org Sharqy is what you are looking for, the application provides you with...
Rhythms Maker application is an application designed for blind people to make the best rhythms by using 4 fingers on the screen only.The application also provides you with 4 groups of musical instruments for the rhythm industry.
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