Do you want to find the best Unidos Por León alternatives for Android? We have listed 12 Lifestyle that are similar to Unidos Por León. Pick one from this list to be your new Unidos Por León app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Unidos Por León on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Unidos Por León alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like Unidos Por León 2025.
Con esta aplicación aprenderás a hacer oraciones poderosas a Dios con base en su palabra. Descubre la importancia de la oración y el poder que hay en orar por ti mismo.Cosas grandes ocurren cuando te dispones a orar, y...
The Hours of the Passion were written by Luisa Piccarreta who is in the process of canonization, were collected by Saint Anibal Maria di Francia who then published them. This exercise follows hour by hour as Luisa saw them...
Es una bendición las oraciones de la esposa por su esposo durante treinta días, imágenes que contienen los motivos de oración para cada día.La aplicación de la Mujer que ora por su esposo será una bendición para el hogar,...
O estudo do Talmud para iniciantes. Uma Mishná por dia em Português.Estudo das mishnayot por R. Daniel Faour, da Congregação Mekor Haim.
Este maravilhoso projeto apresenta, de forma clara e sucinta, uma lei judaica por dia.As leis da Torá e rabínicas, extraídas do livro “Kitsur Sêfer Charedim” de autoria do Rabino Avraham Danzig (1748-1820), são comentadas pelo Rabino Dichi Shelita na...
Prayers and actions to free souls from purgatory including alarms for the days of indulgence, the prayers of the rosary, the via crucis, the 100 requiems and more.
These Prayers and actions are addressed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who consume themselves with love for us and seek to shut us up in their warm and sweet hearts.The heart of...
The Divine Mercy is the revelation made by Jesus to Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska in which she reveals the great and profound of her mercy. In this application you will find the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the novena prayer...
This is a set of prayers to St. Joseph, both simple prayers and novenas rosaries, triduum, pains and joys, for various needs from getting a job to being a good parent, with alarms to warn the special days of...
Como Orar Por Mi Esposo💕👪😍Esta app te acompañara en 30 días de oración por tu esposo!Como Orar por mi esposo fué creada especialmente para tí que tienes el anhelo de tener un esposo, para tí que ya tienes un...
Safe America is one of the worlds leading non-profit organizations focused on safety in everyday life for americas and the world. Safe America focuses on five pillars of safety and publishes the Safety News Network. We also meet annually...
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