Do you want to find the best Simple Sunrise alternatives for Android? We have listed 14 Books & Reference that are similar to Simple Sunrise. Pick one from this list to be your new Simple Sunrise app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Simple Sunrise on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Simple Sunrise alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 14 similar apps like Simple Sunrise 2025.
This application was designed to improve Muslims and non-Muslims knowledge about Islam religion.The application contains 8 major categories as pointed out to in the app photos, Inside each category we will talk elaborately and very frankly about every thing...
Do you want everyone to think you’re super smart? Amaze others with your unique knowledge of facts and stand out from the crowd. Or just try to learn something interesting everyday. You will have loads of fun with Daily...
Святое Евангелие на русском и на церковнославянском языке. На русском языке приведен Синодальный перевод.Евангелие от Матфея, Евангелие от Марка, Евангелие от Луки, Евангелие от Иоанна.Вы можете настроить размер шрифта для удобного чтения через меню. Вы можете переключить язык через...
Приложение содержит синодальный русский текст и церковнославянский текст Апостола: Деяния апостолов, Соборные послания апостолов, и послания апостола Павла.Вы можете настроить размер шрифта для удобного чтения. В режиме чтения экран не гаснет.Приложение не содержит рекламы и не требует подключения к...
Тропари, кондаки, величания и задостойники православных праздников. В приложение входят тропари, кондаки, величания, задостойники Пасхи, двунадесятых праздников, великих праздников, тропари святым, иконам Богородицы и тропари воскресные, тропари и кондаки седмичные. Приложение не содержит рекламы и не требует интернета.Тропари, кондаки,...
Тропари, кондаки, величаниja Српски Православни церковних праздников.Serbian Orthodox troparions, kontakions, velichaniya of Easter and 12 Great Feasts. The application does not need an Internet connection.Тропари и кондаки праздников:1. Рођење Пресвете Богородице2. Крстовдан - Воздвижење Часнога Крста3. Ваведење Пресвете Богородице4....
The application contains Church prayers: troparions and kontakions (English) of the Orthodox Christian holidays.Troparions, kontakions of Easter and Great Feasts:1. Nativity of the Theotokos2. Exaltation of the Precious and Life-creating Cross3. Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple4. Nativity...
Holy Gospel. King James Version. You can adjust the font size for more comfortable reading.The application does not contain the advertisement and does not require an Internet connection.
This application is for donation only!!!The free version is better supported and has more features: application contains most important Orthodox prayers (in English): 1. Morning Prayers2. Prayers Before Sleep3. The Canons for Holy Communion4. The Order of Preparation for...
Православный молитвослов.Вы можете настроить размер шрифта и цвет фона для удобного чтения. Не содержит рекламы и не требует подключения к Интернету.Вы можете настроить язык - читать русским шрифтом или церковнославянским. Пожалуйста, учтите, что на церковнославянском набор молитв гораздо...
Small and fast app to give you the information you want right away.Upgrade to the full version for widgets and an ad-free experience. With home-screen and lock-screen widgets, you don't even have to open the app to see the...
Small and fast app to give you the information you want right away.---Widgets---See today’s rise and set times right on your home screen or lock screen. Five styles of home screen widgets to choose from 1x1, 2x2, 4x1, 1x1+,...
This easy and convenient app will allow you to find out which direction the sun rises or sets on the Google Map. If you want to take a picture of the Tokyo Tower with the setting sun, you...
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