Do you want to find the best ЕГЭ Литература 2021 + Тесты + Краткие содержания alternatives for Android? We have listed 20 Education that are similar to ЕГЭ Литература 2021 + Тесты + Краткие содержания. Pick one from this list to be your new ЕГЭ Литература 2021 + Тесты + Краткие содержания app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ЕГЭ Литература 2021 + Тесты + Краткие содержания on your Android devices.
The best free and paid ЕГЭ Литература 2021 + Тесты + Краткие содержания alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like ЕГЭ Литература 2021 + Тесты + Краткие содержания 2025.
Samanya gyan 2021 is a hindi general knowledge app. In this Samanya gyan apps will you found most important gk in hindi offline. In this GK Hindi ( General Knowledge in hindi app ) application we will cover all...
Important GK Question Answer and Quiz For railway exam, RRB , Railway Jobs ,Railway Group D Preparation , Study Materials | ,This App for advance exams Like RRB Locomotive pilot, Technical grade in Electrical, Civil, Computers and Mechanical for...
All india gk in hindi 2021 is a general knowledge application all about india. This Gk quiz in hindi is an offline application. In this India gk hindi app all gk are given in mcq format with answer. As...
Marathi Calendar 2022 मराठी कॅलेंडर works offline and online and it if free to use. Marathi calendar apps is highly useful to know Shubh Muhurat & marathi panchang 2021 information. 2021 मराठी कॅलेंडर is offline calendar marathi and contents...
Данное приложение содержит в себе огромное количество материалов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по Биологии в 2021-м году, а также свыше 2000 практических заданий и множество тестов!Теория - один из самых важных блоков для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по Биологии.Тесты -...
Khwabon Ki Tabeer main hum ne koshish ki hain ki hai ke aap ko aap ke matloba khwab ki tabeer batayeen.In KhawabNama App you can find meanings of dreams/ Khawab and know the meaning of your dreams and every...
Данное приложение содержит в себе огромное количество материалов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по Физике в 2021-м году, а также свыше 2000 практических заданий и множество тестов!Теория - один из самых важных блоков для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по Физике .Тесты...
Данное приложение содержит в себе огромное количество материалов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по Химии в 2021-м году, а также свыше 2000 практических заданий и множество тестов!Теория - один из самых важных блоков для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по Химии .Тесты...
All on board the Coding Express! Coding Express introduces early coding concepts and 21st century skills to preschoolers.Using the popular LEGO® DUPLO® train set, teacher guide and an easy-to-use app, preschool teachers have all they need to teach early...
Pick your own path through fun and interactive storybooks for kids. Perfect for early readers, this app encourages kids to follow the read-along text as they navigate through exciting stories. Kids can explore oceans, exotic islands, outer space, and...
Mobile Learning Management System (LMS) provided with a wealth of education for nurses, midwives and doctors.Education that has been specially designed for mobile phone delivery, including the country’s mandated courses, is made available within the app.You can download hundreds...
HYPERPLANNING permet aux étudiants et aux enseignants d’accéder à leurs données en temps réel et dans un environnement sécurisé. Les étudiants savent toujours où ils en sont : cours annulés, changement de salle, travail à faire, salles libres, relevés...
In this free cool math learning app, your kids get to easily learn the basic math operations including the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, over 9 different levels and there is a final test designed to ensure the success...
EV3 Classroom is the essential companion app for the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set (45544). Bringing best-in-class STEM and robotics learning to secondary students, EV3 Classroom enables them to design and code programmable robots to solve complex, real-life...
PRONOTE incorporates all domains of academia: grades, competences, report cards, scheduling, attendance, tardiness, sanctions, orientation, homework notebooks, exercises, multiple choice questions, school agenda, infirmary, learning outcomes, multi-annual monitoring, student files, grade school certificate, internships, school road safety certificate…From their...
The Android application EtiGliss is specifically designed to meet the needs of all teachers in elementary schools, whether they already work with labels or not. The tool is suited to any subject being taught, but its audio features make...
Help students read moreStudents can create and share booklists, follow each other’s progress, and access reading goals and programs for their class. Group reading encourages reading consistency.Give students a voiceStudents can engage in ebooks through shared annotations in the...
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