Do you want to find the best Listen and Repeat Sentences alternatives for Android? We have listed 40 Education that are similar to Listen and Repeat Sentences. Pick one from this list to be your new Listen and Repeat Sentences app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Listen and Repeat Sentences on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Listen and Repeat Sentences alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Listen and Repeat Sentences 2025.
Andrew Wommack offers his teachings free for those who need it. This app makes it possible for you to listen and benefit all of his teachings at one place; that is your phone. You can create an account and...
You may think you speak English well as a second language, but when you come to an English-speaking country, you are likely to be surprised by how hard it is to understand spoken numbers (especially longer ones, like phone...
What is buddhism?Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to Insight into the true nature of reality. Buddhist practices like meditation are means of changing yourself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and...
Bạn có thể thực hành nghe tiếng Anh trực tiếp với video YouTube mới nhất.Đọc chính tả là dễ dàng và thú vị với Nghe và Viết.
Listen English includes 200 lessons, 3000 vocabularies and 2000 phrases for your daily conversation.Features:- Listen to every phrase, word- Practice every word with audio quiz- Categorize vocabulary and phrase- Speaking Basics- Regular Lesson- Business Lessons- Interview Lessons- Listening Lessons-...
Listen It - Type It for kids and adult who wants to improve the English listening knowledge. It helps to improve your English vocabulary.Application contains class 1 to 8 spelling vocabulary. More then 10000 spellings to learn. Each spelling...
Math times table learning app is a times table learning app for kids.Math table is free educational multiplication games, math puzzles, and learning games for kids using which kids can learn from 2 times table to 8 times table,...
GnB 학생들의 필수 앱! GnB Listen Up어학공부에는 듣기 학습이 반드시 필요합니다.내 교재의 모든 오디오 CD를 폰 안에 넣으세요.등하교 때, 버스에서 지하철에서... 무한 반복해서 들으면 어느새 귀가 뚫립니다.GnB 선생님들의 필수 앱! GnB Listen Up수업용 오디오 CD를 찾느라 시간허비하지 마세요.모든 수업의...
Charisma And Leadership: Everything you need to know. The application has multiple articles of didactic purpose, which can be read offline or heard through the option of text to speech. In the application you will find articles such as...
Arabic Words and I3rab PuzzleArabic Words and I3rab Puzzle is the best education quiz ever!Learn basic arabic words (for beginner) and test your knowledge on Arabic I3rab!!!Arabic Words and I3rab Puzzle is a free game full of fun that...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 28 basic topics about one of the famous plays of George Bernard Shaw, Arms and the Man.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both...
This Guide app works both online and offline, and contains 21 basic topics about one of the famous plays of Sean O'Casey, Juno and the Paycock.The guide is designed both for college and university English literature students. Both can...
Basic Electrical and Electronic MCQs Preparation and Quiz Test. simple and easy use with offline data and audio sound.Features:app has 4 parts,each part has round about 50 mcqs and when you prepare of 1st part then you can take...
You can increase your vocabulary without memorizing a lot of words.Words are composed of word parts: prefixes, suffixes and roots.A knowledge of these word parts and their meanings can help you to unlock the meaning of unfamiliar words.Most modern...
Human beings are social animals, and most of us yearn for close relationships with other people. Relationships require a lot of work and a lot of communication, but it can still be hard to understand what the other person...
bcs preliminary question or 37th bcs question or 38th bcs preliminary question solution is need to take proper preparation for bcs exam and you will get this question at bcs app. From 37 bcs preliminary question you will get...
bcs ict question bcs computer and ict বিসিএস আইসিটি ICT books for any kind of compititve exam. This ict mcq app is for those who is going to participate bcs aod other govt job. 25 numbers in the...
You easily can learn conversation and song with Neo Repeat Player.Neo Repeat Player has excellent partial repeat function.You can set partial repeat and save partial repeat.You can write title of partial repeat while listen.Right now, let's study language with...
Features- AB Repeating Function- Interval (Pause) between AB Repeats- Speed up or slow down audio- Editable playlist
Watch YouTube music videos & shows! AB repeat selected parts and learn by repetition! Bookmark important moments and review them later.Loop: You are learning a new guitar lick to a song, watching your favorite musician on YouTube? Share the...
Try first the free version. All functions are absolutely the same. This version has no time limitation.===WorkAudioBook is the best audiobook player / podcast player designed specifically FOR LANGUAGE LEARNERS who are listening English or ANY OTHER LANGUAGE. What...
WorkAudioBook is the best audiobook player / podcast player designed specifically FOR LANGUAGE LEARNERS who are listening English or ANY OTHER LANGUAGE. What it does:-- Automatically splits audiobook into PHRASES;-- Allows you to change PLAYBACK SPEED (Android 6.0+);-- Can...
Repeat After Me - New Concept English Level 2 with 96 lessons include native speaker audio and transcript for learner who have intermediate level. The difference of this application with other applications is that the...
Repeat After Me - New Concept English Level 1 with 72 basis lessons include native speaker audio and transcript for learner who have elementary level. The difference of this application with other applications is that...
英語発話独習用アプリ - リッスン&リピート「リッスン&リピート」は、英語の発話力を養うためのアプリです。ネイティブスピーカーが話すフレーズを聞いてそのまま繰り返すことで、リスニングとスピーキングの両方が強化できる練習ツールです。「リッスン&リピート」アプリには音声認識エンジンが搭載されており、あなたが話したフレーズが、どのくらいネイティブに通じるかを評価してくれます。海外旅行からビジネスまで、さまざまな英会話のトピックがそろっています。<ご注意>・雑音が入らないようイヤホンとマイクをご使用されることをお勧めします。 <対応デバイス/対応OS>・Android携帯(Androidタブレットはサポート対象外です)・Androidバージョン4.1以上 ※Androidバージョン4.0~4.1未満はサポート対象外となりますが 見本音声の波形表示以外の機能についてはご利用いただけます。 (2015年5月現在)※Androidのバージョンアップに伴うアプリ改良のため、対応OSバージョンは予告なく変更になる場合がございます。最新版のご利用をおすすめいたします。※端末の使用状況により、対応OSバージョン搭載機種でも正常動作しない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。
YouTube has a lot of good videos that offer subtitles. LingoStar provides convenient subtitle repetition function so that you can learn foreign languages using YouTube videos. You can also keep the video, subtitles, and sections you are learning in...
English Sentence Master (for German speaker): Learn English with thousands of most common sentences in daily life.Memorizing phrases is a really powerful tool to help you learn advanced English quickly.If you master just one common English phrase or sentence...
English Sentence Master (for Chinese speaker): Learn English with thousands of most common sentences in daily life.Memorizing phrases is a really powerful tool to help you learn advanced English quickly.If you master just one common English phrase or sentence...
Learn English Sentences uses the 10,000 Sentences method of language learning which is similar to an assimilation-based learning program. Armed with enough comprehensible input you get the feel for what is correct. You assimilate enough sentence patterns and vocabulary...
Learn French Sentences uses the 10,000 Sentences method of language learning which is similar to an assimilation-based learning program. Armed with enough comprehensible input you get the feel for what is correct. You will assimilate enough sentence patterns and...
Learn Thai Sentences uses the 10,000 Sentences method of language learning which is similar to an assimilation-based learning program. Armed with enough comprehensible input you get the feel for what is correct. You will assimilate enough sentence patterns and...
English of Hindi Daily Conversation Sentences app features commonly used and needed words and sentence of hindi in English language. It allows you to access Common English Words & Sentence with Hindi Meaning and hindi to english daily use...
Hello friends, If you are looking for app which provides you to learn the conversation sentence with the help of this application.This application includes multiple conversations like--family-Shop-Garden-Dialogue-family-friends conversation.and so many different types of conversation between two people and so...
يحتوي هذا التطبيق علي اكثر الموضوعات مطروحه ومرغوبه في كل مجتمع وتكون جمل مختلفه و اكثر الجمل المستخدمه فى الحياه بشكل عام واقسام التطبيق هي :محتوى التطبيق*****************- رسائل وعبارات تهنئه- اشعار غزل وعشق- مجموعه من العبارات والتعبيرات الهامه -...
الجمل و العبارات الانجليزية مهمة لأنهم يستعملونها يوميا بطريقة متكررة. في هذا التطبيق جمعنا لكم عبارات مهمة جدا لكل من هو مبتدأ في اللغة الانجليزية و حتى من هم في مستوى عال. يمكنك تعلم نطق الجمل. و بالتالي يكون...
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