Top 42 Education Apps Like Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi - Best Alternatives

Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi alternatives for Android? We have listed 42 Education that are similar to Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi. Pick one from this list to be your new Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi on your Android devices.

Top 42 Apps Like Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 42 similar apps like Dạy con từ 1 đến 18 tuổi 2025.

Dy So Exam

Dy So Exam

Price: Free Developer: Rudra Soft
Doğru Yanlış

Doğru Yanlış

Sana Sorulan Soruları Doğru veya Yanlış Olarak Tahmin Et..4 Farklı Alanda yüzlerce soru..

Price: Free Developer: Berke Kurnaz
Aprende Psicotécnicos Con Test

Aprende Psicotécnicos Con Test

Aprende y practica con nuestros test psicotécnicos para desarrollar y aumentar tus capacidades mentales.- Totalmente gratuito (sin compras en el interior).- Especialmente útil para oposiciones.- Más de 10.000 preguntas- Más de 500 test- Estadísticas- Simulación de examen.Contiene los siguientes...

Price: Free Developer: The city of the apps
Inglés con la Teacher

Inglés con la Teacher

Price: Free Developer: Edumedia Technologies
Inglés Con Francis Adames

Inglés Con Francis Adames

Price: Free Developer: Edumedia Technologies
Mathods - Mathe und Statistik

Mathods - Mathe und Statistik

Mit der Mathods App bestehst Du alle Mathematik und Statistik Klausuren. Dir stehen vollkommen kostenlos über 1.000 aktuelle klausurrelevante Übungsaufgaben mit geprüften Lösungen zur Verfügung. Zu allen Mathe und Statistik Aufgaben gibt es immer einen umfangreichen Lösungsweg, den Du...

Price: Free Developer: Troy Verlag
A scuola con Zazie

A scuola con Zazie

“A scuola con Zazie” è un un percorso educativo per contrastare e prevenire la violenza di genere e il bullismo, finanziato dal Dipartimento Pari Opportunità della Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri. Un progetto multidisciplinare, rivolto a studenti, genitori e...

Price: Free Developer: Silanet Solutions
Distinguir muestras con igual media con desviación

Distinguir muestras con igual media con desviación

Esta aplicación es una Guía Interactiva , con 5 preguntas de selección múltiple y su solución. El aprendizaje de la matemática ayuda a comprender la realidad y proporciona herramientas para desenvolverse en la vida cotidiana. Forma parte de...

Price: Free Developer: ivan Gjurovic
10 Minutes with Jesus

10 Minutes with Jesus

10mcJ brings to your device the content of the more than 700 10 Minutes with Jesus audios updated daily and classified by themes, ages, preachers.The application allows you to listen to 10-minute audios prepared by priests to help you...

Price: Free Developer: 10 Minutos con Jesús
Lo sai? Ripassa con lo smartphone

Lo sai? Ripassa con lo smartphone

Lo Sai? contiene schede di teoria ed esercizi fatti apposta per permetterti di ripassare in modo rapido prima della verifica o dell’interrogazione, direttamente sul tuo smartphone.Lo Sai? segue l’indice del tuo libro Zanichelli e per ogni capitolo propone:- schede...

Price: Free Developer: Zanichelli Editore S.p.a.
Aprender Inglés con Assimil

Aprender Inglés con Assimil

*** First 7 lessons for free! ***100 days to dialogue in a new language with Europe’s top language-learning method for beginners or false beginners.By studying 30–40 minutes a day, in just a few months, you will achieve a level...

Price: Free Developer: Mantano
T Factor Dumps

T Factor Dumps

Price: Free Developer: PlayFresco


This Application Provides TEXTBOOK, VIDEO TUTORIAL, AUDIO TUTORIAL, ASSIGNMENTS, MATERIALS to Gujarati and English medium Students of 1 TO 12TH STD . APP is very useful for self – learning, Understanding and interactive learning. Students can ask Question to...

Price: Free Developer: Ultra Education Pvt. Ltd.


Aplikasi buku yang sangat berharga dan bermakna ini ialah untuk memahami dengan lebih dalam lagi tentang kebesaran sifat ALLAH yg maha pencipta...Aplikasi buku yg akan mendidik adik-adik untuk memuji dan sujud kepada tuhan yang maha esa..Sama-samalah kita semua dan...

Price: Free Developer: PONDOK Aplikasi
T. Austin-Sparks Sermons

T. Austin-Sparks Sermons

Easy access to more than 300 sermons by T. Austin-Sparks. All categorized into 36 different topics!Share sermons easily to friends. Make notes directly within the app. Download sermons to your own device if that works better for you.Daily notification...

Price: Free Developer:
ASE T-Series Pocket Prep

ASE T-Series Pocket Prep

The ASE® Medium-Heavy Truck Certification Tests, also known as the T-Series, identifies and recognizes those Medium and Heavy Truck Technicians who can demonstrate knowledge of the skills necessary to diagnose, service, and repair different systems of Class 4 through...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Existenilism - Emotions You Couldn't Describe

Existenilism - Emotions You Couldn't Describe

Have you ever felt a "type of way" that you couldn't put into words or describe?Using this app you will discover lots of unique words for all those bittersweet, melancholy emotions that you feel so deep but just can't...

Price: Free Developer: Karneval Studios
LMRC JE S & T Mock Tests for Best Results

LMRC JE S & T Mock Tests for Best Results

Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation is a rapid transit system serving the city of Lucknow in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. They conduct recruitment annually for various posts. Hence to ease the preparation of the written exam for the...

Price: Free Developer: EduGorilla Test Series 4
T.D.Jakes Sermons&More

T.D.Jakes Sermons&More

Price: Free Developer: HPAPPS DEV


Price: Free Developer: mimikara


Society for Telangana State Network (SoFTNET/T-SAT) is an initiative from the Department of Information Technology, Electronics and Communications of the Govt of Telangana State to provide quality education harnessing the potential of satellite communications and Information Technology.SoFTNET uses GSAT...

Price: Free Developer: T-SAT
FlashE Hebrew: Leviticus

FlashE Hebrew: Leviticus

Flash(E)denics Hebrew is an interactive learning App developed for memorizing Biblical Hebrew.• Translate a Hebrew word in the context of a given sentence in a flash.• Get the root definition flashcard of the translated Hebrew word just by holding...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: FlashE7
DMV Permit Practice Test New Hampshire 2020

DMV Permit Practice Test New Hampshire 2020

This app contains hundreds of questions and answers (continuously being updated) which are quite similar to the actual DMV test. New drivers studying using this app will definitely be prepared for the DMV Permit test in no time.Features-Specially designed...

Price: Free Developer: Unique Studios.
DMV Permit Practice Test Montana 2020

DMV Permit Practice Test Montana 2020

This app contains hundreds of questions and answers (continuously being updated) which are quite similar to the actual DMV test. New drivers studying using this app will definitely be prepared for the DMV Permit test in no time.Features-Specially designed...

Price: Free Developer: Unique Studios.
English Grammar - Learn to speak English language

English Grammar - Learn to speak English language

English Grammar English Grammar is a good and comprehensive English learning app, suitable for English second learners and English intermediate learners. Learn English on the go, you can listen to conversations and learn how some English words...

Price: USD 1.49 Developer: Anas Abubakar
Cheating in a Game Gives a Kind of Pleasure

Cheating in a Game Gives a Kind of Pleasure

Cheating in a game is a usual thing which we do from our childhood. We do this when we use to play with our friends and family. To win the game we do such things. It is not a...

Price: Free Developer: The Ghost
EHS Akademi

EHS Akademi

Bu aplikasyon Siemens çalışanlarının EHS konularında uzaktan eğitim alabilmesi için yapılmıştır.

Price: Free Developer:
Bank Test Prep MCQ PRO

Bank Test Prep MCQ PRO

Bank EXAM Prep MCQ PRO Key Features of this APP: • At practice mode you can see the explanation describing the correct answer.• Real exam style full mock exam with timed interface• Ability to create own quick mock by choosing the number...

Price: USD 6.49 Developer: NUPUIT
Chemical Engineering Jobs In Pakistan

Chemical Engineering Jobs In Pakistan

All New 1000+ Engineering Jobs In Various Disciplines Are Only Chemical Engineering.We Update This App Regularly So You Finds Job Easily. Our Aim Is To Provide The Latest Jobs About Chemical Engineering In One Click.You Can Also Save Image...

Price: Free Developer: Zaheer Afzal
Five top programmer

Five top programmer

Price: Free Developer: Viral Vai
SMPN 1 Kasembon

SMPN 1 Kasembon

SMPN 1 Kasembon

Price: Free Developer: Bimasoft Total Solution


Приложение для пользователей курса "My English Baby". Уровень "Beginner". Для доступа необходимо ввести свои email и пароль. Если эта информация отсутствует у вас, обратитесь на [email protected].

Price: Free Developer: My English Baby
My English Baby

My English Baby

Приложение для пользователей курса "My English Baby". Уровень "Newborn". Для доступа необходимо ввести свои email и пароль. Если эта информация отсутствует у вас, обратитесь на [email protected].

Price: Free Developer: My English Baby


Полное описание

Price: Free Developer: My English Baby
Nenu n-nemlu

Nenu n-nemlu

Price: Free Developer: eLearning Centre Malta
Pascal N-IDE - Editor And Compiler - Programming

Pascal N-IDE - Editor And Compiler - Programming

The application is a Pascal interpreter on Android. This application is confusing for everyone to learn Pascal on the mobile without a computer, so that we can practice anytime, anywhere.1. The main features of the IDE: - Compile Pascal programs...

Price: Free Developer: Mr Duy


Čitajte N-UM portal na Vašem mobitelu uz našu aplikaciju.Naša aplikacija Vam omogućava da čitate članke sa N-UM portala i spasite one koje vam se posebno dopadaju, te lahko podijelite iste sa prijateljima.Pored članaka tu su aktuelna pitanja i odgovori,...

Price: Free Developer: Raif Huseinović
Calculator N+ - Math Solver - CAS calculator

Calculator N+ - Math Solver - CAS calculator

The Calculator provides the following features: ALGEBRA 1. Computer science 2. Solving the equation: 3. Solve system equations4. Graphing 5. Cartesian geometry sand(Viet Nam Education)6. Unit Conversions8. Simplify expressions 9. Polynomial factorization. 10. Binomial expansion Newton 11. Matrix: evalute...

Price: Free Developer: Mr Duy
Poetry Pick-n-Mix

Poetry Pick-n-Mix

This app allows people to share poetic responses to place, through text and photographs. Tell the world how this view makes you feel or write a poem for your local cafe. Then find the poems that others have left...

Price: Free Developer: Newcastle University Research
PPL Tests

PPL Tests

PPL tests is an application for pilots, students and friends of aviation who want to learn and practice their theoretical knowledge of various subjects. You can find here all subjects which are required to pass theoretical exams on the...

Price: Free Developer: N-CORE
Flight School Kosice

Flight School Kosice

PASSWORD: 1903 - purpose of password is to protect content from seeing by unauthorized personnelAre you dreaming of becoming a pilot and do one of the most amazing jobs in the world? This application will take you one step...

Price: Free Developer: N-CORE

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