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The Tamil Nadu Recruitment Board conducts its yearly examination for various posts. Lecturers face high competition during recruitment. To make the students completely ready for the exam, EduGorilla has come up with the newTN TRB Lecturers ECE exam preparation...
Right from understanding the topics to clearing the exam, we offer you a one-stop solution for all your learning needs. Now learn with us, uninterrupted from the safety of your home.With a simple user interface, design and exciting features,...
In this GATE Exam Preparation Apps you will get InDepth Notes, Practice Sets, Mock Tests, Previous Year solved papers for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Comm., Computer Science and Information Tech Engineering Streams.This GATE App is also very helpful...
GATE ECE Exam Prep is powered by Youth4work (a leading portal for competitive exams preparation. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a computer-based standardized test jointly conducted by IIS and IITs for postgraduate engineering admissions and entry-level engineering jobs...
The best way to prepare for exams is to start with Previous Year Question Papers. This app brings you the collection of previous year GTU ECE papers, which are very useful for anyone who wants to prepare for the...
StudyToken Pro now available! For the price of a cup of coffee, enjoy ad-free content.A beautifully designed quiz app to help you prepare for the Daycare Board Exam. Simple and intuitive user interface. Quick and portable, on the...
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This application is useful for the B.E Electronics (ECE) students to prepare the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) exams for 2018.This contains solved question papers from 2002 To 2017 free solved and key answers to the questions.The app...
EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal is the unique application for premium electrical engineers. Premium membership gives you access to specialized technical articles, advanced electrical engineering guides, and papers. It helps you to shape up your technical skills in...
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Notes,quiz,blog and videos of engineering physics for engineering.It almost cover important topics chapter wiseUnit 1. Quantum Physics 1. Newton's Laws 2. Friction 3. Kinetic and Work-Energy Theorem 4. Conservation of Energy 5. Phase velocity and Group Velocity 6. Uncertainty Principle and Schrodinger Equation Unit 2. Wave Optics 1. Fresnel's biprism 2. Interference in Thin Films 3. Newton's rings 4. Michelson's...
Engineering chemistry notes for all engineering students.Engineering chemistry almost cover all important topics which are indexed chapter wise Chapter 1 : Water Technology Impurities in Water,Hard Water,alkalinity of water,Boiler Feed water,Water Softening,breaking point of chlorination,desalinationChapter 2 : Polymers homopolymer and copolymer,Classification...
Basic mechanical engineering notes for mechanical engineering students.Basic mechanical engineering app almost covers all important Mechanical Engineering topics which are indexed below chapter wise :- Chapter 1 Materials 1. Classification of engineering material 2. cast iron 3. mechanical properties of cast iron 4. Alloy steel and their...
Engineering mechanics notes for mechanical engineering. Engineering mechanics app almost covers important topics which are indexed chapter wise ;-Chapter 1 : Coplanar force systemsCoplanar Forc,Law of motions,Principle of Transmissibility,Transfer of a force to parallel position,Resultant of Concurrent Force System,Resultant...
Notes,quiz,blog and videos for environmental engineering . It almost cover important topics chapter wiseChapter 1 Energy Renewable Energy resources non renewable energy source fossil fuel Geothermal energy hydrogen energy solar energy Wind Energy hydal energyNuclear energyChapter 2 Ecosystem atmosphere hydrosphere lithosphere biosphere Cycles in Ecosystem Carbon,nitrogen and other cycle Threats and conservation Chapter 3 Air...
Basic electronics engineering notes for electronics engineering students.Basic electronics engineering almost covers topics of electronics engineering which are given below Chapter 1 Electronic Components 1. Resistors 2. Inductors 3. Capacitor 4. resistor color code 5. semiconductor 6. Diode 7. I-V Characteristic 8. Types of Diode9. bipolar junction transistor 10. Common-collector Transistor 11. Common Base transistor 12. Common Emitter transistorChapter 2 Electronic Circuits 1. Half...’s Praxis® Test Prep app is the fun and easy way to prepare for your Praxis® exam. Watch short, engaging video lessons created by our subject matter experts to help you learn even the most difficult concepts. Take quizzes...
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English Vocabulary Profile - AmericanWelcome to the pilot version of the full six-level English Vocabulary Profile. This version covers levels A1-C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for British and American English.This interactive app features...
12th Class Sociology Notes in EnglishHello friends, please, once you download my app, it is the notes of both the books of class 12 in sociology and that too in simple languageA. Indian Society1. Introducing Indian Society2. The...
Class 11 Sociology Notes in HindiHello friends, please, once you download my app, it is the notes of both the books of class 11 in sociology and that too in simple languageBook 1पुस्तक 1 समाजशास्त्र परिचय1. समाजशास्त्र एवं...
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The "Pharmacy Notes" android app provides short and to the point valuable notes for anyone who wants to enhance his/her knowledge in the field of Pharmacy. The notes are designed in way that anyone can easily absorb the key...
Zoology Notes For Bachelor of Science Masters Students Which Contain Notes Question Paper Bio-Chemistry Notes With Diagram Notes Made By Teachers The Zoology Notes Contain Several Information About Zoology Biology Science For Latest News And Update About Zoology And...
Polytechnic Notes is an application for engineering students where they can get all day to day notes of their lectures and also can share them with friends.Students can also check diploma/polytechnic news to be updated about their studies.Polytechnic Notes...
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SSC All Notes is class 9-10 note book app. Your SSC result will be hopeful. This class 9-10 all solution app is very useful and great. This app is very useful for students of group science. I like it...
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