Do you want to find the best Lawyer E-Diary alternatives for Android? We have listed 29 Business that are similar to Lawyer E-Diary. Pick one from this list to be your new Lawyer E-Diary app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Lawyer E-Diary on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Lawyer E-Diary alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Lawyer E-Diary 2025.
برنامج مكتب المحامى :برنامج متكامل تم تصميمة لادارة النشاطات اليومية لمكاتب المحاماة المصرية.تساعد خصائص البرنامج فى تنسيق متابعة المهام بما فى ذلك ادارة العملاء وسير القضايا فى محاكم مصرمميزات:-ادارة قضايا الموكلين-المكتبة القانونية-تقارير الجلسات-قضايا الموكل-اشعارات لكل جلسة-منبه لكل جلسة-تسهيل التواصل...
application that contains the name of a well-known lawyer company
Lawyer Diary application helps Lawyer to manage Court Case, Clients details and Adjourn dates. In this app you can Add/Update Add/Update Case details, Add/Update Hearing details, etc. You can manage your case and set reminders for your follow-ups.Features of...
The easiest way of booking an appointment with a lawyer, if you are a law firm and you are looking to make an app for your firm. An app that shows all of your lawyers for your clients to...
Lawyer Link is a pocket Lawyer agent, for lawyers to find other lawyers to attend cases they cannot be at. It is also a lawyer finder app for individuals who are looking for a lawyer at the desired location.LAWYERS!...
LegalEase24 is an Android Online Application for Lawyers or law firms for increasing their revenue and case management. With this application:Lawyers/Advocates can keep the records at their fingertips, manage their clients and can give consultations through online, Home Visit...
ASK-AN-AGENTFind Migration Agents near you, ask questions, compare fees or clarify your visa status.Connect with your migration agent or immigration lawyer anytime online.Stay updated on what's happening at all times. Never miss an update on your visa application.ABOUT ASK-AN-AGENTGet...
24Task Lawyer connects lawyer with clients online. Hire the best lawyer from our Android app.How it Works:1- POST A JOB (It’s Free)Describe your case. 2- HIRELive chat with lawyer, Compare bids and hire the best lawyer.3- WORKLive chat with...
E-Startup is a one-stop solution for entrepreneurs to get various business registrations and licenses online and manage their business legal and tax compliances at your fingertips.Businesses can do an online chat with CA, CS, and lawyers. Clear their all... is the most popular recruitment website in Iran.With this mobile app, you can browse thousands of job across the country.- Find Jobs by Provinces - You can view all vacancies province by province without...
Приложение предназначено для сбора заказов, приема денег, оформления возвратов, проведения инвентаризаций, анкетирования, создания фотоотчетов, GPS-контроля агентов, снятия координат торговых точек. Взаимодействие с Вашей торговой системой осуществляется через новый личный кабинет Это дает Вам следующие преимущества:+ Высокая скорость внедрения....
Приложение E-com Супервайзер предназначено для контроля за торговыми агентами, которые подключены к сервису автоматизации работы торговых представителей E-com.Если вам нужно приложение для работы торгового представителя, установите наше приложение "Мобильная торговля E-com Агент"Основные особенности приложения E-com Супервайзер:+ Интуитивно понятный, современный...
The Get-e Driver app gives you:- A simple overview of all your Get-e rides- Real-time flight delay monitoring- Share your location with the passenger so they can easily find you- 24/7 support of the Get-e Operations teamPlease note that...
Try Roll FREE for 3 months — No laptop. No training. No long-term contracts. Just faster, easier payroll.Say hello to a whole new way to payroll. Just chat “run my payroll” — and Roll by ADP guides you through...
E-Soft Hotel Manager App provides 5 Critical Information which is daily collection, reservation status, hotel revenue, reservation summary and room status of the hotel. E-Soft Hotel Manager App also allows the management to access important information of the hotel...
اول تطبيق خدمى متكامل في مصر والشرق الأوسط يحتوي على كل ما تحتاج اليه فى مجال الانتاج الحيوانى و الداجني والسمكي من معلومات وشركات واسعار لمختلف مدخلات ومخرجات السوق.أقسام تطيبق مزرعتي:1- أكاديمية مزرعتي:أول اكاديمية اونلاين في مصر والوطن العربي...
TAX Panchang is a free tax calendar mobile application that updates in advance about all the tax compliances due dates. Get an instant notification for all tax due dates.Get an advance reminder on your phone to get tax due...
• NO FEAR OF LOSING DATA• Easy to use, totally offline diary• when client calls you his photo, cases, their previous date, next date, pending fees, … are shown on screen with button to call / SMS / email / message client....
Free Business Diary Sales Notes Register & Day Planner android app allows you to manage your Business and Tasks on the go with following creative features:* Unique Sales Management Section with Sales Summery and PDF Export features.* Business Tasks...
Dairy Diary is the quickest way to record Animal Treatments, Feed, Fertiliser and Effluent applications, Agrichemical spraying, Grazing and Monthly Hygiene Checks- Calculates withholding dates, when to give doses and RTV dates so you don't have to.- Auto-populate witholdings...
BuKu is a simple all-rounder money manager & digital account book to maintain income, expense, bills, bank/wallet/credit card/investments, ledger/khata, sale, purchase, journal diary, staff pagar, inventory, invoice, quotation, challan. It works wonderfully for budgeting and personal finances and is...
By using “Site Diary” you will be creating site diaries and monthly accounting records which will be stored in a database and can be distributed as PDF data. Worker attendance will be documented in the site diary. You will...
"Goat Diary Android App is built to optimize the performance of farm by increasing the productivity & improving every aspect of goat & sheep farming for commercial milk & meat production and helping farmers in the agritech sector across...
*TRADERS*BROKERS*SALE LOGGERNo need to remember any past trade data and no needs to calculate profit/loss, futuristic sale price and etc. Trader’s diary will do for you. Trader’s diary makes tracking of your purchase(buy), sale, inventory stock of trading like...
Advocate Diary India is a web based application for Advocates and lawyers to managetheir case information more professionally. The software comes with a bundle offeatures and helps layers to keep there clients updated about their cases dates, stagesand many...
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