Top 39 Education Apps Like CBT UN SMP - BETA - Best Alternatives

CBT UN SMP - BETA Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best CBT UN SMP - BETA alternatives for Android? We have listed 39 Education that are similar to CBT UN SMP - BETA. Pick one from this list to be your new CBT UN SMP - BETA app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CBT UN SMP - BETA on your Android devices.

Top 39 Apps Like CBT UN SMP - BETA - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CBT UN SMP - BETA alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like CBT UN SMP - BETA 2025.


CBT.NG (a product of is an examination marketplace built for exams creators and participants to use for their various needs. It is an online application (which can run offline) designed as a testing solution for businesses, a tool...

Price: Free Developer: myrewin


Nurses, pass your CBT (computer-based test) on your first attempt! Get access to first-hand questions that will likely appear in your UK NMC CBT exams with simulations that you will encounter in your actual CBT test. Plus, you can...

Price: Free Developer: Envertiz Consultancy
JAMB  CBT 2020


Practice JAMB 2019 Likely CBT and Post UTME Questions now.. Get Latest news on Universities, Polytechnics & College of Education admission process, Know Your School Cut off marks, Schools Registration process & many more The JAMB CBT...

Price: Free Developer: Tegy24 Technologies
CBT (Computer Based Test) IGI Bali

CBT (Computer Based Test) IGI Bali

Aplikasi CBT di IGI (Ikatan Guru Indonesia) Wilayah Bali berbasis Android.

Price: Free Developer: Saloom Studio
Cbt Komihwa Madiun

Cbt Komihwa Madiun

Aplikasi ujian berbasis Android untuk Komihwa Madiun

Price: Free Developer: Saloom Studio
HYKENOW CBT- Jamb, 100 level CBT 200 level

HYKENOW CBT- Jamb, 100 level CBT 200 level

CBT Nuggets - IT Training

CBT Nuggets - IT Training

Never miss an opportunity to learn with the CBT Nuggets app. Watch our courses anytime, anywhere on your Android device. ▪ Get convenient access to our entire library of IT training courses. ▪ Fit training into your busy schedule with short, engaging...

Price: Free Developer: CBT Nuggets, LLC
JAMB Past Questions & Answers + CBT Pr. (Offline)

JAMB Past Questions & Answers + CBT Pr. (Offline)

JAMB PastQuestions and Answers & Jamb CBT Practice 2019/2020 (Works Offline) JAMB Past paper Questions & Answers + CBT Practice (Offline) app for accessing Jamb questions and answers as well as jamb cbt practice 2019 & 2020. Available...

Price: Free Developer: Afrisoft Apps
JAMB CBT + WAEC Past Questions

JAMB CBT + WAEC Past Questions

The Myschool App• 2021 JAMB CBT Ready, 2021 WAEC, NECO, SSCE/GCE Ready.• 2020 JAMB CBT questions included.• Access over 60,000 past questions and their solutions for JAMB CBT, Post-UTME, WAEC (SSCE/GCE) Past Questions, NECO and NABTEB...

Price: Free Developer: Myschool Limited
RRB JE - CBT 2 ( For all post Hand Written Notes )

RRB JE - CBT 2 ( For all post Hand Written Notes )

Price: Free Developer: Anand Ankit Kumar
Un mot par jour

Un mot par jour

L'application un mot par jour te permet de découvrir chaque jour un nouveau mot ! Et oui car si tu apprends un mot par jour ta culture générale sera croissante tout au long de l'année ! Des mots complexes...

Price: Free Developer: IBlueSoft


Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you.Features on the UNION app include:* Connect with friends and family and meet...

Price: Free Developer: UNION EDUCATION
UN Calendar of Observances

UN Calendar of Observances

United Nations observances promote awareness of and action on important political, social, cultural, humanitarian or human rights issues. The free UN Calendar Android app provides details of UN observances, as well as ways to get involved in related events...

Price: Free Developer: United Nations


Eğitim merkezleri öğrenci takibi maksadıyla hazırlanan ESİS programı siz değerli müdürlerimizin, eğitmenlerimizin ve velilerimizin hizmetine sunulmuştur.IGMG Eğitim Başkanlığı olarak sürdürülen eğitim faaliyetlerinin kalitesinin yanında, öğrenci kayıt ve takiplerinin de kaliteli bir şekilde sürdürülmesini amaçlıyoruz.Eğitim Merkezi Müdürü olarak bütün sınıfların...

Price: Free Developer: UN-IT Unternehmensberatung und Dienstleistung GmbH


İrşad Başkanlığımız zaman israfını en aza indirmek, bilgi aktarımının en hızlı ve verimli şekilde gerçekleşmesini sağlamak ve şube-bölge-genel merkez koordinasyonu kolaylaştırmak için 2016 yılında “İrşad Otomasyon Sistemi” projesini Hafızlık otomasyon sistemini kurarak başlattı. Bu sistemleri ihtiyaç ve proje doğrultunda...

Price: Free Developer: UN-IT Unternehmensberatung und Dienstleistung GmbH
Soal UN SMA/MA (UNBK) 2020 dan SBMPTN 2020 -Akurat

Soal UN SMA/MA (UNBK) 2020 dan SBMPTN 2020 -Akurat

Ayo persiapkan diri kamu sebelum Ujian Nasional 2020 dan Untuk Masuk ke Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) Favorit kalian, agar Tidak menyesal dikemudian hari.Perbanyaklah mengerjakan soal-soal agar melatih kamu lebih menguasai tipe-tipe soal yang sering keluar di Ujian Nasional dan...

Price: Free Developer: AIREAL APP
Seerat Un Nabi SAW

Seerat Un Nabi SAW

This Android Application provides lectures given by Dr. Israr Ahmed on Seerat-un-Nabi SAW.As you may know Dr.Israr Ahmed has done tremendous work in the direction of Deen.We can't access his work because of its high volume in data required...

Price: Free Developer: runapp4u
UNMAS Explosive Hazards

UNMAS Explosive Hazards

Price: Free Developer: United Nations
Soal UN SD 2020 - Ujian Nasional (UNBK)

Soal UN SD 2020 - Ujian Nasional (UNBK)

Soal Ujian Nasional UN SD 2020 (UNBK)Kumpulan Soal Ujian Nasional SD Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 Terbaru LengkapSetiap Soal yang dimunculkan pada aplikasi Soal Ujian Nasional SD 2020 ini adalah Soal UN yang selalu muncul pada setiap tahun pada suatu UN...

Price: Free Developer: CreativeDeveloper12
Soal UN SMP MTS 2020 (UNBK) - Terlengkap

Soal UN SMP MTS 2020 (UNBK) - Terlengkap

Aplikasi Soal UN SMP MTS 2020 (UNBK) - Terlengkap ini berisi lengkap soal UN dari tahun tahun sebelumnya dan soal-soal soal baru berdasarkan kurikulum 2013Soal UN SMP MTS 2020 (UNBK) - Terlengkap ini tersedia Gratis untuk kamu semuaSoal UN...

Price: Free Developer: CreativeDeveloper12
Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 /UNBK SMP 2020 (Rahasia)

Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 /UNBK SMP 2020 (Rahasia)

Soal UNBK SMP MTs 2020 /UN SMP 2020 – (Rahasia) adalah sebuah aplikasi pendidikan yang berisi kumpulan soal-soal ujian nasional sekolah menengah pertama. Aplikasi ini sangat interaktif yang menarik sehingga anak-anak dapat belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Semua...

Price: Free Developer: Cakrawala Ilmu
Kumpulan Soal UNBK (Ujian Nasional) SMP / MTs

Kumpulan Soal UNBK (Ujian Nasional) SMP / MTs

Kumpulan Soal UNBK (Ujian Nasional) SMP / MTs adalah sebuah aplikasi pendidikan yang berisi kumpulan soal-soal ujian nasional sekolah menengah pertama. Aplikasi ini sangat interaktif yang menarik sehingga dapat belajar dengan cara yang menyenangkan.Mari persiapkan diri kita semua sebelum...

Price: Free Developer: DuddienApp
UNBK SMP/MTs: Simulasi, Soal & Pembahasan UN SMP

UNBK SMP/MTs: Simulasi, Soal & Pembahasan UN SMP

Aplikasi ini berisi tentang Simulasi Ujian, Soal & Pembahasan SMP/MTs, dan ringkasan materi SMP/MTs. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu dan menemani kamu belajar hadapi ujian sekolah, penilaian harian, Penilaian Akhir Tahun, dan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS)Fitur-fitur yang dapat kamu gunakan...

Price: Free Developer: Edu Studionu
Soal USBN SMP/MTS 2020 Lengkap

Soal USBN SMP/MTS 2020 Lengkap

Price: Free Developer: EllStudiosApp
Simulasi Soal UNBK SMP MTS TERBARU 2021

Simulasi Soal UNBK SMP MTS TERBARU 2021

UNBK SMP MTS 2021 Aplikasi ini di buat bertujuan sebagai media simulasi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dalam menghadapi ujian nasional Berbasis Komputer/UNBK tahun ajaran 2021.Aplikasi Simulasi Soal UNBK SMP MTS 2021 ini tidak hanya tersedia soal UN...

Price: Free Developer: EVODEV
Kisi-Kisi UN - USBN SMP / MTs Terbaru

Kisi-Kisi UN - USBN SMP / MTs Terbaru

Mari persiapkan diri kamu untuk menempuh Ujian Nasional SMP / MTs. Perbanyak latihan mengerjakan soal agar kamu menguasai tipe-tipe soal yang sering keluar di Ujian Nasional SMP / MTs.Aplikasi Kisi-Kisi UN - USBN SMP / MTs adalah aplikasi kumpulan...

Price: Free Developer: DuddienApp
Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 (UNBK)

Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 (UNBK)

Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 adalah sebuah aplikasi pendidikan yang berisi kumpulan soal-soal ujian nasional sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) dan MTs. Dengan aplikasi ini siswa SMP dapat berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal untuk persiapan ujian Nasional atau UN 2020 (UNBK). Aplikasi...

Price: Free Developer: Cakrawala Ilmu
Soal Latihan Kelas 8 SMP

Soal Latihan Kelas 8 SMP

Buat kamu yang baru masuk kelas 8 atau yang sudah semester 2 dan ingin belajar lebih dirumah , di mana saja dengan mudah silahkan download aplikasi pembelajaran ini. Aplikasi ini bisa digunakan untuk melatih daya pikir kamu. Banyak soal...

Price: Free Developer: Mother Developer
Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 (UNBK) Lengkap

Soal UN SMP MTs 2020 (UNBK) Lengkap

Ayo persiapkan diri kamu sebelum Ujian Nasional agar Tidak menyesal dikemudian hari.Perbanyaklah mengerjakan soal-soal agar melatih kamu lebih menguasai tipe-tipe soal yang sering keluar di Ujian Nasional.Aplikasi Soal UN SMP/MTs 2020 adalah sebuah Aplikasi kumpulan Soal-soal, Kisi-kisi dan Soal...

Price: Free Developer: AIREAL APP


تطبيق بيتا هو تطبيق يقدم لطلاب الجامعات السورية بطريقة سلسة وبسيطة حلاً يمكنهم من الاستغناء عن الورقيات المكلفة من خلال تقديم موادهم بطريقة أسئلة وأجوبة من ما يمكنهم من اختبار أنفسهم ومعرفة النمط العام لأسئلة المواد الخاصة بهم قبل...

Price: Free Developer: BetaSy
Otto DIY Beta

Otto DIY Beta

The Otto DIY app let's you control your Otto DIY robot using an Android device.

Price: Free Developer: Otto DIY
Rutgers University (Beta)

Rutgers University (Beta)

Stay connected with the Rutgers mobile application, available for Android. Access the University on the go: check campus bus times, dining hall menus, myRutgers, Scarlet Knights schedules and scores, and more. Find your way to class with Places and...

Price: Free Developer: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
ÉTSMobile bêta

ÉTSMobile bêta

ÉTSMobile est un portail étudiant mobile regroupant les principaux services accessibles aux étudiants de l'École de technologie supérieure. Cette application est conçue et réalisée par les membres du club étudiant ApplETS en partenariat avec les systèmes d'entreprise de l'ÉTS....

Price: Free Developer: École de Technologie Supérieure
Torah Videos by Aleph Beta

Torah Videos by Aleph Beta

Knowledge is just the facts. Understanding is why those facts matter. Grow from Knowledge to Understanding in Jewish Studies. The Aleph Beta app gives you an amazing collection of lectures. You can enjoy them online or offline. You can...

Price: Free Developer: Clevertech
SmartRogic Beta

SmartRogic Beta

The Smart Logic Beta version is test version before official release, and you may find problems while using it.We will fix any problems that are founded and redistribute as soon as possible. 

Price: Free Developer: ROBOROBO
Beta - Bilsem Exam Intelligence Development

Beta - Bilsem Exam Intelligence Development

Intelligence Development by carefully selected 300 questions

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mikail Çetinkaya
Spacewalk (Beta)

Spacewalk (Beta)

Learn about the universe with a beautiful new app! The app contains no ads, requires no permissions, and is completely free to use.Swipe down on the opening screen of Earth to start!Featuring• Take a scroll through the solar system...

Price: Free Developer: Developer Nick
Manasik VR

Manasik VR

This app will enable you to navigate a collection of 360 videos for the holly places of AlHaram Mosque and other Hajj and Umra holly places.It is advisable to use this app on standing position, and never use the...

Price: Free Developer: zadgroup

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