Do you want to find the best Al Quran Amharic alternatives for Android? We have listed 30 Books & Reference that are similar to Al Quran Amharic. Pick one from this list to be your new Al Quran Amharic app on your phones. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Al Quran Amharic on your Android devices.
The best free and paid Al Quran Amharic alternatives for Android according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Al Quran Amharic 2025.
النسب الشريف لسماحة المرجع الديني آية الله العظمى السيد الحسني (دام ظله العالي)هو محمود بن عبد الرضا بن محمد بن لفته بن بلول بن حاوي بن حسن بن محمد بن غزال بن جنديل بن خليفة بن سلطان النجدي بن...
The Quran is the holy book which Muslims recite and turn to for guidance in all aspects of their lives. Its verses have remained intact since their original revelation by God in the 7th century. This brochure explains the...
Ratib Al-Attas was compiled by Habib Umar Bin Abdur Rahman Al-Attas Radhiallahu Anhu who passed away on 23 Rabiul Awal 1072H. The late Habib Muhammad Bin Salim Al-Attas said that Allah shall bless the people who practice this Ratib...
Complete sahih bukhari urdu book which has sahih bukhari indonesian jild1, sahi bukhari jild 2, sahih bukhari hadees indonesian complete, bukhari shareef hadees in indonesian, bukhari sharif complete in indonesian, bukhari sharif and bukhari shareef with english translation. This...
বিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম - পরম করুনাময় মহান আল্লাহ্র নামে শুরু করছি । আমাদের এই বাংলা কুরান শরিফ অ্যাপটিতে কুরআন শরীফ অডিও এবং ভিডিও ছাড়া আল কোরআন বাংলা অনুবাদ সহ মোট ১১৪ টি সুরা খুব সুন্দর ভাবে আরবি - বাংলা...
বিসমিল্লাহির রহমানির রাহিম। আসসালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ভাই বোন ও বন্ধুরা। আল কোরআনের আয়াত থেকে বিষয় ভিত্তিক আয়াত নিয়ে আমাদের এবারের আয়োজন বিষয় ভিত্তিক আল কোরআনের আয়াত –Subject wise Al-Quran অ্যাপটি । কুরআনের বাণীসমূহ যে শুধুমাত্র স্ববিরোধিতা থেকেই মুক্ত তা...
40 hadits fadhilah quran termasuk didalamnya fadhilah membaca al quran di bulan ramadhanfadhilah membaca al quran setiap hari fadhilah membaca alquran menghafal al quranfadhilah surat al quran keutamaan hafidz quran keutamaan membaca al quran beserta dalilnya
Allah SWT 99 names of Allah which are Also called 'Asma Ul Husna' in Arabic which means The Most Beautiful names In the month of Ramadan/Ramzan you can read and listen 99 names of Allah beautiful names...
Quran for Android Naskh is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep all the contributors in your prayers!Quran for Android Naskh is a...
Have the difficulty of understanding Quran interpretation and relating it to daily problems? The app version of Learn Quran Tafsir ( now have come with sophisticated search features and trusted tafsir resources. Learn Quran Tafsir will help you understand...
Quran for Android is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers! *Important Note* - This version is for those...
Quran for Android is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers!Quran for Android provides the following features:-...
Quran for Android is a free Quran application for Android devices. There are many features under development. Please send us your feedback and feature requests and keep us in your prayers! *Important Note* - This version is for those...
The Holy Quran translated in Khmer Language by H.E. Zakaryya Adam and CMCD.App Feature:- Working offline without internet connection.- 2 in one Quran translations by H.E. Zakaryya Adam and CMCD. You can filter to show all or one of...
*** Best Gift for Muslims for Month of Ramadan and on Eid ul Fitr ***Word by Word Quran Offline or Quran Teacher App: Learn Quran Pak Easily at home without any teacher, Simple learning, Easy Memorization of Holy Quran,...
Read and Listen to the Holy Quran with Spanish translation, which has a full and verse by verse recitation & translation in Spanish text and audio without limitation.Features:- User friendly & simple design- Reading Quran / Koran with mode...
Read and Listen to the Holy Quran with English translation, which has a full and verse by verse recitation & translation in English text and audio without limitation.Features:- User friendly & simple design- Reading Quran / Koran with mode...
Read and Listen to the Holy Quran with French translation, which has a full and verse by verse recitation & translation in French text and audio without limitation.Features:- User friendly & simple design- Reading Quran / Koran with mode...
ቅዱስ ቁርአን ወይንም ቁርአን) የመሃከለኛዉ አለም የእስልምና የቅዱስ መጽሃፍ ወይም የእምነት ጽሁፍ ነዉ፣ በዚህም ትምህርት ይህ ጽሁፍ የመጣዉ በአላህ ፈቃድ ቃሉን በጂብሪል አማካኝነት ለነብዩ ሙሀመድ የወረደ የአላህ ቃል ነው። ቅዱስ ቁርአን ለመጀመርያ ጊዜ በአረብኛ ነበር የተጻፈዉ። አላህ ለቁራን ቃል...
Amharic Bible Reference is a free app designed to make it easy to learn and study the holly bible. Features like searching in amharic, audio bible and finding bible reference for any bible verse make it easy to study...
We offer you a free app to download the Quran, the sacred book of Islam, in Amharic language.Amharic speaking readers in Ethiopia will have a text of the Qur'an on line, easy to use and comprehensible.Download the best Quran...
Asmaul Husna Amharic - is the best Android App that helps you to listen, learn and memorize 99 Beautiful names of Allah in Amharic language. Alhamdulilah, we built this application with the intention of Dawah for Muslims and non-Muslims...
Amharic bible with Audio and all necessary function for bible study and spiritual growth. FEATURES✅ Search the Bible✅ Highlight Bible verses with different colors✅ Attach your notes to any Bible verse with integrated Amharic keyboard✅ Strong's Greek and Hebrew...
Amharic-English Holy Bible is simple and easy to use app to read and study the Holy Bible. It contains the Amharic text plus the English King James version of the Holy Bible. Amharic-English bible with Audio and all necessary...
Amharic English voice dictionary is designed for Amharic and English speakers for voice translation. This Talking dictionary works as offline voice translator of English to Amharic and Amharic to English. Just speak the Amharic word and get English translation...
This Amharic (Ethiopian) Bible is carefully designed to assist you any where with the word of God. It has unique user interface with search functionality, bookmark and highlight , Easy navigation between bible contents.Although Christianity became the state religion...
Amharic Holy Bible - Looking for the best Holy Bible app in your language, Amharic ? You come to the right place! This is the one best android app about Amharic Holy Bible, special for you. We are happy...
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