Top 23 Books & Reference Apps Like SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद - Best Alternatives

SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद Alternatives for Android

Do you want to find the best SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद alternatives for Android? We have listed 23 Books & Reference that are similar to SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद. Pick one from this list to be your new SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद on your Android devices.

Top 23 Apps Like SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 23 similar apps like SAMA VEDA Samaveda सामवेद 2025.

Matar us sama deewane hamasa urdu sharah sadisa

Matar us sama deewane hamasa urdu sharah sadisa

Arabic poems and poetry is popular among students of dars e nizami and hamasa is the greatest text book in this regard. Matar us sama is its urdu version explaining each poetry and word of deewan e hamasa.

Price: Free Developer: Rabia Basheer
Tausug Dictionary

Tausug Dictionary

This is the app version of the 1994 Edition of the Tausug - English Dictionary: Kabtangan Iban Maana.The following forward was written by Senator Santanina Rasul and published in the 1994 Edition:Tausug is a language as well as the...

Price: Free Developer: Kauman Sama Online
ZamBaSulTa Phrasebook

ZamBaSulTa Phrasebook

The ZamBaSulTa Phrasebook is a derivative work of the phrasebook, "Languages of the Southern Gateway," a compilation of important phrases in the Chavacano, Sinama, Tausug, Yakan, English and Filipino languages published originally in 1979. In the ZamBaSulTa Phrasebook...

Price: Free Developer: Kauman Sama Online
Sinama Dictionary

Sinama Dictionary

Work on the Central Sinama - English Dictionary has spanned the course of over half a century. The major contributing partners in this effort have been the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now SIL Philippines), the Bureau of Public Schools...

Price: Free Developer: Kauman Sama Online
السهل في صفة الحج والعمرة

السهل في صفة الحج والعمرة

تطبيق السهل في صفة الحج والعمرة هو احدى التطبيقات لمجموعة من اصدارات الكتب لدار القرآن الكريم والسنة ، سعينا من خلال اصدار الكتب على شكل تطبيقات للوصول الي عدد أكبر من القراء حول العالم ، ولقد رأينا أن نُعِدَّ...

Price: Free Developer: Cloudi Technology
Sama Veda FREE

Sama Veda FREE

The Sama Veda is an ancient Indian sacred scripture which can be enjoyed internationally by all races.Program Features:* Abridged version of the Sama Veda in English translation including foreword.* Fullscreen mode.* Easy and simple to use layout with page...

Price: Free Developer: Spirit Apps
Cari Kata Kata Kangen Dan Rindu Sama Pacar

Cari Kata Kata Kangen Dan Rindu Sama Pacar

Kata Kata Rindu & Kangen – Pernah gak sih kalian merasakan kangen atau rindu kepada seseorang yang kita sayangi ? Misal rindu atau kangen kepada pacar, mantan, sahabat bahkan sampai ke keluarga. Tentunya pernah dong. Nah, adakalanya sebuah perasaan...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Dev Viral Top
Cari Kata Kata Kecewa Berat Sama Orang

Cari Kata Kata Kecewa Berat Sama Orang

Menceritakan kebenaran dan membuat seseorang menangis lebih baik daripada menceritakan kebohongan dan membuat seseorang tersenyum. Paolo CoelhoKalau teman atau orang terdekatmu sering berbohong, lebih baik kasih tau bahwa yang terpenting adalah kebenaran. Walaupun dampaknya baik, berbohong bukanlah tindakan yang...

Price: Free Developer: Apps Dev Viral Top
Kata kata Bete Sama Pacar

Kata kata Bete Sama Pacar

Kata kata bete ini saya rangkum dari kata jata bete dicuekin pacar, kata kata bete sendirian, namun juga menyangkut beberapa kata kata kesel buat pacar yang sibuk dan kata kata galau. Terkadang kata kata bete sama pacar ini ...

Price: Free Developer: Kata Kata Kita
Kata Kata Untuk Minta Balikan sama Mantan

Kata Kata Untuk Minta Balikan sama Mantan

Kata Kata Untuk Minta Balikan sama mantan ini juga untuk membantu kamu yang masih ada rasa cinta yang begitu dalam kepada dia yang sudah mengisi hati kamu namun sekarang sudah berpisah semoga bisa kembali bersatu dalam cinta yang indah...

Price: Free Developer: Kata Kata Top Rating
yajur veda यजुर्वेद

yajur veda यजुर्वेद "worship" veda mean"knowledge"

yajur vedaYajurveda यजुर्वेद meaning "worship" veda meaning "knowledge"is the Veda primarily of prose mantras for worship rituals An ancient Vedic Sanskrit text, it is a compilation of ritual offering formulas that were said by a priest while an individual...

Price: Free Developer: DHARM SOFT
Rig Veda Americanus FREE

Rig Veda Americanus FREE

The Rig Veda Americanus (named after the sacred hymns of ancient India by the author, of which he deemed there to be a connection in the similarity of content via metaphor, although it appears no other linkages exist other...

Price: Free Developer: Spirit Apps
Atharvaveda - Summary in Hindi

Atharvaveda - Summary in Hindi

The Atharva Veda Sanskrit Atharvaveda from atharvāṇas and veda, meaning "knowledge" is the "knowledge storehouse of atharvāṇas , the procedures for everyday life". The text is the fourth Veda, but has been a late addition to the Vedic scriptures...

Price: Free Developer: DhadbadatiApps
हिन्दू वेद एवं पुराण Hindi Veda

हिन्दू वेद एवं पुराण Hindi Veda

वेद क्या हैं और क्या कहते हैं? सभी हिन्दू वेदों एवं पुराण का सार हिंदी मेंवेद प्राचीन भारत के पवितत्रतम साहित्य हैं जो हिन्दुओं के प्राचीनतम और आधारभूत धर्मग्रन्थ भी हैं। भारतीय संस्कृति में वेद सनातन वर्णाश्रम धर्म के,...

Price: Free Developer: C.B.International
The Veda

The Veda

I seek not science, not religion, not Theosophy, but Veda—the truth about Brahman, not only about His essentiality, but about His manifestation, not a lamp on the way to the forest, but a light and a guide to joy...

Price: Free Developer: Vande Mataram Library Trust
Veda Sangraha

Veda Sangraha

This app contains the 4 Vedas of Hindu Religion at one single place i.e.1. Atharva Veda (अथर्ववेदः‎), 2. Rig Veda (ऋग्वेदः‎), 3. Yajur Veda (यजुर्वेदः‎) and4. Sam Veda (सामवेदः‎)

Price: Free Developer: Nisheeth Kaushal
Hymns of The Atharva Veda

Hymns of The Atharva Veda

The Hymns of the Atharva-Veda meaning "knowledge") is a sacred text of Hinduism and one of the four Vedas, often called the "fourth Veda". the Atharvaveda was mainly composed by two groups of rishis known as the Atharvanas and...

Price: Free Developer: I Think Solutions
Veda mantras and Stotras

Veda mantras and Stotras

Lyrics for the following Suktas and Stotras are being made available in Devanagari, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Odiya and Bengali languages. 1. Sri Rudra Prashnam2. Chamakra Prashnam3. Purusha Suktam4. Durga Suktam5. Sri Suktam6. Narayana Suktam7. Srimad Bhagavadgita8. Sri Durga Sapthashati9....

Price: Free Developer: Karthavya IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
Rig veda  ऋग्वेद

Rig veda ऋग्वेद

REGVEDA ऋग्वेदThe Rigveda Sanskrit: ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, from ṛc "praise" and veda "knowledge" is an ancient Indian collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. It is one of the four sacred canonical texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas.ऋग्वेद संस्कृत: ऋग्वेद...

Price: Free Developer: DHARM SOFT
বাংলা বেদ: সামবেদ সংহিতা - Samaveda (Vedas Bangla)

বাংলা বেদ: সামবেদ সংহিতা - Samaveda (Vedas Bangla)

সামবেদ সংহিতা - সাম মানে গান। যে মন্ত্র গান করা যায়, তাকেই সাম বলে। যজ্ঞ করার সময় কোন কোন ঋগ আবৃত্তি না করে সুর করে গাওয়া হত। এই গেয় ঋগ্‌সমূহকে বলা হয় সামবেদ। আর সামর সংকলনই সামবেদ সংহিতা। সামবেদের...

Price: Free Developer: AppDevTeamBD
Hymns of The Samaveda

Hymns of The Samaveda

The Hymns of the Sama Veda is the third of the four Vedas, the ancient core Hindu scriptures. The Samaveda, or Veda of Holy Songs, third in the usual order of enumeration of the three Vedas, ranks next in...

Price: Free Developer: I Think Solutions
Samaveda - Vedic Scriptures

Samaveda - Vedic Scriptures

Samaveda, One of the Four Vedas, a collection of liturgical chants chanted aloud at the sacrifice. Its material is drawn largely from the Rig Veda

Price: Free Developer: bharatformobile

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