Do you want to find the best Daily Bible Quotes (Verses) alternatives for Android? We have listed 38 Lifestyle that are similar to Daily Bible Quotes (Verses). Pick one from this list to be your new Daily Bible Quotes (Verses) app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Daily Bible Quotes (Verses) on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Daily Bible Quotes (Verses) alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Daily Bible Quotes (Verses) 2025.
Are you feeling down or depressed ? or you need an extra push to work hard ? maybe you like to share motivational and inspirational quotes to social media and stay inspired.Start your day with the best quotes and...
♥️Record your Daily Life!Keep your secret thoughts, moods, and private moments with this diary!FEATURES:• Attach multiple pictures • Search by dates with calendar• Password & pin code protection (Support Fingerprint)• Various font formats (Cute cursive font)• Daily reminder• Search...
Read your favorite daily devotional and Christian Bible devotions free online. Inspirational, encouraging and uplifting!A Fresh Daily Devotional Each Day. Encouraging words to lift up your day. Life lessons from the bible verses. Connect with Jesus. Walk with Christ....
Daily Quotes is an offline app that provides large collection of quotes for different categories. We don't need internet connection. Just install the app and enjoy thousands on free quotes.This app contains the following categories:1. Billionaire2. Business3. General4. Motivational5....
This application contains the Prayers for not only Hindus but all people who like to live a happy life. The prayers contains those when you pray after waking up in the morning or before bed etc etc. These prayers...
"Daily Chinese Horoscope" is an app in which users can check their daily horoscope based on their respective Chinese zodiac signs.Users can also check their compatibility with other zodiac signs.Features:**Includes daily horoscopes of all twelve Chinese zodiac signs/animals ...
"Daily Beauty Horoscope & Tips" is an app in which the users can get daily beauty horoscopes and beauty tips to look their best on each and every day.Features:**Includes daily beauty horoscopes and beauty tips for all twelve zodiac...
Daily Manna sets out to provide spiritual nourishment for the believers who truly seek God and would walk closely with Him. It's an extraction of God's word, which mainly serves to draw the sincere seekers closer to God on...
Do You look for elegant stickers design for discussion with friends ? If Yes this app is for you. We have made elegants stickers for daily doings and feelings. There no need to type in and spending...
Brian Tracy Says: “People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.” Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the...
The New King James Version (NKJV) is an English translation of the Bible first published in 1982 by Thomas Nelson.The New Testament was published in 1979, the Psalms in 1980, and the full Bible in 1982. It took seven...
Our desire is to see every follower of Jesus spend time in the Word of God daily. We believe that your life will be transformed by knowing who God is and how He has redeemed us through Jesus Christ.Reading...
This is the King James Version of the English Audio Bible. Listen to Voice-Only and Audio-Drama of the KJV Audio Bible.The Voice Only - has no background sound effects. While the Audio Drama - has background sound effects and...
Listen to the Greek Audio Bible (Old and New Testament). The app features three New Testament audio recordings:1. Ancient Greek (Greek Ecumenical Patriachal Text)2. Spyros Filos Translation3. Koine Greek (Textus Receptus)The app also features two Bible Listening Plans:- Old...
Listen to the Hebrew Audio Bible (Old and New Testament) in two recordings (Voice Only and Dramatized). The Voice Only features a single voice or reader without background sounds, while the Dramatized version features multiple voices or characters reading...
Listen to the Tamil Audio Bible (Old and New Testament) in two recordings (Voice Only and Voice with Background Music). The Voice Only features a single voice or reader without background sounds, while the Voice + BM features voice...
Spoken Bible But not only will you find the Bible in Audio, but we will offer you many other options, for example if you are in the church and want to accompany the preacher on the Bible quotes, we...
Téléchargez cette application et vous aurez gratuitement votre exemplaire complet de la Bible Darby 1890 sur votre téléphone ou tablette.Naviguez facilement à travers la Bible entière, dans un Testament, un livre ou un chapitre.Il est très important de lire...
- Download the most renowned Bible in the English language: King James Version. Commissioned at Hampton Court in 1604 by King James I of England, KJV quickly became the greatest of all translations in the English language.No other Bible...
-Enjoy this new Bible with explanatory notes below the text of Scripture. Each verse has extensive notes that will clarify the meaning of a paragraph. If you find difficult to understand the Scriptures, a study Bible will be very...
Offline Quotes By Famous People is a popular android app for English quotes lovers. Also is a collection of up to 10000 latest quotes of 250 famous and popular authors. These quotes have been cited and quoted innumerable times,...
♥ Hidden Feeling Quotes - Heart Touching Quotes is the most delightful and image quotes app which has an accumulation of helpful quotes on companionship, cherish, life, achievement initiative and inspiration. Inner voice feeling of heart quotes images.♥ Many...
Read, share and save over 70,000+ quotes by famous people in over 100+ categories for free🌟Features in the app : ⭒ Read quotes by 100+ Categories⭒ Read quotes by Authors* Favorite the quotes you like* Share text quotes* Share...
Looking for All in one English Status & Quotes Application ?No worries! You can install English Status application that helps you to get 10,000+ good morning quotes, quotes images, friendship day images, motivational images, english shayari,motivational quotes,inspirational quotes and...
Huge collection of Quotes in various categories with Images.
Hello all, as human beings we suffer our Life from many good and bad situations that what we actually call the journey of life. We can not expect only good days, painless life, always happy etc. as well as...
Have you ever heard the age old advice: — why don’t you just think more positively? —At times it can seem like a tired platitude.But a positive attitude is not just forcing a smile through gritted teeth in the...
This program Can Help You to attain high degree of your own life & create a Successful individual.Millionaire's Quotes & Sayings is an eye-opening Compilation of the best way to have wealthy quotations mentioned by the famous and effective...
Keep close to God. Read Bible verses on a daily basis.Install the FREE Inspiring Bible Verses Daily app that features- Most well-known Bible verses, scriptures, passages, quotations- Stunning background photos of God's inspiring creation- Swipe left or right to navigate past Bible...
ከመፅሐፍ ቅዱስ ላይ የተውጣጡ ለማንበብ እና ለመረዳት ቀለለ ብሎ ግልፅ በሆነ መልኩ ተዘጋጅተው በ27 አበይት ርዕሶች የተከፋፈሉ ጥቅሶች ፣ ምሳሌዎች አና ቃላት፡፡እነዚህን የመፅሐፍ ቅዱስ የህይወት ቃሎች ሲያነቡ እርስዎን ያበረታታዎታል፣ ፍቅር ይሰጦታል፣ ድነትን ይሰጥዎታል፣ ይቀይርዎታል፣ ያነሳሳዎታል፣ ያጠነክርዎታል፣ ይቅርታን ያስተምርዎታል፣...
Amharic Bible Verses application is an Ethiopian app developed by TechDeveloper For Ethiopian or Who can understand Amharic.This app almost contains all verses from the Amharic bible for specific category selected.☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Features☆Amharic Bible Verses are categorized by Ethiopian Topic for...
Handpicked Bible verses for your daily prayers. Choose your translation and get daily verse from Bible.Features:Search verses quickly by chapter or topic.Various versions and translations included like King James Version, New King James Version, New International VersionHundreds of Bible...
Evеrуоnе struggles with dіѕсоurаgеmеnt аѕ they fасе vаrіоuѕ trіаlѕ оf lіfе, bіg оr ѕmаll. Whether you аrе ѕtrugglіng wіth your health, fаmіlу, jоb, оr rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ, Gоd wаntѕ tо give уоu hоре and реасе аgаіn. Whаt dоеѕ he wаnt...
Encouraging Bible Verses - Read encouraging bible verses from the app that can help encourage your spirit as you in times of doubt, loss, mourning, sadness, or hopelessness. This app has many passages that can uplift your mind and...
The Word of God is full of encouraging verses that give us hope and strength for every situation we’re in. Whether you’ve found yourself out of a job, struggling with your relationships, or nervous about an upcoming test...
The app has been created to provide the summary on bible verses about love,encouraging bible verses,bible verses about healing,bible quotes about love,bible verses about family,bible verse about marriage,bible verses about friendship,
Bible Verses Greetings mobile application provides below a list of featured valued latest contents.App Contents🎁️ Bible Verses Quote and Messages 🎁️ Bible Verses Greeting Cards 🎁️ Bible Verses Greeting EditorCategories: ✓ 1. Monday To Sunday Blessings✓ 2. Inspirational Bible Quotes✓ 3. Good Night Bible Blessings✓ 4....
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